1,522 research outputs found

    Fault Detection and Isolation of Wind Turbines using Immune System Inspired Algorithms

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    Recently, the research focus on renewable sources of energy has been growing intensively. This is mainly due to potential depletion of fossil fuels and its associated environmental concerns, such as pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources of renewable energy, and policy makers in both developing and developed countries have built their vision on future energy supply based on and by emphasizing the wind power. The increase in the number of wind turbines, as well as their size, have led to undeniable care and attention to health and condition monitoring as well as fault diagnosis of wind turbine systems and their components. In this thesis, two main immune inspired algorithms are used to perform Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) of a Wind Turbine (WT), namely the Negative Selection Algorithm (NSA) as well as the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA). First, an NSA-based fault diagnosis methodology is proposed in which a hierarchical bank of NSAs is used to detect and isolate both individual as well as simultaneously occurring faults common to the wind turbines. A smoothing moving window filter is then utilized to further improve the reliability and performance of the proposed FDI scheme. Moreover, the performance of the proposed scheme is compared with the state-of-the-art data-driven technique, namely Support Vector Machine (SVM) to demonstrate and illustrate the superiority and advantages of the proposed NSA-based FDI scheme. Finally, a nonparametric statistical comparison test is implemented to evaluate the proposed methodology with that of the SVM under various fault severities. In the second part, another immune inspired methodology, namely the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) is used to perform online sensor fault FDI. A noise filter is also designed to attenuate the measurement noise, resulting in better FDI results. The proposed DCA-based FDI scheme is then compared with the previously developed NSA-based FDI scheme, and a nonparametric statistical comparison test is also performed. Both of the proposed immune inspired frameworks are applied to a well-known wind turbine benchmark model in order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodologies

    Automatic constraint-based synthesis of non-uniform rational B-spline surfaces

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    In this dissertation a technique for the synthesis of sculptured surface models subject to several constraints based on design and manufacturability requirements is presented. A design environment is specified as a collection of polyhedral models which represent components in the vicinity of the surface to be designed, or regions which the surface should avoid. Non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) are used for surface representation, and the control point locations are the design variables. For some problems the NURBS surface knots and/or weights are included as additional design variables. The primary functional constraint is a proximity metric which induces the surface to avoid a tolerance envelope around each component. Other functional constraints include: an area/arc-length constraint to counteract the expansion effect of the proximity constraint, orthogonality and parametric flow constraints (to maintain consistent surface topology and improve machinability of the surface), and local constraints on surface derivatives to exploit part symmetry. In addition, constraints based on surface curvatures may be incorporated to enhance machinability and induce the synthesis of developable surfaces;The surface synthesis problem is formulated as an optimization problem. Traditional optimization techniques such as quasi-Newton, Nelder-Mead simplex and conjugate gradient, yield only locally good surface models. Consequently, simulated annealing (SA), a global optimization technique is implemented. SA successfully synthesizes several highly multimodal surface models where the traditional optimization methods failed. Results indicate that this technique has potential applications as a conceptual design tool supporting concurrent product and process development methods

    Video surveillance systems-current status and future trends

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    Within this survey an attempt is made to document the present status of video surveillance systems. The main components of a surveillance system are presented and studied thoroughly. Algorithms for image enhancement, object detection, object tracking, object recognition and item re-identification are presented. The most common modalities utilized by surveillance systems are discussed, putting emphasis on video, in terms of available resolutions and new imaging approaches, like High Dynamic Range video. The most important features and analytics are presented, along with the most common approaches for image / video quality enhancement. Distributed computational infrastructures are discussed (Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing), describing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. The most important deep learning algorithms are presented, along with the smart analytics that they utilize. Augmented reality and the role it can play to a surveillance system is reported, just before discussing the challenges and the future trends of surveillance

    Inferential stability in systems biology

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    The modern biological sciences are fraught with statistical difficulties. Biomolecular stochasticity, experimental noise, and the “large p, small n” problem all contribute to the challenge of data analysis. Nevertheless, we routinely seek to draw robust, meaningful conclusions from observations. In this thesis, we explore methods for assessing the effects of data variability upon downstream inference, in an attempt to quantify and promote the stability of the inferences we make. We start with a review of existing methods for addressing this problem, focusing upon the bootstrap and similar methods. The key requirement for all such approaches is a statistical model that approximates the data generating process. We move on to consider biomarker discovery problems. We present a novel algorithm for proposing putative biomarkers on the strength of both their predictive ability and the stability with which they are selected. In a simulation study, we find our approach to perform favourably in comparison to strategies that select on the basis of predictive performance alone. We then consider the real problem of identifying protein peak biomarkers for HAM/TSP, an inflammatory condition of the central nervous system caused by HTLV-1 infection. We apply our algorithm to a set of SELDI mass spectral data, and identify a number of putative biomarkers. Additional experimental work, together with known results from the literature, provides corroborating evidence for the validity of these putative biomarkers. Having focused on static observations, we then make the natural progression to time course data sets. We propose a (Bayesian) bootstrap approach for such data, and then apply our method in the context of gene network inference and the estimation of parameters in ordinary differential equation models. We find that the inferred gene networks are relatively unstable, and demonstrate the importance of finding distributions of ODE parameter estimates, rather than single point estimates

    Integrated smoothed location model and data reduction approaches for multi variables classification

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    Smoothed Location Model is a classification rule that deals with mixture of continuous variables and binary variables simultaneously. This rule discriminates groups in a parametric form using conditional distribution of the continuous variables given each pattern of the binary variables. To conduct a practical classification analysis, the objects must first be sorted into the cells of a multinomial table generated from the binary variables. Then, the parameters in each cell will be estimated using the sorted objects. However, in many situations, the estimated parameters are poor if the number of binary is large relative to the size of sample. Large binary variables will create too many multinomial cells which are empty, leading to high sparsity problem and finally give exceedingly poor performance for the constructed rule. In the worst case scenario, the rule cannot be constructed. To overcome such shortcomings, this study proposes new strategies to extract adequate variables that contribute to optimum performance of the rule. Combinations of two extraction techniques are introduced, namely 2PCA and PCA+MCA with new cutpoints of eigenvalue and total variance explained, to determine adequate extracted variables which lead to minimum misclassification rate. The outcomes from these extraction techniques are used to construct the smoothed location models, which then produce two new approaches of classification called 2PCALM and 2DLM. Numerical evidence from simulation studies demonstrates that the computed misclassification rate indicates no significant difference between the extraction techniques in normal and non-normal data. Nevertheless, both proposed approaches are slightly affected for non-normal data and severely affected for highly overlapping groups. Investigations on some real data sets show that the two approaches are competitive with, and better than other existing classification methods. The overall findings reveal that both proposed approaches can be considered as improvement to the location model, and alternatives to other classification methods particularly in handling mixed variables with large binary size

    Transfer Learning using Computational Intelligence: A Survey

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    Abstract Transfer learning aims to provide a framework to utilize previously-acquired knowledge to solve new but similar problems much more quickly and effectively. In contrast to classical machine learning methods, transfer learning methods exploit the knowledge accumulated from data in auxiliary domains to facilitate predictive modeling consisting of different data patterns in the current domain. To improve the performance of existing transfer learning methods and handle the knowledge transfer process in real-world systems, ..

    Methods for Pattern Classification

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