22 research outputs found

    Parametric Identification of Temporal Properties

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    Given a dense-time real-valued signal and a parameterized temporal logic formula with both magnitude and timing parameters, we compute the subset of the parameter space that renders the formula satisfied by the trace. We provide two preliminary implementations, one which follows the exact semantics and attempts to compute the validity domain by quantifier elimination in linear arithmetics and one which conducts adaptive search in the parameter space

    An Efficient Formula Synthesis Method with Past Signal Temporal Logic

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    In this work, we propose a novel method to find temporal properties that lead to the unexpected behaviors from labeled dataset. We express these properties in past time Signal Temporal Logic (ptSTL). First, we present a novel approach for finding parameters of a template ptSTL formula, which extends the results on monotonicity based parameter synthesis. The proposed method optimizes a given monotone criteria while bounding an error. Then, we employ the parameter synthesis method in an iterative unguided formula synthesis framework. In particular, we combine optimized formulas iteratively to describe the causes of the labeled events while bounding the error. We illustrate the proposed framework on two examples.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, conference pape

    Learning Linear Temporal Properties

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    We present two novel algorithms for learning formulas in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from examples. The first learning algorithm reduces the learning task to a series of satisfiability problems in propositional Boolean logic and produces a smallest LTL formula (in terms of the number of subformulas) that is consistent with the given data. Our second learning algorithm, on the other hand, combines the SAT-based learning algorithm with classical algorithms for learning decision trees. The result is a learning algorithm that scales to real-world scenarios with hundreds of examples, but can no longer guarantee to produce minimal consistent LTL formulas. We compare both learning algorithms and demonstrate their performance on a wide range of synthetic benchmarks. Additionally, we illustrate their usefulness on the task of understanding executions of a leader election protocol

    Inferring Properties in Computation Tree Logic

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    We consider the problem of automatically inferring specifications in the branching-time logic, Computation Tree Logic (CTL), from a given system. Designing functional and usable specifications has always been one of the biggest challenges of formal methods. While in recent years, works have focused on automatically designing specifications in linear-time logics such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Signal Temporal Logic (STL), little attention has been given to branching-time logics despite its popularity in formal methods. We intend to infer concise (thus, interpretable) CTL formulas from a given finite state model of the system in consideration. However, inferring specification only from the given model (and, in general, from only positive examples) is an ill-posed problem. As a result, we infer a CTL formula that, along with being concise, is also language-minimal, meaning that it is rather specific to the given model. We design a counter-example guided algorithm to infer a concise and language-minimal CTL formula via the generation of undesirable models. In the process, we also develop, for the first time, a passive learning algorithm to infer CTL formulas from a set of desirable and undesirable Kripke structures. The passive learning algorithm involves encoding a popular CTL model-checking procedure in the Boolean Satisfiability problem