1,838 research outputs found

    A fully parameterized virtual coarse grained reconfigurable array for high performance computing applications

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have proven their potential in accelerating High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications. Conventionally such accelerators predominantly use, FPGAs that contain fine-grained elements such as LookUp Tables (LUTs), Switch Blocks (SB) and Connection Blocks (CB) as basic programmable logic blocks. However, the conventional implementation suffers from high reconfiguration and development costs. In order to solve this problem, programmable logic components are defined at a virtual higher abstraction level. These components are called Processing Elements (PEs) and the group of PEs along with the inter-connection network form an architecture called a Virtual Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (VCGRA). The abstraction helps to reconfigure the PEs faster at the intermediate level than at the lower-level of an FPGA. Conventional VCGRA implementations (built on top of the lower levels of the FPGA) use functional resources such as LUTs to establish required connections (intra-connect) within a PE. In this paper, we propose to use the parameterized reconfiguration technique to implement the intra-connections of each PE with the aim to reduce the FPGA resource utilization (LUTs). The technique is used to parameterize the intra-connections with parameters that only change their value infrequently (whenever a new VCGRA function has to be reconfigured) and that are implemented as constants. Since the design is optimized for these constants at every moment in time, this reduces the resource utilization. Further, interconnections (network between the multiple PEs) of the VCGRA grid can also be parameterized so that both the inter- and intraconnect network of the VCGRA grid can be mapped onto the physical switch blocks of the FPGA. For every change in parameter values a specialized bitstream is generated on the fly and the FPGA is reconfigured using the parameterized run-time reconfiguration technique. Our results show a drastic reduction in FPGA LUT resource utilization in the PE by at least 30% and in the intra-network of the PE by 31% when implementing an HPC application

    Efficient hardware debugging using parameterized FPGA reconfiguration

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    Functional errors and bugs inadvertently introduced at the RTL stage of the design process are responsible for the largest fraction of silicon IC re-spins. Thus, comprehensive func- tional verification is the key to reduce development costs and to deliver a product in time. The increasing demands for verification led to an increase in FPGA-based tools that perform emulation. These tools can run at much higher operating frequencies and achieve higher coverage than simulation. However, an important pitfall of the FPGA tools is that they suffer from limited internal signal observability, as only a small and preselected set of signals is guided towards (embedded) trace buffers and observed. This paper proposes a dynamically reconfigurable network of multiplexers that significantly enhance the visibility of internal signals. It allows the designer to dynamically change the small set of internal signals to be observed, virtually enlarging the set of observed signals significantly. These multiplexers occupy minimal space, as they are implemented by the FPGA’s routing infrastructure

    Automatic generation of hardware Tree Classifiers

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    Machine Learning is growing in popularity and spreading across different fields for various applications. Due to this trend, machine learning algorithms use different hardware platforms and are being experimented to obtain high test accuracy and throughput. FPGAs are well-suited hardware platform for machine learning because of its re-programmability and lower power consumption. Programming using FPGAs for machine learning algorithms requires substantial engineering time and effort compared to software implementation. We propose a software assisted design flow to program FPGA for machine learning algorithms using our hardware library. The hardware library is highly parameterized and it accommodates Tree Classifiers. As of now, our library consists of the components required to implement decision trees and random forests. The whole automation is wrapped around using a python script which takes you from the first step of having a dataset and design choices to the last step of having a hardware descriptive code for the trained machine learning model

    Data path analysis for dynamic circuit specialisation

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    Dynamic Circuit Specialisation (DCS) is a method that exploits the reconfigurability of modern FPGAs to allow the specialisation of FPGA circuits at run-time. Currently, it is only explored as part of Register-transfer level design. However, at the Register-transfer level (RTL), a large part of the design is already locked in. Therefore, maximally exploiting the opportunities of DCS could require a costly redesign. It would be interesting to already have insight in the opportunities for DCS from the higher abstraction level. Moreover, the general design trend in FPGA design is to work on higher abstraction levels and let tool(s) translate this higher level description to RTL. This paper presents the first profiler that, based on the high-level description of an application, estimates the benefits of an implementation using DCS. This allows a designer to determine much earlier in the design cycle whether or not DCS would be interesting. The high-level profiling methodology was implemented and tested on a set of PID designs
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