7 research outputs found

    Temporal blocking of finite-difference stencil operators with sparse "off-the-grid" sources

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    Stencil kernels dominate a range of scientific applications, including seismic and medical imaging, image processing, and neural networks. Temporal blocking is a performance optimization that aims to reduce the required memory bandwidth of stencil computations by re-using data from the cache for multiple time steps. It has already been shown to be beneficial for this class of algorithms. However, applying temporal blocking to practical applications' stencils remains challenging. These computations often consist of sparsely located operators not aligned with the computational grid (“off-the-grid”). Our work is motivated by modelling problems in which source injections result in wavefields that must then be measured at receivers by interpolation from the grided wavefield. The resulting data dependencies make the adoption of temporal blocking much more challenging. We propose a methodology to inspect these data dependencies and reorder the computation, leading to performance gains in stencil codes where temporal blocking has not been applicable. We implement this novel scheme in the Devito domain-specific compiler toolchain. Devito implements a domain-specific language embedded in Python to generate optimized partial differential equation solvers using the finite-difference method from high-level symbolic problem definitions. We evaluate our scheme using isotropic acoustic, anisotropic acoustic, and isotropic elastic wave propagators of industrial significance. After auto-tuning, performance evaluation shows that this enables substantial performance improvement through temporal blocking over highly-optimized vectorized spatially-blocked code of up to 1.6x

    Autotuning Stencil Computations with Structural Ordinal Regression Learning

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    Stencil computations expose a large and complex space of equivalent implementations. These computations often rely on autotuning techniques, based on iterative compilation or machine learning (ML), to achieve high performance. Iterative compilation autotuning is a challenging and time-consuming task that may be unaffordable in many scenarios. Meanwhile, traditional ML autotuning approaches exploiting classification algorithms (such as neural networks and support vector machines) face difficulties in capturing all features of large search spaces. This paper proposes a new way of automatically tuning stencil computations based on structural learning. By organizing the training data in a set of partially-sorted samples (i.e., rankings), the problem is formulated as a ranking prediction model, which translates to an ordinal regression problem. Our approach can be coupled with an iterative compilation method or used as a standalone autotuner. We demonstrate its potential by comparing it with state-of-the-art iterative compilation methods on a set of nine stencil codes and by analyzing the quality of the obtained ranking in terms of Kendall rank correlation coefficients

    Automated cache optimisations of stencil computations for partial differential equations

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    This thesis focuses on numerical methods that solve partial differential equations. Our focal point is the finite difference method, which solves partial differential equations by approximating derivatives with explicit finite differences. These partial differential equation solvers consist of stencil computations on structured grids. Stencils for computing real-world practical applications are patterns often characterised by many memory accesses and non-trivial arithmetic expressions that lead to high computational costs compared to simple stencils used in much prior proof-of-concept work. In addition, the loop nests to express stencils on structured grids may often be complicated. This work is highly motivated by a specific domain of stencil computations where one of the challenges is non-aligned to the structured grid ("off-the-grid") operations. These operations update neighbouring grid points through scatter and gather operations via non-affine memory accesses, such as {A[B[i]]}. In addition to this challenge, these practical stencils often include many computation fields (need to store multiple grid copies), complex data dependencies and imperfect loop nests. In this work, we aim to increase the performance of stencil kernel execution. We study automated cache-memory-dependent optimisations for stencil computations. This work consists of two core parts with their respective contributions.The first part of our work tries to reduce the data movement in stencil computations of practical interest. Data movement is a dominant factor affecting the performance of high-performance computing applications. It has long been a target of optimisations due to its impact on execution time and energy consumption. This thesis tries to relieve this cost by applying temporal blocking optimisations, also known as time-tiling, to stencil computations. Temporal blocking is a well-known technique to enhance data reuse in stencil computations. However, it is rarely used in practical applications but rather in theoretical examples to prove its efficacy. Applying temporal blocking to scientific simulations is more complex. More specifically, in this work, we focus on the application context of seismic and medical imaging. In this area, we often encounter scatter and gather operations due to signal sources and receivers at arbitrary locations in the computational domain. These operations make the application of temporal blocking challenging. We present an approach to overcome this challenge and successfully apply temporal blocking.In the second part of our work, we extend the first part as an automated approach targeting a wide range of simulations modelled with partial differential equations. Since temporal blocking is error-prone, tedious to apply by hand and highly complex to assimilate theoretically and practically, we are motivated to automate its application and automatically generate code that benefits from it. We discuss algorithmic approaches and present a generalised compiler pipeline to automate the application of temporal blocking. These passes are written in the Devito compiler. They are used to accelerate the computation of stencil kernels in areas such as seismic and medical imaging, computational fluid dynamics and machine learning. \href{www.devitoproject.org}{Devito} is a Python package to implement optimised stencil computation (e.g., finite differences, image processing, machine learning) from high-level symbolic problem definitions. Devito builds on \href{www.sympy.org}{SymPy} and employs automated code generation and just-in-time compilation to execute optimised computational kernels on several computer platforms, including CPUs, GPUs, and clusters thereof. We show how we automate temporal blocking code generation without user intervention and often achieve better time-to-solution. We enable domain-specific optimisation through compiler passes and offer temporal blocking gains from a high-level symbolic abstraction. These automated optimisations benefit various computational kernels for solving real-world application problems.Open Acces

    Software for Exascale Computing - SPPEXA 2016-2019

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    This open access book summarizes the research done and results obtained in the second funding phase of the Priority Program 1648 "Software for Exascale Computing" (SPPEXA) of the German Research Foundation (DFG) presented at the SPPEXA Symposium in Dresden during October 21-23, 2019. In that respect, it both represents a continuation of Vol. 113 in Springer’s series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, the corresponding report of SPPEXA’s first funding phase, and provides an overview of SPPEXA’s contributions towards exascale computing in today's sumpercomputer technology. The individual chapters address one or more of the research directions (1) computational algorithms, (2) system software, (3) application software, (4) data management and exploration, (5) programming, and (6) software tools. The book has an interdisciplinary appeal: scholars from computational sub-fields in computer science, mathematics, physics, or engineering will find it of particular interest

    Automatic Loop Nest Parallelization for the Predictable Execution Model

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    Currently, embedded real-time systems still widely use single-core processors. A major challenge in the adoption of multicore processors is the presence of shared hardware resources such as main memory. Contention between threads executing on different cores for access to such resources makes it difficult to tightly estimate the Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) of applications. To safely employ multicore processors in real-time systems, previous work has introduced a PRedictable Execution Model (PREM) for embedded Multi-Processor Systems-on-a-Chip (MPSoCs). Under PREM, each thread is divided into memory phases, where the code and data required by the thread are moved from main memory to a local memory (cache or scratchpad) or vice versa, and execution phases, where the thread computes based on the code and data available in local memory. Memory phases are then scheduled by the Operating System (OS) to avoid contention among threads, thus resulting in tight WCET bounds. The main challenge in applying the model is to automatically generate optimized PREM-compliant code instead of rewriting programs manually. Note that many programs of interests, such as emerging AI and neural network kernels, comprise both compute-intensive and memory-intensive deeply nested loops. Hence, PREM code generation and optimization should be applicable to nested loop structures and consider whether performance is constrained by computation or memory transfers. In this thesis, we address the problem of automatically parallelizing and optimizing nested loop structure programs by presenting a workflow that automatically generates PREM-compliant optimized code. To correctly model the structure of nested loop programs, we leverage existing polyhedral compilation tools that analyze the original program and generate optimized executables. Two main techniques are adopted for optimization: loop tiling and parallelization. We build a timing model to estimate the length of execution and memory phases, and then construct a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of program phases to estimate its makespan. During this process, our framework searches for the combination of tile sizes and thread numbers that minimize the makespan of the program; given the complexity of the optimization problem, we design a heuristic algorithm to find solutions close to the optimal. Finally, to show its usefulness, we evaluate our technique based on the Gem5 architectural simulator on computational kernels from the PolyBench-NN benchmark