67 research outputs found

    The Graph Motif problem parameterized by the structure of the input graph

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    The Graph Motif problem was introduced in 2006 in the context of biological networks. It consists of deciding whether or not a multiset of colors occurs in a connected subgraph of a vertex-colored graph. Graph Motif has been mostly analyzed from the standpoint of parameterized complexity. The main parameters which came into consideration were the size of the multiset and the number of colors. Though, in the many applications of Graph Motif, the input graph originates from real-life and has structure. Motivated by this prosaic observation, we systematically study its complexity relatively to graph structural parameters. For a wide range of parameters, we give new or improved FPT algorithms, or show that the problem remains intractable. For the FPT cases, we also give some kernelization lower bounds as well as some ETH-based lower bounds on the worst case running time. Interestingly, we establish that Graph Motif is W[1]-hard (while in W[P]) for parameter max leaf number, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first problem to behave this way.Comment: 24 pages, accepted in DAM, conference version in IPEC 201

    The Graph Motif Problem Parameterized by the Structure of the Input Graph

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    The Graph Motif problem was introduced in 2006 in the context of biological networks. It consists of deciding whether or not a multiset of colors occurs in a connected subgraph of a vertex-colored graph. Graph Motif has been analyzed from the standpoint of parameterized complexity. The main parameters which came into consideration were the size of the multiset and the number of colors. Though, in the many applications of Graph Motif, the input graph originates from real-life and has structure. Motivated by this prosaic observation, we systematically study its complexity relatively to graph structural parameters. For a wide range of parameters, we give new or improved FPT algorithms, or show that the problem remains intractable. Interestingly, we establish that Graph Motif is W[1]-hard (while in W[P]) for parameter max leaf number, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first problem to behave this way

    Graph Motif Problems Parameterized by Dual

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    Let G=(V,E) be a vertex-colored graph, where C is the set of colors used to color V. The Graph Motif (or GM) problem takes as input G, a multiset M of colors built from C, and asks whether there is a subset S subseteq V such that (i) G[S] is connected and (ii) the multiset of colors obtained from S equals M. The Colorful Graph Motif problem (or CGM) is a constrained version of GM in which M=C, and the List-Colored Graph Motif problem (or LGM) is the extension of GM in which each vertex v of V may choose its color from a list L(v) of colors. We study the three problems GM, CGM and LGM, parameterized by l:=|V|-|M|. In particular, for general graphs, we show that, assuming the strong exponential-time hypothesis, CGM has no (2-epsilon)^l * |V|^{O(1)}-time algorithm, which implies that a previous algorithm, running in O(2^lcdot |E|) time is optimal. We also prove that LGM is W[1]-hard even if we restrict ourselves to lists of at most two colors. If we constrain the input graph to be a tree, then we show that, in contrast to CGM, GM can be solved in O(4^l *|V|) time but admits no polynomial kernel, while CGM can be solved in O(sqrt{2}^l + |V|) time and admits a polynomial kernel

    A Fast Counting Method for 6-motifs with Low Connectivity

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    A kk-motif (or graphlet) is a subgraph on kk nodes in a graph or network. Counting of motifs in complex networks has been a well-studied problem in network analysis of various real-word graphs arising from the study of social networks and bioinformatics. In particular, the triangle counting problem has received much attention due to its significance in understanding the behavior of social networks. Similarly, subgraphs with more than 3 nodes have received much attention recently. While there have been successful methods developed on this problem, most of the existing algorithms are not scalable to large networks with millions of nodes and edges. The main contribution of this paper is a preliminary study that genaralizes the exact counting algorithm provided by Pinar, Seshadhri and Vishal to a collection of 6-motifs. This method uses the counts of motifs with smaller size to obtain the counts of 6-motifs with low connecivity, that is, containing a cut-vertex or a cut-edge. Therefore, it circumvents the combinatorial explosion that naturally arises when counting subgraphs in large networks

    Parameterized algorithms and hardness results for some graph motif problems

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    Abstract. We study the NP-complete Graph Motif problem: given a vertex-colored graph G = (V, E) and a multiset M of colors, does there exist an S ⊆ V such that G[S] is connected and carries exactly (also with respect to multiplicity) the colors in M ? We present an improved randomized algorithm for Graph Motif with running time O(4.32 . We extend our algorithm to list-colored graph vertices and the case where the motif G[S] needs not be connected. By way of contrast, we show that extending the request for motif connectedness to the somewhat "more robust" motif demands of biconnectedness or bridgeconnectedness leads to W[1]-complete problems. Actually, we show that the even simpler problems of finding biconnected or bridge-connected subgraphs are W[1]-complete with respect to the subgraph size. Answering an open question from the literature, we further show that the parameter number of connected motif components leads to W[1]-hardness even when restricted to the very special case of graphs that are paths

    Linear Time Subgraph Counting, Graph Degeneracy, and the Chasm at Size Six

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    We consider the problem of counting all k-vertex subgraphs in an input graph, for any constant k. This problem (denoted SUB-CNT_k) has been studied extensively in both theory and practice. In a classic result, Chiba and Nishizeki (SICOMP 85) gave linear time algorithms for clique and 4-cycle counting for bounded degeneracy graphs. This is a rich class of sparse graphs that contains, for example, all minor-free families and preferential attachment graphs. The techniques from this result have inspired a number of recent practical algorithms for SUB-CNT_k. Towards a better understanding of the limits of these techniques, we ask: for what values of k can SUB_CNT_k be solved in linear time? We discover a chasm at k=6. Specifically, we prove that for k < 6, SUB_CNT_k can be solved in linear time. Assuming a standard conjecture in fine-grained complexity, we prove that for all k ? 6, SUB-CNT_k cannot be solved even in near-linear time

    The Parameterized Complexity of Centrality Improvement in Networks

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    The centrality of a vertex v in a network intuitively captures how important v is for communication in the network. The task of improving the centrality of a vertex has many applications, as a higher centrality often implies a larger impact on the network or less transportation or administration cost. In this work we study the parameterized complexity of the NP-complete problems Closeness Improvement and Betweenness Improvement in which we ask to improve a given vertex' closeness or betweenness centrality by a given amount through adding a given number of edges to the network. Herein, the closeness of a vertex v sums the multiplicative inverses of distances of other vertices to v and the betweenness sums for each pair of vertices the fraction of shortest paths going through v. Unfortunately, for the natural parameter "number of edges to add" we obtain hardness results, even in rather restricted cases. On the positive side, we also give an island of tractability for the parameter measuring the vertex deletion distance to cluster graphs
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