221 research outputs found

    Estimation of Inverse Weibull Distribution Under Type-I Hybrid Censoring

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    The hybrid censoring is a mixture of Type I and Type II censoring schemes. This paper presents the statistical inferences of the Inverse Weibull distribution when the data are Type-I hybrid censored. First we consider the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters. It is observed that the maximum likelihood estimators can not be obtained in closed form. We further obtain the Bayes estimators and the corresponding highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters under the assumption of independent gamma priors using the importance sampling procedure. We also compute the approximate Bayes estimators using Lindley's approximation technique. We have performed a simulation study and a real data analysis in order to compare the proposed Bayes estimators with the maximum likelihood estimators.Comment: This paper is under review in the Austrian Journal of Statistics and will likely be published ther

    Predicting Failure times for some Unobserved Events with Application to Real-Life Data

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    This study aims to predict failure times for some units in some lifetime experiments. In some practical situations, the experimenter may not be able to register the failure times of all units during the experiment. Recently, this situation can be described by a new type of censored data called multiply-hybrid censored data. In this paper, the linear failure rate distribution is well-fitted to some real-life data and hence some statistical inference approaches are applied to estimate the distribution parameters. A two-sample prediction approach applied to extrapolate a new sample simulates the observed data for predicting the failure times for the unobserved units

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Length biased Burr- XII Distribution with Censored Sample

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    In this paper, defined by [1],the maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters of the LBB-XII distribution are studied.Also, different types of censoring, such as, type I, type II. A simulation study is perform to evaluate the maximum likelihood estimates

    Different Estimation Methods and Joint Condence Region for the Inverse Burr Distribution Based on Progressively First-Failure Censored Sample with Application to the Nanodroplet Data

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    In this article, the point and interval estimation of parameters for an in-verse Burr distribution based on progressively rst-failure censored sampleis studied. In point estimation, the maximum likelihood and Bayesian meth-ods are developed for estimating the unknown parameters. An expectation-maximization algorithm is applied for computing the maximum likelihoodestimators. The Bayes estimates relative to both the symmetric and asym-metric loss functions are provided using the Lindley's approximation andthe Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. In interval estimation, approximate andexact condence intervals with the exact condence region for the two parameters have been introduced. Moreover, the proposed methods are carriedout to a real data set contains the spreading of nanodroplet impingementonto a solid surface in order to demonstrate the applicabilities
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