774 research outputs found


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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are very useful in many application areas including battlefield surveillance, environment monitoring and target tracking, industrial processes and health monitoring and control. The classical WSNs are composed of large number of densely deployed sensors, where sensors are battery-powered devices with limited signal processing capabilities. In the crowdsourcing based WSNs, users who carry devices with built-in sensors are recruited as sensors. In both WSNs, the sensors send their observations regarding the target to a central node called the fusion center for final inference. With limited resources, such as limited communication bandwidth among the WSNs and limited sensor battery power, it is important to investigate algorithms which consider the trade-off between system performance and energy cost in the WSNs. The goal of this thesis is to study the sensor management problems in resource limited WSNs while performing target localization or tracking tasks. Most research on sensor management problems in classical WSNs assumes that the number of sensors to be selected is given a priori, which is often not true in practice. Moreover, sensor network design usually involves consideration of multiple conflicting objectives, such as maximization of the lifetime of the network or the inference performance, while minimizing the cost of resources such as energy, communication or deployment costs. Thus, in this thesis, we formulate the sensor management problem in a classical resource limited WSN as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP), whose goal is to find a set of sensor selection strategies which re- veal the trade-off between the target tracking performance and the number of selected sensors to perform the task. In this part of the thesis, we propose a novel mutual information upper bound (MIUB) based sensor selection scheme, which has low computational complexity, same as the Fisher information (FI) based sensor selection scheme, and gives estimation performance similar to the mutual information (MI) based sensor selection scheme. Without knowing the number of sensors to be selected a priori, the MOP gives a set of sensor selection strategies that reveal different trade-offs between two conflicting objectives: minimization of the number of selected sensors and minimization of the gap between the performance metric (MIUB and FI) when all the sensors transmit measurements and when only the selected sensors transmit their measurements based on the sensor selection strategy. Crowdsourcing has been applied to sensing applications recently where users carrying devices with built-in sensors are allowed or even encouraged to contribute toward the inference tasks. Crowdsourcing based WSNs provide cost effectiveness since a dedicated sensing infrastructure is no longer needed for different inference tasks, also, such architectures allow ubiquitous coverage. Most sensing applications and systems assume voluntary participation of users. However, users consume their resources while participating in a sensing task, and they may also have concerns regarding their privacy. At the same time, the limitation on communication bandwidth requires proper management of the participating users. Thus, there is a need to design optimal mechanisms which perform selection of the sensors in an efficient manner as well as providing appropriate incentives to the users to motivate their participation. In this thesis, optimal mechanisms are designed for sensor management problems in crowdsourcing based WSNs where the fusion center (FC) con- ducts auctions by soliciting bids from the selfish sensors, which reflect how much they value their energy cost. Furthermore, the rationality and truthfulness of the sensors are guaranteed in our model. Moreover, different considerations are included in the mechanism design approaches: 1) the sensors send analog bids to the FC, 2) the sensors are only allowed to send quantized bids to the FC because of communication limitations or some privacy issues, 3) the state of charge (SOC) of the sensors affects the energy consumption of the sensors in the mechanism, and, 4) the FC and the sensors communicate in a two-sided market

    Machine learning for smart building applications: Review and taxonomy

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    Ā© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. The use of machine learning (ML) in smart building applications is reviewed in this article. We split existing solutions into two main classes: occupant-centric versus energy/devices-centric. The first class groups solutions that use ML for aspects related to the occupants, including (1) occupancy estimation and identification, (2) activity recognition, and (3) estimating preferences and behavior. The second class groups solutions that use ML to estimate aspects related either to energy or devices. They are divided into three categories: (1) energy profiling and demand estimation, (2) appliances profiling and fault detection, and (3) inference on sensors. Solutions in each category are presented, discussed, and compared; open perspectives and research trends are discussed as well. Compared to related state-of-the-art survey papers, the contribution herein is to provide a comprehensive and holistic review from the ML perspectives rather than architectural and technical aspects of existing building management systems. This is by considering all types of ML tools, buildings, and several categories of applications, and by structuring the taxonomy accordingly. The article ends with a summary discussion of the presented works, with focus on lessons learned, challenges, open and future directions of research in this field

    Sensor-based ICT Systems for Smart Societies

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    High-level Information Fusion for Constrained SMC Methods and Applications

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    Information Fusion is a field that studies processes utilizing data from various input sources, and techniques exploiting this data to produce estimates and knowledge about objects and situations. On the other hand, human computation is a new and evolving research area that uses human intelligence to solve computational problems that are beyond the scope of existing artificial intelligence algorithms. In previous systems, humans' role was mostly restricted for analysing a finished fusion product; however, in the current systems the role of humans is an integral element in a distributed framework, where many tasks can be accomplished by either humans or machines. Moreover, some information can be provided only by humans not machines, because the observational capabilities and opportunities for traditional electronic (hard) sensors are limited. A source-reliability-adaptive distributed non-linear estimation method applicable to a number of distributed state estimation problems is proposed. The proposed method requires only local data exchange among neighbouring sensor nodes. It therefore provides enhanced reliability, scalability, and ease of deployment. In particular, by taking into account the estimation reliability of each sensor node at any point in time, it yields a more robust distributed estimation. To perform the Multi-Model Particle Filtering (MMPF) in an adaptive distributed manner, a Gaussian approximation of the particle cloud obtained at each sensor node, along with a weighted Consensus Propagation (CP)-based distributed data aggregation scheme, are deployed to dynamically re-weight the particle clouds. The filtering is a soft-data-constrained variant of multi-model particle filter, and is capable of processing both soft human-generated data and conventional hard sensory data. If permanent noise occurs in the estimation provided by a sensor node, due to either a faulty sensing device or misleading soft data, the contribution of that node in the weighted consensus process is immediately reduced in order to alleviate its effect on the estimation provided by the neighbouring nodes and the entire network. The robustness of the proposed source-reliability-adaptive distributed estimation method is demonstrated through simulation results for agile target tracking scenarios. Agility here refers to cases in which the observed dynamics of targets deviate from the given probabilistic characterization. Furthermore, the same concept is applied to model soft data constrained multiple-model Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter that can track agile multiple targets with non-linear dynamics, which is a challenging problem. In this case, a Sequential Monte Carlo-Probability Hypothesis Density (SMC-PHD) filter deploys a Random Set (RS) theoretic formulation, along with Sequential Monte Carlo approximation, a variant of Bayes filtering. In general, the performance of Bayesian filtering-based methods can be enhanced by using extra information incorporated as specific constraints into the filtering process. Following the same principle, the new approach uses a constrained variant of the SMC-PHD filter, in which a fuzzy logic approach is used to transform the inherently vague human-generated data into a set of constraints. These constraints are then enforced on the filtering process by applying them as coefficients to the particles' weights. Because the human generated Soft Data (SD), reports on target-agility level, the proposed constrained-filtering approach is capable of dealing with multiple agile target tracking scenarios

    Machine Learning and Citizen Science Approaches for Monitoring the Changing Environment

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    This dissertation will combine new tools and methodologies to answer pressing questions regarding inundation area and hurricane events in complex, heterogeneous changing environments. In addition to remote sensing approaches, citizen science and machine learning are both emerging fields that harness advancing technology to answer environmental management and disaster response questions.Comment: PhD thesis, Environment and Resources, U Wisconson Madison (2021

    Trust-based algorithms for fusing crowdsourced estimates of continuous quantities

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    Crowdsourcing has provided a viable way of gathering information at unprecedented volumes and speed by engaging individuals to perform simple microā€“tasks. In particular, the crowdsourcing paradigm has been successfully applied to participatory sensing, in which the users perform sensing tasks and provide data using their mobile devices. In this way, people can help solve complex environmental sensing tasks, such as weather monitoring, nuclear radiation monitoring and cell tower mapping, in a highly decentralised and parallelised fashion. Traditionally, crowdsourcing technologies were primarily used for gathering data for classifications and image labelling tasks. In contrast, such crowdā€“based participatory sensing poses new challenges that relate to (i) dealing with humanā€“reported sensor data that are available in the form of continuous estimates of an observed quantity such as a location, a temperature or a sound reading, (ii) dealing with possible spatial and temporal correlations within the data and (ii) issues of data trustworthiness due to the unknown capabilities and incentives of the participants and their devices. Solutions to these challenges need to be able to combine the data provided by multiple users to ensure the accuracy and the validity of the aggregated results. With this in mind, our goal is to provide methods to better aid the aggregation process of crowdā€“reported sensor estimates of continuous quantities when data are provided by individuals of varying trustworthiness. To achieve this, we develop a trustā€“based in- formation fusion framework that incorporates latent trustworthiness traits of the users within the data fusion process. Through this framework, we develop a set of four novel algorithms (MaxTrust, BACE, TrustGP and TrustLGCP) to compute reliable aggregations of the usersā€™ reports in both the settings of observing a stationary quantity (Max- Trust and BACE) and a spatially distributed phenomenon (TrustGP and TrustLGCP). The key feature of all these algorithm is the ability of (i) learning the trustworthiness of each individual who provide the data and (ii) exploit this latent userā€™s trustworthiness information to compute a more accurate fused estimate. In particular, this is achieved by using a probabilistic framework that allows our methods to simultaneously learn the fused estimate and the usersā€™ trustworthiness from the crowd reports. We validate our algorithms in four key application areas (cell tower mapping, WiFi networks mapping, nuclear radiation monitoring and disaster response) that demonstrate the practical impact of our framework to achieve substantially more accurate and informative predictions compared to the existing fusion methods. We expect that results of this thesis will allow to build more reliable data fusion algorithms for the broad class of humanā€“centred information systems (e.g., recommendation systems, peer reviewing systems, student grading tools) that are based on making decisions upon subjective opinions provided by their users
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