3 research outputs found

    An Instantaneous Framework For Concurrency Bug Detection

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    Concurrency bug detection is important to guarantee the correct behavior of multithread programs. However, existing static techniques are expensive with false positives, and dynamic analyses cannot expose all potential bugs. This thesis presents an ultra-efficient concurrency analysis framework, D4, that detects concurrency bugs (e.g., data races and deadlocks) “instantly” in the programming phase. As developers add, modify, and remove statements, the changes are sent to D4 to detect concurrency bugs on-the-fly, which in turn provides immediate feedback to the developer of the new bugs. D4 includes a novel system design and two novel parallel incremental algorithms that embrace both change and parallelization for fundamental static analyses of concurrent programs. Both algorithms react to program changes by memoizing the analysis results and only recomputing the impact of a change in parallel without any redundant computation. Our evaluation on an extensive collection of large real-world applications shows that D4 efficiently pinpoints concurrency bugs within 10ms on average after a code change, several orders of magnitude faster than both the exhaustive analysis and the state-of-the-art incremental techniques


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    High-level abstractions for parallel programming are still immature. Computations on complicated data structures such as pointer structures are considered as irregular algorithms. General graph structures, which irregular algorithms generally deal with, are difficult to divide and conquer. Because the divide-and-conquer paradigm is essential for load balancing in parallel algorithms and a key to parallel programming, general graphs are reasonably difficult. However, trees lead to divide-and-conquer computations by definition and are sufficiently general and powerful as a tool of programming. We therefore deal with abstractions of tree-based computations. Our study has started from Matsuzaki’s work on tree skeletons. We have improved the usability of tree skeletons by enriching their implementation aspect. Specifically, we have dealt with two issues. We first have implemented the loose coupling between skeletons and data structures and developed a flexible tree skeleton library. We secondly have implemented a parallelizer that transforms sequential recursive functions in C into parallel programs that use tree skeletons implicitly. This parallelizer hides the complicated API of tree skeletons and makes programmers to use tree skeletons with no burden. Unfortunately, the practicality of tree skeletons, however, has not been improved. On the basis of the observations from the practice of tree skeletons, we deal with two application domains: program analysis and neighborhood computation. In the domain of program analysis, compilers treat input programs as control-flow graphs (CFGs) and perform analysis on CFGs. Program analysis is therefore difficult to divide and conquer. To resolve this problem, we have developed divide-and-conquer methods for program analysis in a syntax-directed manner on the basis of Rosen’s high-level approach. Specifically, we have dealt with data-flow analysis based on Tarjan’s formalization and value-graph construction based on a functional formalization. In the domain of neighborhood computations, a primary issue is locality. A naive parallel neighborhood computation without locality enhancement causes a lot of cache misses. The divide-and-conquer paradigm is known to be useful also for locality enhancement. We therefore have applied algebraic formalizations and a tree-segmenting technique derived from tree skeletons to the locality enhancement of neighborhood computations.電気通信大学201

    Configurable and Sound Static Analysis of JavaScript: Techniques and Applications

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    JavaScript is widespread. Web developers use JavaScript to enrich user experience via dynamic content ranging from scripts to enhance a web page's appearance, to full-blown web applications, to extending the functionality of web browsers in the form of browser addons. Desktop developers use JavaScript, e.g., for OS applications in Windows 8. JavaScript's growing prominence means that secure, correct, and fast JavaScript code is becoming ever more critical. Static analysis traditionally plays a large role in providing these characteristics: it can be used for security auditing, error-checking, debugging, optimization, and program refactoring, among other uses. Thus, a sound, precise static analysis platform for JavaScript can be of enormous advantage.In this thesis, we present our work on creating a sound, precise, configurable and fast static analysis for JavaScript called JSAI that we have made openly available to the research community. JSAI is both a practical tool for JavaScript static analysis and also a research platform for experimenting with static analysis techniques. JSAI showcases a number of novel techniques to soundly compute a combination of type inference, pointer analysis, control-flow analysis, string analysis, and integer and boolean constant propagation for JavaScript programs. It also provides a unique method for modularly configuring analysis precision that is based on fundamental new insights into the theory of static analysis. We describe precision-increasing techniques for the analysis using type refinement; and performance-increasing techniques for the analysis based on parallelization of JSAI. As an example use-case for JSAI, we discuss a novel security analysis for JavaScript-based browser addon vetting