868 research outputs found

    SourcererCC: Scaling Code Clone Detection to Big Code

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    Despite a decade of active research, there is a marked lack in clone detectors that scale to very large repositories of source code, in particular for detecting near-miss clones where significant editing activities may take place in the cloned code. We present SourcererCC, a token-based clone detector that targets three clone types, and exploits an index to achieve scalability to large inter-project repositories using a standard workstation. SourcererCC uses an optimized inverted-index to quickly query the potential clones of a given code block. Filtering heuristics based on token ordering are used to significantly reduce the size of the index, the number of code-block comparisons needed to detect the clones, as well as the number of required token-comparisons needed to judge a potential clone. We evaluate the scalability, execution time, recall and precision of SourcererCC, and compare it to four publicly available and state-of-the-art tools. To measure recall, we use two recent benchmarks, (1) a large benchmark of real clones, BigCloneBench, and (2) a Mutation/Injection-based framework of thousands of fine-grained artificial clones. We find SourcererCC has both high recall and precision, and is able to scale to a large inter-project repository (250MLOC) using a standard workstation.Comment: Accepted for publication at ICSE'16 (preprint, unrevised

    Cloudflow – A Framework for MapReduce Pipeline Development in Biomedical Research

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    The data-driven parallelization framework Hadoop MapReduce allows analysing large data sets in a scalable way. Since the development of MapReduce programs can be a time-intensive and challenging task, the application and usage of Hadoop in Biomedical Research is still limited. Here we resent Cloudflow, a high-level framework to hide the implementation details of Hadoop and to provide a set of building blocks to create biomedical pipelines in a more intuitive way. We demonstrate the benefit of Cloudflow on three different genetic use cases. It will be shown how the framework can be combined with the Hadoop workflow system Cloudgene and the cloud orchestration platform CloudMan to provide Hadoop pipelines as a service to everyone

    Cloudflow – A Framework for MapReduce Pipeline Development in Biomedical Research

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    - The data-driven parallelization framework Hadoop MapReduce allows analysing large data sets in a scalable way. Since the development of MapReduce programs can be a time-intensive and challenging task, the application and usage of Hadoop in Biomedical Research is still limited. Here we present Cloudflow, a high-level framework to hide the implementation details of Hadoop and to provide a set of building blocks to create biomedical pipelines in a more intuitive way. We demonstrate the benefit of Cloudflow on three different genetic use cases. It will be shown how the framework can be combined with the Hadoop workflow system Cloudgene and the cloud orchestration platform CloudMan to provide Hadoop pipelines as a service to everyone. The framework is open source and free available at https://github.com/genepi/cloudflow. Document type: Conference objec

    CapillaryX: A Software Design Pattern for Analyzing Medical Images in Real-time using Deep Learning

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    Recent advances in digital imaging, e.g., increased number of pixels captured, have meant that the volume of data to be processed and analyzed from these images has also increased. Deep learning algorithms are state-of-the-art for analyzing such images, given their high accuracy when trained with a large data volume of data. Nevertheless, such analysis requires considerable computational power, making such algorithms time- and resource-demanding. Such high demands can be met by using third-party cloud service providers. However, analyzing medical images using such services raises several legal and privacy challenges and does not necessarily provide real-time results. This paper provides a computing architecture that locally and in parallel can analyze medical images in real-time using deep learning thus avoiding the legal and privacy challenges stemming from uploading data to a third-party cloud provider. To make local image processing efficient on modern multi-core processors, we utilize parallel execution to offset the resource-intensive demands of deep neural networks. We focus on a specific medical-industrial case study, namely the quantifying of blood vessels in microcirculation images for which we have developed a working system. It is currently used in an industrial, clinical research setting as part of an e-health application. Our results show that our system is approximately 78% faster than its serial system counterpart and 12% faster than a master-slave parallel system architecture

    CapillaryX: A Software Design Pattern for Analyzing Medical Images in Real-time using Deep Learning

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    Abstract Recent advances in digital imaging, e.g., increased number of pixels captured, have meant that the volume of data to be processed and analyzed from these images has also increased. Deep learning algorithms are state-of-the-art for analyzing such images, given their high accuracy when trained with a large data volume of data. Nevertheless, such analysis requires considerable computational power, making such algorithms time- and resource-demanding. Such high demands can be met by using third-party cloud service providers. However, analyzing medical images using such services raises several legal and privacy challenges and do not necessarily provide real-time results. This paper provides a computing architecture that locally and in parallel can analyze medical images in real-time using deep learning thus avoiding the legal and privacy challenges stemming from uploading data to a third-party cloud provider. To make local image processing efficient on modern multi-core processors, we utilize parallel execution to offset the resource- intensive demands of deep neural networks. We focus on a specific medical-industrial case study, namely the quantifying of blood vessels in microcirculation images for which we have developed a working system. It is currently used in an industrial, clinical research setting as part of an e-health application. Our results show that our system is approximately 78% faster than its serial system counterpart and 12% faster than a master-slave parallel system architecture

    Automatic contention detection and amelioration for data-intensive operations

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    Laminar: A New Serverless Stream-based Framework with Semantic Code Search and Code Completion

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    This paper introduces Laminar, a novel serverless framework based on dispel4py, a parallel stream-based dataflow library. Laminar efficiently manages streaming workflows and components through a dedicated registry, offering a seamless serverless experience. Leveraging large lenguage models, Laminar enhances the framework with semantic code search, code summarization, and code completion. This contribution enhances serverless computing by simplifying the execution of streaming computations, managing data streams more efficiently, and offering a valuable tool for both researchers and practitioners.Comment: 13 pages, 10 Figures, 6 Table