25 research outputs found

    Parallel backtracking with answer memoing for independent and-parallelism

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    Goal-level Independent and-parallelism (IAP) is exploited by scheduling for simultaneous execution two or more goals which will not interfere with each other at run time. This can be done safely even if such goals can produce múltiple answers. The most successful IAP implementations to date have used recomputation of answers and sequentially ordered backtracking. While in principie simplifying the implementation, recomputation can be very inefficient if the granularity of the parallel goals is large enough and they produce several answers, while sequentially ordered backtracking limits parallelism. And, despite the expected simplification, the implementation of the classic schemes has proved to involve complex engineering, with the consequent difficulty for system maintenance and extensión, while still frequently running into the well-known trapped goal and garbage slot problems. This work presents an alternative parallel backtracking model for IAP and its implementation. The model features parallel out-of-order (i.e., non-chronological) backtracking and relies on answer memoization to reuse and combine answers. We show that this approach can bring significant performance advantages. Also, it can bring some simplification to the important engineering task involved in implementing the backtracking mechanism of previous approaches

    A simulation study on parallel backtracking with solution memoing for independent and-parallelism

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    Goal-level Independent and-parallelism (IAP) is exploited by scheduling for simultaneous execution two or more goals which will not interfere with each other at run time. This can be done safely even if such goals can produce multiple answers. The most successful IAP implementations to date have used recomputation of answers and sequentially ordered backtracking. While in principle simplifying the implementation, recomputation can be very inefficient if the granularity of the parallel goals is large enough and they produce several answers, while sequentially ordered backtracking limits parallelism. And, despite the expected simplification, the implementation of the classic schemes has proved to involve complex engineering, with the consequent difficulty for system maintenance and expansion, and still frequently run into the well-known trapped goal and garbage slot problems. This work presents ideas about an alternative parallel backtracking model for IAP and a simulation studio. The model features parallel out-of-order backtracking and relies on answer memoization to reuse and combine answers. Whenever a parallel goal backtracks, its siblings also perform backtracking, but after storing the bindings generated by previous answers. The bindings are then reinstalled when combining answers. In order not to unnecessarily penalize forward execution, non-speculative and-parallel goals which have not been executed yet take precedence over sibling goals which could be backtracked over. Using a simulator, we show that this approach can bring significant performance advantages over classical approaches

    A segment-swapping approach for executing trapped computations

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    We consider the problem of supporting goal-level, independent andparallelism (IAP) in the presence of non-determinism. IAP is exploited when two or more goals which will not interfere at run time are scheduled for simultaneous execution. Backtracking over non-deterministic parallel goals runs into the wellknown trapped goal and garbage slot problems. The proposed solutions for these problems generally require complex low-level machinery which makes systems difficult to maintain and extend, and in some cases can even affect sequential execution performance. In this paper we propose a novel solution to the problem of trapped nondeterministic goals and garbage slots which is based on a single stack reordering operation and offers several advantages over previous proposals. While the implementation of this operation itself is not simple, in return it does not impose constraints on the scheduler. As a result, the scheduler and the rest of the run-time machinery can safely ignore the trapped goal and garbage slot problems and their implementation is greatly simplified. Also, standard sequential execution remains unaffected. In addition to describing the solution we report on an implementation and provide performance results. We also suggest other possible applications of the proposed approach beyond parallel execution

    Analyzing logic programs with dynamic scheduling

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    Traditional logic programming languages, such as Prolog, use a fixed left-to-right atom scheduling rule. Recent logic programming languages, however, usually provide more flexible scheduling in which computation generally proceeds leftto- right but in which some calis are dynamically "delayed" until their arguments are sufRciently instantiated to allow the cali to run efficiently. Such dynamic scheduling has a significant cost. We give a framework for the global analysis of logic programming languages with dynamic scheduling and show that program analysis based on this framework supports optimizations which remove much of the overhead of dynamic scheduling

    On applying Or-Parallelism and Tabling to logic programs

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência de Computadores apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port