69 research outputs found

    Gap Amplification for Small-Set Expansion via Random Walks

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    In this work, we achieve gap amplification for the Small-Set Expansion problem. Specifically, we show that an instance of the Small-Set Expansion Problem with completeness ϵ\epsilon and soundness 12\frac{1}{2} is at least as difficult as Small-Set Expansion with completeness ϵ\epsilon and soundness f(ϵ)f(\epsilon), for any function f(ϵ)f(\epsilon) which grows faster than ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon}. We achieve this amplification via random walks -- our gadget is the graph with adjacency matrix corresponding to a random walk on the original graph. An interesting feature of our reduction is that unlike gap amplification via parallel repetition, the size of the instances (number of vertices) produced by the reduction remains the same

    The Equivalence of Sampling and Searching

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    In a sampling problem, we are given an input x, and asked to sample approximately from a probability distribution D_x. In a search problem, we are given an input x, and asked to find a member of a nonempty set A_x with high probability. (An example is finding a Nash equilibrium.) In this paper, we use tools from Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic information theory to show that sampling and search problems are essentially equivalent. More precisely, for any sampling problem S, there exists a search problem R_S such that, if C is any "reasonable" complexity class, then R_S is in the search version of C if and only if S is in the sampling version. As one application, we show that SampP=SampBQP if and only if FBPP=FBQP: in other words, classical computers can efficiently sample the output distribution of every quantum circuit, if and only if they can efficiently solve every search problem that quantum computers can solve. A second application is that, assuming a plausible conjecture, there exists a search problem R that can be solved using a simple linear-optics experiment, but that cannot be solved efficiently by a classical computer unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. That application will be described in a forthcoming paper with Alex Arkhipov on the computational complexity of linear optics.Comment: 16 page

    On Fortification of Projection Games

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    A recent result of Moshkovitz \cite{Moshkovitz14} presented an ingenious method to provide a completely elementary proof of the Parallel Repetition Theorem for certain projection games via a construction called fortification. However, the construction used in \cite{Moshkovitz14} to fortify arbitrary label cover instances using an arbitrary extractor is insufficient to prove parallel repetition. In this paper, we provide a fix by using a stronger graph that we call fortifiers. Fortifiers are graphs that have both â„“1\ell_1 and â„“2\ell_2 guarantees on induced distributions from large subsets. We then show that an expander with sufficient spectral gap, or a bi-regular extractor with stronger parameters (the latter is also the construction used in an independent update \cite{Moshkovitz15} of \cite{Moshkovitz14} with an alternate argument), is a good fortifier. We also show that using a fortifier (in particular â„“2\ell_2 guarantees) is necessary for obtaining the robustness required for fortification.Comment: 19 page

    Parallel Repetition for the GHZ Game: Exponential Decay

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    We show that the value of the nn-fold repeated GHZ game is at most 2−Ω(n)2^{-\Omega(n)}, improving upon the polynomial bound established by Holmgren and Raz. Our result is established via a reduction to approximate subgroup type questions from additive combinatorics

    Upper Tail Estimates with Combinatorial Proofs

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    We study generalisations of a simple, combinatorial proof of a Chernoff bound similar to the one by Impagliazzo and Kabanets (RANDOM, 2010). In particular, we prove a randomized version of the hitting property of expander random walks and apply it to obtain a concentration bound for expander random walks which is essentially optimal for small deviations and a large number of steps. At the same time, we present a simpler proof that still yields a "right" bound settling a question asked by Impagliazzo and Kabanets. Next, we obtain a simple upper tail bound for polynomials with input variables in [0,1][0, 1] which are not necessarily independent, but obey a certain condition inspired by Impagliazzo and Kabanets. The resulting bound is used by Holenstein and Sinha (FOCS, 2012) in the proof of a lower bound for the number of calls in a black-box construction of a pseudorandom generator from a one-way function. We then show that the same technique yields the upper tail bound for the number of copies of a fixed graph in an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph, matching the one given by Janson, Oleszkiewicz and Ruci\'nski (Israel J. Math, 2002).Comment: Full version of the paper from STACS 201

    Unbounded violations of bipartite Bell Inequalities via Operator Space theory

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    In this work we show that bipartite quantum states with local Hilbert space dimension n can violate a Bell inequality by a factor of order n\sqrt{n} (up to a logarithmic factor) when observables with n possible outcomes are used. A central tool in the analysis is a close relation between this problem and operator space theory and, in particular, the very recent noncommutative LpL_p embedding theory. As a consequence of this result, we obtain better Hilbert space dimension witnesses and quantum violations of Bell inequalities with better resistance to noise

    Communication Complexity of Statistical Distance

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    We prove nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the randomized communication complexity of the following problem: Alice and Bob are each given a probability distribution over nn elements, and they wish to estimate within +-epsilon the statistical (total variation) distance between their distributions. For some range of parameters, there is up to a log(n) factor gap between the upper and lower bounds, and we identify a barrier to using information complexity techniques to improve the lower bound in this case. We also prove a side result that we discovered along the way: the randomized communication complexity of n-bit Majority composed with n-bit Greater-Than is Theta(n log n)
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