95 research outputs found

    Data compression for sequencing data

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    Post-Sanger sequencing methods produce tons of data, and there is a general agreement that the challenge to store and process them must be addressed with data compression. In this review we first answer the question “why compression” in a quantitative manner. Then we also answer the questions “what” and “how”, by sketching the fundamental compression ideas, describing the main sequencing data types and formats, and comparing the specialized compression algorithms and tools. Finally, we go back to the question “why compression” and give other, perhaps surprising answers, demonstrating the pervasiveness of data compression techniques in computational biology

    Rapidgzip: Parallel Decompression and Seeking in Gzip Files Using Cache Prefetching

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    Gzip is a file compression format, which is ubiquitously used. Although a multitude of gzip implementations exist, only pugz can fully utilize current multi-core processor architectures for decompression. Yet, pugz cannot decompress arbitrary gzip files. It requires the decompressed stream to only contain byte values 9-126. In this work, we present a generalization of the parallelization scheme used by pugz that can be reliably applied to arbitrary gzip-compressed data without compromising performance. We show that the requirements on the file contents posed by pugz can be dropped by implementing an architecture based on a cache and a parallelized prefetcher. This architecture can safely handle faulty decompression results, which can appear when threads start decompressing in the middle of a gzip file by using trial and error. Using 128 cores, our implementation reaches 8.7 GB/s decompression bandwidth for gzip-compressed base64-encoded data, a speedup of 55 over the single-threaded GNU gzip, and 5.6 GB/s for the Silesia corpus, a speedup of 33 over GNU gzip.Comment: HPDC'2

    Compression of Structured High-Throughput Sequencing Data

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    Large biological datasets are being produced at a rapid pace and create substantial storage challenges, particularly in the domain of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Most approaches currently used to store HTS data are either unable to quickly adapt to the requirements of new sequencing or analysis methods (because they do not support schema evolution), or fail to provide state of the art compression of the datasets. We have devised new approaches to store HTS data that support seamless data schema evolution and compress datasets substantially better than existing approaches. Building on these new approaches, we discuss and demonstrate how a multi-tier data organization can dramatically reduce the storage, computational and network burden of collecting, analyzing, and archiving large sequencing datasets. For instance, we show that spliced RNA-Seq alignments can be stored in less than 4% the size of a BAM file with perfect data fidelity. Compared to the previous compression state of the art, these methods reduce dataset size more than 40% when storing exome, gene expression or DNA methylation datasets. The approaches have been integrated in a comprehensive suite of software tools (http://goby.campagnelab.org) that support common analyses for a range of high-throughput sequencing assays.National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (Grant UL1 RR024996)Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America (Translational Research Program Grant LLS 6304-11)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (R01 MH086883

    SOLiDzipper: A High Speed Encoding Method for the Next-Generation Sequencing Data

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    Background Next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods pose computational challenges of handling large volumes of data. Although cloud computing offers a potential solution to these challenges, transferring a large data set across the internet is the biggest obstacle, which may be overcome by efficient encoding methods. When encoding is used to facilitate data transfer to the cloud, the time factor is equally as important as the encoding efficiency. Moreover, to take advantage of parallel processing in cloud computing, a parallel technique to decode and split compressed data in the cloud is essential. Hence in this review, we present SOLiDzipper, a new encoding method for NGS data. Methods The basic strategy of SOLiDzipper is to divide and encode. NGS data files contain both the sequence and non-sequence information whose encoding efficiencies are different. In SOLiDzipper, encoded data are stored in binary data block that does not contain the characteristic information of a specific sequence platform, which means that data can be decoded according to a desired platform even in cases of Illumina, Solexa or Roche 454 data. Results The main calculation time using Crossbow was 173 minutes when 40 EC2 nodes were involved. In that case, an analysis preparation time of 464 minutes is required to encode data in the latest DNA compression method like G-SQZ and transmit it on a 183 Mbit/s bandwidth. However, it takes 194 minutes to encode and transmit data with SOLiDzipper under the same bandwidth conditions. These results indicate that the entire processing time can be reduced according to the encoding methods used, under the same network bandwidth conditions. Considering the limited network bandwidth, high-speed, high-efficiency encoding methods such as SOLiDzipper can make a significant contribution to higher productivity in labs seeking to take advantage of the cloud as an alternative to local computing. Availability http://szipper.dinfree.com . Academic/non-profit: Binary available for direct download at no cost. For-profit: Submit request for for-profit license from the web-site

    MetaCRAM: an integrated pipeline for metagenomic taxonomy identification and compression

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    Background: Metagenomics is a genomics research discipline devoted to the study of microbial communities in environmental samples and human and animal organs and tissues. Sequenced metagenomic samples usually comprise reads from a large number of different bacterial communities and hence tend to result in large file sizes, typically ranging between 1–10 GB. This leads to challenges in analyzing, transferring and storing metagenomic data. In order to overcome these data processing issues, we introduce MetaCRAM, the first de novo, parallelized software suite specialized for FASTA and FASTQ format metagenomic read processing and lossless compression. Results: MetaCRAM integrates algorithms for taxonomy identification and assembly, and introduces parallel execution methods; furthermore, it enables genome reference selection and CRAM based compression. MetaCRAM also uses novel reference-based compression methods designed through extensive studies of integer compression techniques and through fitting of empirical distributions of metagenomic read-reference positions. MetaCRAM is a lossless method compatible with standard CRAM formats, and it allows for fast selection of relevant files in the compressed domain via maintenance of taxonomy information. The performance of MetaCRAM as a stand-alone compression platform was evaluated on various metagenomic samples from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive, suggesting 2- to 4-fold compression ratio improvements compared to gzip. On average, the compressed file sizes were 2-13 percent of the original raw metagenomic file sizes. Conclusions: We described the first architecture for reference-based, lossless compression of metagenomic data. The compression scheme proposed offers significantly improved compression ratios as compared to off-the-shelf methods such as zip programs. Furthermore, it enables running different components in parallel and it provides the user with taxonomic and assembly information generated during execution of the compression pipeline. Availability: The MetaCRAM software is freely available at http://web.engr.illinois.edu/~mkim158/metacram.html. The website also contains a README file and other relevant instructions for running the code. Note that to run the code one needs a minimum of 16 GB of RAM. In addition, virtual box is set up on a 4GB RAM machine for users to run a simple demonstration

    FASTAFS:file system virtualisation of random access compressed FASTA files

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    Background: The FASTA file format, used to store polymeric sequence data, has become a bioinformatics file standard used for decades. The relatively large files require additional files, beyond the scope of the original format, to identify sequences and to provide random access. Multiple compressors have been developed to archive FASTA files back and forth, but these lack direct access to targeted content or metadata of the archive. Moreover, these solutions are not directly backwards compatible to FASTA files, resulting in limited software integration. Results: We designed a linux based toolkit that virtualises the content of DNA, RNA and protein FASTA archives into the filesystem by using filesystem in userspace. This guarantees in-sync virtualised metadata files and offers fast random-access decompression using bit encodings plus Zstandard (zstd). The toolkit, FASTAFS, can track all its system-wide running instances, allows file integrity verification and can provide, instantly, scriptable access to sequence files and is easy to use and deploy. The file compression ratios were comparable but not superior to other state of the art archival tools, despite the innovative random access feature implemented in FASTAFS. Conclusions: FASTAFS is a user-friendly and easy to deploy backwards compatible generic purpose solution to store and access compressed FASTA files, since it offers file system access to FASTA files as well as in-sync metadata files through file virtualisation. Using virtual filesystems as in-between layer offers format conversion without the need to rewrite code into different programming languages while preserving compatibility.</p

    Compression of DNA sequencing data

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    With the release of the latest generations of sequencing machines, the cost of sequencing a whole human genome has dropped to less than US$1,000. The potential applications in several fields lead to the forecast that the amount of DNA sequencing data will soon surpass the volume of other types of data, such as video data. In this dissertation, we present novel data compression technologies with the aim of enhancing storage, transmission, and processing of DNA sequencing data. The first contribution in this dissertation is a method for the compression of aligned reads, i.e., read-out sequence fragments that have been aligned to a reference sequence. The method improves compression by implicitly assembling local parts of the underlying sequences. Compared to the state of the art, our method achieves the best trade-off between memory usage and compressed size. Our second contribution is a method for the quantization and compression of quality scores, i.e., values that quantify the error probability of each read-out base. Specifically, we propose two Bayesian models that are used to precisely control the quantization. With our method it is possible to compress the data down to 0.15 bit per quality score. Notably, we can recommend a particular parametrization for one of our models which—by removing noise from the data as a side effect—does not lead to any degradation in the distortion metric. This parametrization achieves an average rate of 0.45 bit per quality score. The third contribution is the first implementation of an entropy codec compliant to MPEG-G. We show that, compared to the state of the art, our method achieves the best compression ranks on average, and that adding our method to CRAM would be beneficial both in terms of achievable compression and speed. Finally, we provide an overview of the standardization landscape, and in particular of MPEG-G, in which our contributions have been integrated.Mit der Einführung der neuesten Generationen von Sequenziermaschinen sind die Kosten für die Sequenzierung eines menschlichen Genoms auf weniger als 1.000 US-Dollar gesunken. Es wird prognostiziert, dass die Menge der Sequenzierungsdaten bald diejenige anderer Datentypen, wie z.B. Videodaten, übersteigen wird. Daher werden in dieser Arbeit neue Datenkompressionsverfahren zur Verbesserung der Speicherung, Übertragung und Verarbeitung von Sequenzierungsdaten vorgestellt. Der erste Beitrag in dieser Arbeit ist eine Methode zur Komprimierung von alignierten Reads, d.h. ausgelesenen Sequenzfragmenten, die an eine Referenzsequenz angeglichen wurden. Die Methode verbessert die Komprimierung, indem sie die Reads nutzt, um implizit lokale Teile der zugrunde liegenden Sequenzen zu schätzen. Im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik erzielt die Methode das beste Ergebnis in einer gemeinsamen Betrachtung von Speichernutzung und erzielter Komprimierung. Der zweite Beitrag ist eine Methode zur Quantisierung und Komprimierung von Qualitätswerten, welche die Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit jeder ausgelesenen Base quantifizieren. Konkret werden zwei Bayes’sche Modelle vorgeschlagen, mit denen die Quantisierung präzise gesteuert werden kann. Mit der vorgeschlagenen Methode können die Daten auf bis zu 0,15 Bit pro Qualitätswert komprimiert werden. Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass eine bestimmte Parametrisierung für eines der Modelle empfohlen werden kann, die – durch die Entfernung von Rauschen aus den Daten als Nebeneffekt – zu keiner Verschlechterung der Verzerrungsmetrik führt. Mit dieser Parametrisierung wird eine durchschnittliche Rate von 0,45 Bit pro Qualitätswert erreicht. Der dritte Beitrag ist die erste Implementierung eines MPEG-G-konformen Entropie-Codecs. Es wird gezeigt, dass der vorgeschlagene Codec die durchschnittlich besten Kompressionswerte im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik erzielt und dass die Aufnahme des Codecs in CRAM sowohl hinsichtlich der erreichbaren Kompression als auch der Geschwindigkeit von Vorteil wäre. Abschließend wird ein Überblick über Standards zur Komprimierung von Sequenzierungsdaten gegeben. Insbesondere wird hier auf MPEG-G eingangen, da alle Beiträge dieser Arbeit in MPEG-G integriert wurden
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