5,404 research outputs found


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    The paper gives an overview of the CHANCE research project (partly supported by the French DPAC and DGA and the German BMWA) which was started in 1998 between the German and French Aerospace Research Centres DLR and ONERA, the University of Stuttgart and the two National Helicopter Manufacturers, Eurocopter and Eurocopter Deutschland. The objective of the project was to develop and validate CFD tools for computing the aerodynamics of the complete helicopter, accounting for the blade elasticity by coupling with blade dynamics. The validation activity of the flow solvers was achieved through intermediate stages of increasing geometry and flow modelling complexity, starting from an isolated rotor in hover, and concluding with the time-accurate simulation of a complete helicopter configuration in forward-flight. All along the research program the updated versions of the CFD codes were systematically delivered to Industry. This approach was chosen to speed up the transfer of capabilities to industry and check early enough that the products meet the expectations for applicability in the industrial environment of Eurocopter

    Computational fluid dynamics research at the United Technologies Research Center requiring supercomputers

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    An overview of research activities at the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is presented. The requirement and use of various levels of computers, including supercomputers, for the CFD activities is described. Examples of CFD directed toward applications to helicopters, turbomachinery, heat exchangers, and the National Aerospace Plane are included. Helicopter rotor codes for the prediction of rotor and fuselage flow fields and airloads were developed with emphasis on rotor wake modeling. Airflow and airload predictions and comparisons with experimental data are presented. Examples are presented of recent parabolized Navier-Stokes and full Navier-Stokes solutions for hypersonic shock-wave/boundary layer interaction, and hydrogen/air supersonic combustion. In addition, other examples of CFD efforts in turbomachinery Navier-Stokes methodology and separated flow modeling are presented. A brief discussion of the 3-tier scientific computing environment is also presented, in which the researcher has access to workstations, mid-size computers, and supercomputers

    Computers for real time flight simulation: A market survey

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    An extensive computer market survey was made to determine those available systems suitable for current and future flight simulation studies at Ames Research Center. The primary requirement is for the computation of relatively high frequency content (5 Hz) math models representing powered lift flight vehicles. The Rotor Systems Research Aircraft (RSRA) was used as a benchmark vehicle for computation comparison studies. The general nature of helicopter simulations and a description of the benchmark model are presented, and some of the sources of simulation difficulties are examined. A description of various applicable computer architectures is presented, along with detailed discussions of leading candidate systems and comparisons between them

    Coupled flight dynamics and CFD - demonstration for helicopters in shipborne environment

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    The development of high-performance computing and computational fluid dynamics methods have evolved to the point where it is possible to simulate complete helicopter configurations with good accuracy. Computational fluid dynamics methods have also been applied to problems such as rotor/fuselage and main/tail rotor interactions, performance studies in hover and forward flight, rotor design, and so on. The GOAHEAD project is a good example of a coordinated effort to validate computational fluid dynamics for complex helicopter configurations. Nevertheless, current efforts are limited to steady flight and focus mainly on expanding the edges of the flight envelope. The present work tackles the problem of simulating manoeuvring flight in a computational fluid dynamics environment by integrating a moving grid method and the helicopter flight mechanics solver with computational fluid dynamics. After a discussion of previous works carried out on the subject and a description of the methods used, validation of the computational fluid dynamics for ship airwake flow and rotorcraft flight at low advance ratio are presented. Finally, the results obtained for manoeuvring flight cases are presented and discussed

    Computational fluid dynamics model of a quad-rotor helicopter for dynamic analysis

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    The control and performance of a quad-rotor helicopter UAV is greatly influenced by its aerodynamics, which in turn is affected by the interactions with features in its remote environment. This paper presents details of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and analysis of a quadrotor helicopter. It starts by presenting how SolidWorks software is used to develop a 3-D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the quad-rotor helicopter, then describes how CFD is used as a computer based mathematical modelling tool to simulate and analyze the effects of wind flow patterns on the performance and control of the quadrotor helicopter. For the purpose of developing a robust adaptive controller for the quad-rotor helicopter to withstand any environmental constraints, which is not within the scope of this paper; this work accurately models the quad-rotor static and dynamic characteristics from a limited number of time-accurate CFD simulations

    Multi-physic system simplification method applied to a helicopter flight axis active control

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    A helicopter flight axis control, which is a complex multi-physic system, is modelled using an energetic based graphical tool: the Energetic Macroscopic Representation. Elements of the system are mainly composed of passive technologies and their number tends to increase year after year to improve the pilots comfort by adding new functions. A new methodology is proposed to transform the system into a new active one by replacing some hydro-mechanical elements by a new controllable active mechanical source. The challenge is to simplify the flight control architecture while preserving the global behaviour of the system

    Army/NASA small turboshaft engine digital controls research program

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    The emphasis of a program to conduct digital controls research for small turboshaft engines is on engine test evaluation of advanced control logic using a flexible microprocessor based digital control system designed specifically for research on advanced control logic. Control software is stored in programmable memory. New control algorithms may be stored in a floppy disk and loaded directly into memory. This feature facilitates comparative evaluation of different advanced control modes. The central processor in the digital control is an Intel 8086 16 bit microprocessor. Control software is programmed in assembly language. Software checkout is accomplished prior to engine test by connecting the digital control to a real time hybrid computer simulation of the engine. The engine currently installed in the facility has a hydromechanical control modified to allow electrohydraulic fuel metering and VG actuation by the digital control. Simulation results are presented which show that the modern control reduces the transient rotor speed droop caused by unanticipated load changes such as cyclic pitch or wind gust transients

    Prediction of Helicopter Rotor Hover Performance using High Fidelity CFD Methods

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    Some recent applications of Navier-Stokes codes to rotorcraft

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    Many operational limitations of helicopters and other rotary-wing aircraft are due to nonlinear aerodynamic phenomena incuding unsteady, three-dimensional transonic and separated flow near the surfaces and highly vortical flow in the wakes of rotating blades. Modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology offers new tools to study and simulate these complex flows. However, existing Euler and Navier-Stokes codes have to be modified significantly for rotorcraft applications, and the enormous computational requirements presently limit their use in routine design applications. Nevertheless, the Euler/Navier-Stokes technology is progressing in anticipation of future supercomputers that will enable meaningful calculations to be made for complete rotorcraft configurations

    Evolution of Neural Networks for Helicopter Control: Why Modularity Matters

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    The problem of the automatic development of controllers for vehicles for which the exact characteristics are not known is considered in the context of miniature helicopter flocking. A methodology is proposed in which neural network based controllers are evolved in a simulation using a dynamic model qualitatively similar to the physical helicopter. Several network architectures and evolutionary sequences are investigated, and two approaches are found that can evolve very competitive controllers. The division of the neural network into modules and of the task into incremental steps seems to be a precondition for success, and we analyse why this might be so
