2,896 research outputs found

    Multimodal decision-level fusion for person authentication

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    In this paper, the use of clustering algorithms for decision-level data fusion is proposed. Person authentication results coming from several modalities (e.g., still image, speech), are combined by using fuzzy k-means (FKM), fuzzy vector quantization (FVQ) algorithms, and median radial basis function (MRBF) network. The quality measure of the modalities data is used for fuzzification. Two modifications of the FKM and FVQ algorithms, based on a novel fuzzy vector distance definition, are proposed to handle the fuzzy data and utilize the quality measure. Simulations show that fuzzy clustering algorithms have better performance compared to the classical clustering algorithms and other known fusion algorithms. MRBF has better performance especially when two modalities are combined. Moreover, the use of the quality via the proposed modified algorithms increases the performance of the fusion system

    BLADE: Filter Learning for General Purpose Computational Photography

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    The Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution (RAISR) method of Romano, Isidoro, and Milanfar is a computationally efficient image upscaling method using a trained set of filters. We describe a generalization of RAISR, which we name Best Linear Adaptive Enhancement (BLADE). This approach is a trainable edge-adaptive filtering framework that is general, simple, computationally efficient, and useful for a wide range of problems in computational photography. We show applications to operations which may appear in a camera pipeline including denoising, demosaicing, and stylization

    A User Oriented Image Retrieval System using Halftoning BBTC

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    The objective of this paper is to develop a system for content based image retrieval (CBIR) by accomplishing the benefits of low complexity Ordered Dither Block Truncation Coding based on half toning technique for the generation of image content descriptor. In the encoding step ODBTC compresses an image block into corresponding quantizes and bitmap image. Two image features are proposed to index an image namely co-occurrence features and bitmap patterns which are generated using ODBTC encoded data streams without performing the decoding process. The CCF and BPF of an image are simply derived from the two quantizes and bitmap respectively by including visual codebooks. The proposed system based on block truncation coding image retrieval method is not only convenient for an image compression but it also satisfy the demands of users by offering effective descriptor to index images in CBIR system

    Optimum Implementation of Compound Compression of a Computer Screen for Real-Time Transmission in Low Network Bandwidth Environments

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    Remote working is becoming increasingly more prevalent in recent times. A large part of remote working involves sharing computer screens between servers and clients. The image content that is presented when sharing computer screens consists of both natural camera captured image data as well as computer generated graphics and text. The attributes of natural camera captured image data differ greatly to the attributes of computer generated image data. An image containing a mixture of both natural camera captured image and computer generated image data is known as a compound image. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the challenge of constructing a compound compression strategy to apply the ‘best fit’ compression algorithm for the mixed content found in a compound image. The research also involves analysis and classification of the types of data a given compound image may contain. While researching optimal types of compression, consideration is given to the computational overhead of a given algorithm because the research is being developed for real time systems such as cloud computing services, where latency has a detrimental impact on end user experience. The previous and current state of the art videos codec’s have been researched along many of the most current publishing’s from academia, to design and implement a novel approach to a low complexity compound compression algorithm that will be suitable for real time transmission. The compound compression algorithm will utilise a mixture of lossless and lossy compression algorithms with parameters that can be used to control the performance of the algorithm. An objective image quality assessment is needed to determine whether the proposed algorithm can produce an acceptable quality image after processing. Both traditional metrics such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio will be used along with a new more modern approach specifically designed for compound images which is known as Structural Similarity Index will be used to define the quality of the decompressed Image. In finishing, the compression strategy will be tested on a set of generated compound images. Using open source software, the same images will be compressed with the previous and current state of the art video codec’s to compare the three main metrics, compression ratio, computational complexity and objective image quality

    Integrating Symbolic and Neural Processing in a Self-Organizing Architechture for Pattern Recognition and Prediction

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    British Petroleum (89A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225

    Dynamic Optimal Training for Competitive Neural Networks

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    This paper introduces an unsupervised learning algorithm for optimal training of competitive neural networks. The learning rule of this algorithm is rived from the minimization of a new objective criterion using the gradient descent technique. Its learning rate and competition difficulty are dynamically adjusted throughout iterations. Numerical results that illustrate the performance of this algorithm in unsupervised pattern classification and image compression are also presented, discussed, and compared to those provided by other well-known algorithms for several examples of real test data