840 research outputs found

    Concerning nearly metrizable spaces

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notion of near metrizability for topological spaces, which is strictly weaker than the concept of metrizability. A number of characterizations of nearly metrizable spaces is achieved here as analogues of the corresponding ones for metrizable spaces. It is seen that near metrizability is a natural idea vis-a-vis near paracompactness, playing the similar role as played by paracompactness with regard to metrizabilityMukherjee, MN.; Mandal, D. (2013). Concerning nearly metrizable spaces. Applied General Topology. 14(2):135-145. doi:10.4995/agt.2013.1583.SWORD135145142N. Ergun, A note on nearly paracompactness, Yokahama Math. Jour. 31 (1983), 21-25.Herrington, L. L. (1974). Properties of nearly-compact spaces. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 45(3), 431-431. doi:10.1090/s0002-9939-1974-0346748-3Kovacevic, On nearly paracomapct spaces, Publ. Inst. Math. 25 (1979), 63-69.Mršević, M., Reilly, I. L., & Vamanamurthy, M. K. (1985). On semi-regularization topologies. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A. Pure Mathematics and Statistics, 38(1), 40-54. doi:10.1017/s1446788700022588M. N. Mukherjee and D. Mandal, On some new characterizations of near paracompactness and associated results, Mat. Vesnik 65 (3) (2013), 334-345.M. K. Singal and S. P. Arya, On almost regular spaces, Glasnik Mat. 4 (24) (1969), 89-99.M. K. Singal and S. P. Arya, On nearly paracompact spaces, Mat. Vesnik 6 (21) (1969), 3-16.M. K. Singal and A. Mathur, On nearly compact spaces, Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 4 (1969), 702-710.L. A. Steen and J. A. Seebach, Counterexamples in Topology, Spinger-Verlag, New York (1970).N. V. Velicko, H-closed topological spaces, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. 78 (1968), 103-118

    Connectedness modulo a topological property

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    Let P{\mathscr P} be a topological property. We say that a space XX is P{\mathscr P}-connected if there exists no pair CC and DD of disjoint cozero-sets of XX with non-P{\mathscr P} closure such that the remainder X\(C∪D)X\backslash(C\cup D) is contained in a cozero-set of XX with P{\mathscr P} closure. If P{\mathscr P} is taken to be "being empty" then P{\mathscr P}-connectedness coincides with connectedness in its usual sense. We characterize completely regular P{\mathscr P}-connected spaces, with P{\mathscr P} subject to some mild requirements. Then, we study conditions under which unions of P{\mathscr P}-connected subspaces of a space are P{\mathscr P}-connected. Also, we study classes of mappings which preserve P{\mathscr P}-connectedness. We conclude with a detailed study of the special case in which P{\mathscr P} is pseudocompactness. In particular, when P{\mathscr P} is pseudocompactness, we prove that a completely regular space XX is P{\mathscr P}-connected if and only if clβX(βX\υX)cl_{\beta X}(\beta X\backslash\upsilon X) is connected, and that P{\mathscr P}-connectedness is preserved under perfect open continuous surjections. We leave some problems open.Comment: 12 page

    Monotone Versions of Countable Paracompactness

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    One possible natural monotone version of countable paracompactness, MCP, turns out to have some interesting properties. We investigate various other possible monotonizations of countable paracompactness and how they are related.Comment: 11 page
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