24,586 research outputs found

    Tenth Annual Graduate Student Symposium [Panelist Program Schedule], 2017

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    Panel Program Schedule - Table of Contents --Welcome from President Mark Nook --Graduate Education for the Greater Public Good-Alumni Panel 1) Panelist: Tatum Buse; BA Accounting & MBA, UNI; Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller, Rockwell Collins, Inc. 2) Panelist: Quentin Hart; BA Sociology, Minnesota State University; MAE in Postsecondary Education Student Affairs, UNI; Mayor of Waterloo, Iowa 3) Panelist: Katie Mulholland; BA Art; MA Special Education & EdD, Educational Administration, UNI; President Pro Tem, Iowa Board of Regents. 4) Panelist: Christopher Shackelford; BA History & MA History, UNI; Historical Content and Program Developer, Grout Museum District, Waterloo, Iowa. -- Kavita Dhanwada, Dean of the Graduate College, Moderatorhttps://scholarworks.uni.edu/agssprograms/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Interruptions and Overlaps Occuring in an Indonesian Television Talk Show Indonesia Lawyers Club – TV One

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    This research aims to help people understand about turn-taking irregularities, overlap and interruption and why it occurs. The classification of interruption is based on the definition of the interruption from Wardhaugh (1985). The writer believes that interruption and overlap are caused by certain reasons. The writer is interested in observing interruption and overlap in “Indonesia Lawyers Club” because she wanted to know which parties in this show produced more number of interruptions and overlaps, especially in an interactive dialog. There are two parties in this dialog, namely host and guests/panelist. This study was a qualitative study; the writer got the data from the transcript, which she did it manually. The writer analyzed all interruptions and overlaps from the host an guests/panelists which occurred in this show and classified the reason. The writer wanted to find out what the common reason of interruption and overlap are in this study. To decide the reason of interruption and overlap the writer looked at the context of the discussion between the host and the guest/panelists. The writer found that interruptions occurred more than overlaps. The common reason was seeking of clarification, and the other reason was confirming, completing, breaking up, and showing agreement. From all of this reason the writer conclude that interruptions and overlaps in this talk-show were not violation

    Evaluation of the NAS-ILAB Matrix for Monitoring International Labor Standards: Project Report

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    The Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) engaged the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to recommend a method to monitor and evaluate labor conditions in a given country. The method focuses on 5 labor standards: freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced or compulsory labor, child labor, discrimination, and acceptable conditions of work

    An Investigation of Philadelphia's Youth Aid Panel: A Community-Based Diversion Program for First-Time Youthful Offenders

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    The formal justice system currently does not have the resources to effectively deal with nonviolent first-time offending youth, oftentimes leaving them with little punishment aside from a criminal record. This report offers a close examination of Philadelphia's Youth Aid Panels (YAP), which seeks to provide alternative sentencing for this high-risk population through the collaboration of volunteer community members, victims, parent(s)/guardian and a law enforcement official. YAP offers victims a better sense of restitution while also providing the youth with the real opportunity to reintegrate into society without a record. Our initial exploratory evaluation shows promising results, and we offer a several recommendations to strengthen YAP programs

    SCREENING PANELIS INTERNAL DI PT FOODEX INTI INGREDIENTS: Internal Panelist Screening at PT Foodex Inti Ingredients

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    Internal panelist screening is a selection activity for a panelist who can recognize and have good sensory attribute sensitivity. This study aims to obtain internal panelists with a minimal category as moderately trained panelists, who will then be used as panelists for the differentiation test. Screening panelists at PT Foodex Inti Ingredients were carried out by conducting several sensory sensitivity tests, namely basic taste identification test, basic taste intensity test, aroma identification test, and flavor identification test. The screening internal panelist was attended by 14 participants from several different departments. Participants must be able to meet the requirements that have been set to become panelists, these requirements are: (1) to have a 100% correct score on the identification and basic taste intensity test, and (2) to have a minimum score of 70% of the overall score. Based on the tests, 5 participants managed to become internal panelists at PT Foodex Inti Ingredients. These five internal panelists will join other internal panelists and be used as a panelist in the differentiation test. Participants who do not pass are allowed to join the internal panelist screening in the next period. ABSTRAKScreening panelis internal merupakan kegiatan seleksi panelis internal yang mampu mengenali dan memiliki kepekaan atribut sensori dengan baik. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan Screening panelis di PT Foodex inti Ingredients dilakukan dengan melakukan beberapa uji kepekaan sensori yaitu uji identifikasi rasa dasar, uji intensitas rasa dasar, uji identifikasi aroma, dan uji identifikasi flavor. Kegiatan screening panelis internal diikuti oleh 14 peserta yang berasal dari beberapa departemen berbeda. Peserta harus dapat memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan untuk menjadi panelis, syarat tersebut yaitu: (1) memiliki nilai benar 100 % pada uji identifikasi dan intensitas rasa dasar, dan (2) memiliki nilai minimal 70 % dari nilai keseluruhan. Berdasarkan uji yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan 5 peserta yang berhasil menjadi panelis internal di PT Foodex Inti Ingredients. Kelima panelis internal ini akan bergabung dengan panelis internal lainnya dan digunakan sebagai panelis pada uji pembedaan, sedangkan peserta yang tidak lolos diberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan screening panelis internal di periode selanjutnya

    In Practice, v. 14, no. 1, fall 2013

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    Practitioners\u27 Views of Family Strengths: A Delphi Study

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    Reported is a research study to assess the opinions of family practitioners on the status of families in Oklahoma. Researchers employed the Delphi method to achieve consensus among key informants in the family practice field about the strengths and weaknesses of Oklahoma families, threats facing families in the state, and means to strengthening family life in Oklahoma. The study yielded qualitative data from the key informants, which the researchers then condensed into response categories to feed back to informants to rate. Family practitioners identified resilience, spirituality, and access to support systems as the greatest strengths, and listed substance abuse, poverty, and generational cycles of dysfunction as the greatest weaknesses of Oklahoma families. Recommendations by these practitioners are given for improvements in addressing family needs

    Palm Based Mono-Diacylglyceride as an Emulsifier in Producing Chocolate with Cocoa Butter Substitute

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    Emulsifier used in the preparation of chocolate has the function to stabilize fat and water that can prevent the occurrence of blooming. Emulsifier generallyused in the preparation of chocolate is lecithin. However as an alternative monodiacylglycerol (MDAG) can be used. MDAG can be synthesized from vegetableoil such as palm oil and its fraction. This research was conducted to study the effect of palm MDAG and variation of its concentration on quality of chocolate. The palm MDAG used was palm kernel oil MDAG (MDAG PKO), palm oleinMDAG (MDAG POL), palm stearin MDAG (MDAG PS) at the concentration between 0.3 to 0.9%. Results of the study showed that chocolate which usedpalm MDAG did not cause blooming. Increase of MDAG concentration tended to increase fat content but the reverse result was observed in the case of lecithin.The melting point of chocolate tended to increase with increasing concentration of MDAG POL and MDAG PS but the reverse result was observed in lecithin,meanwhile for MDAG PKO similar result was observed. The protein content of chocolate tended to decrease with increasing MDAG concentration but thereverseresult was observed in lecithin. Viscosity of chocolate with lecithin, MDAG PKO and MDAG POL decreased in accordance with increasing concentration,meanwhile in MDAG PS at the concentration of 0.3% in the beginning viscosity decreasedbut later on increased with increasing concentration. The use of emulsifierat the concentration of 0.3–0.9% did not have significant effect on fat content, melting point of fat and protein content, but it had significant effect on viscosity.Results of organoleptic testing showed that the use of palm MDAG have not significant effect on texture, taste, and appearance of chocolate. Types and concentrations of palm MDAG which were highly accepted by the panelist there wereMDAG PS and MDAG PKO with concentration 0.3% and 0.5%, respectively
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