66 research outputs found

    Scalable Multi-label Classification

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    Multi-label classification is relevant to many domains, such as text, image and other media, and bioinformatics. Researchers have already noticed that in multi-label data, correlations exist between labels, and a variety of approaches, drawing inspiration from many spheres of machine learning, have been able to model these correlations. However, data sources from the real world are growing ever larger and the multi-label task is particularly sensitive to this due to the complexity associated with multiple labels and the correlations between them. Consequently, many methods do not scale up to large problems. This thesis deals with scalable multi-label classification: methods which exhibit high predictive performance, but are also able to scale up to larger problems. The first major contribution is the pruned sets method, which is able to model label correlations directly for high predictive performance, but reduces overfitting and complexity over related methods by pruning and subsampling label sets, and can thus scale up to larger datasets. The second major contribution is the classifier chains method, which models correlations with a chain of binary classifiers. The use of binary models allows for scalability to even larger datasets. Pruned sets and classifier chains are robust with respect to both the variety and scale of data that they can deal with, and can be incorporated into other methods. In an ensemble scheme, these methods are able to compete with state-of-the-art methods in terms of predictive performance as well as scale up to large datasets of hundreds of thousands of training examples. This thesis also puts a special emphasis on multi-label evaluation; introducing a new evaluation measure and studying threshold calibration. With one of the largest and most varied collections of multi-label datasets in the literature, extensive experimental evaluation shows the advantage of these methods, both in terms of predictive performance, and computational efficiency and scalability

    EEG To FMRI Synthesis: Is Deep Learning a Candidate?

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    Advances on signal, image and video generation underly major breakthroughs on generative medical imaging tasks, including Brain Image Synthesis. Still, the extent to which functional Magnetic Ressonance Imaging (fMRI) can be mapped from the brain electrophysiology remains largely unexplored. This work provides the first comprehensive view on how to use state-of-the-art principles from Neural Processing to synthesize fMRI data from electroencephalographic (EEG) data. Given the distinct spatiotemporal nature of haemodynamic and electrophysiological signals, this problem is formulated as the task of learning a mapping function between multivariate time series with highly dissimilar structures. A comparison of state-of-the-art synthesis approaches, including Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial Networks and Pairwise Learning, is undertaken. Results highlight the feasibility of EEG to fMRI brain image mappings, pinpointing the role of current advances in Machine Learning and showing the relevance of upcoming contributions to further improve performance. EEG to fMRI synthesis offers a way to enhance and augment brain image data, and guarantee access to more affordable, portable and long-lasting protocols of brain activity monitoring. The code used in this manuscript is available in Github and the datasets are open source

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for MultilabelPrediction Using RGBD Data

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    Robotics relies heavily on the system's ability to perceive the world around the robot accurately and quickly. In a narrow setting as in manufacturing this goal is relatively simple. To make robotics feasible in more dynamic settings we must handle more objects, more attributes, and events that may be out of the scope of what a system has been exposed to previously. To this end, the present work focuses on automatic feature formation from RGB-D data, using deep convolutional neural networks, in order to recognize, not only objects but also attributes which are more applicable across objects, including those objects which have not been seen previously. Progress is shown in relation to more standard systems and near real-time classification of multiple targets is achieved

    A machine learning personalization flow

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    This thesis describes a machine learning-based personalization flow for streaming platforms: we match users and content like video or music, and monitor the results. We find that there are still many open questions in personalization and especially in recommendation. When recommending an item to a user, how do we use unobservable data, e.g., intent, user and content metadata as input? Can we optimize directly for non-differentiable metrics? What about diversity in recommendations? To answer these questions, this thesis proposes data, experimental design, loss functions, and metrics. In the future, we hope these concepts are brought closer together via end-to-end solutions, where personalization models are directly optimized for the desired metric

    Feasibility and Safety of Bilateral Hybrid EEG/EOG Brain/Neural–Machine Interaction

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    Cervical spinal cord injuries (SCIs) often lead to loss of motor function in both hands and legs, limiting autonomy and quality of life. While it was shown that unilateral hand function can be restored after SCI using a hybrid electroencephalography/electrooculography (EEG/EOG) brain/neural hand exoskeleton (B/NHE), it remained unclear whether such hybrid paradigm also could be used for operating two hand exoskeletons, e.g., in the context of bimanual tasks such as eating with fork and knife. To test whether EEG/EOG signals allow for fluent and reliable as well as safe and user-friendly bilateral B/NHE control, eight healthy participants (six females, mean age 24.1 +/- 3.2 years) as well as four chronic tetraplegics (four males, mean age 51.8 +/- 15.2 years) performed a complex sequence of EEG-controlled bilateral grasping and EOG-controlled releasing motions of two exoskeletons visually presented on a screen. A novel EOG command performed by prolonged horizontal eye movements (>1 s) to the left or right was introduced as a reliable switch to activate either the left or right exoskeleton. Fluent EEG control was defined as average "time to initialize" (TTI) grasping motions below 3 s. Reliable EEG control was assumed when classification accuracy exceeded 80%. Safety was defined as "time to stop" (TTS) all unintended grasping motions within 2 s. After the experiment, tetraplegics were asked to rate the user-friendliness of bilateral B/NHE control using Likert scales. Average TTI and accuracy of EEG-controlled operations ranged at 2.14 +/- 0.66 s and 85.89 +/- 15.81% across healthy participants and at 1.90 +/- 0.97 s and 81.25 +/- 16.99% across tetraplegics. Except for one tetraplegic, all participants met the safety requirements. With 88 +/- 11% of the maximum achievable score, tetraplegics rated the control paradigm as user-friendly and reliable. These results suggest that hybrid EEG/EOG B/NHE control of two assistive devices is feasible and safe, paving the way to test this paradigm in larger clinical trials performing bimanual tasks in everyday life environments