13 research outputs found

    Packing index of subsets in Polish groups

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    For a subset AA of a Polish group GG, we study the (almost) packing index \ind_P(A) (resp. \Ind_P(A)) of AA, equal to the supremum of cardinalities S|S| of subsets SGS\subset G such that the family of shifts {xA}xS\{xA\}_{x\in S} is (almost) disjoint (in the sense that xAyA<A|xA\cap yA|<|A| for any distinct points x,ySx,y\in S). Subsets AGA\subset G with small (almost) packing index are small in a geometric sense. We show that \ind_P(A)\in \IN\cup\{\aleph_0,\cc\} for any σ\sigma-compact subset AA of a Polish group. If AGA\subset G is Borel, then the packing indices \ind_P(A) and \Ind_P(A) cannot take values in the half-interval [\sq(\Pi^1_1),\cc) where \sq(\Pi^1_1) is a certain uncountable cardinal that is smaller than \cc in some models of ZFC. In each non-discrete Polish Abelian group GG we construct two closed subsets A,BGA,B\subset G with \ind_P(A)=\ind_P(B)=\cc and \Ind_P(A\cup B)=1 and then apply this result to show that GG contains a nowhere dense Haar null subset CGC\subset G with \ind_P(C)=\Ind_P(C)=\kappa for any given cardinal number \kappa\in[4,\cc]

    Decomposing the real line into Borel sets closed under addition

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    We consider decompositions of the real line into pairwise disjoint Borel pieces so that each piece is closed under addition. How many pieces can there be? We prove among others that the number of pieces is either at most 3 or uncountable, and we show that it is undecidable in ZFCZFC and even in the theory ZFC+c=ω2ZFC + \mathfrak{c} = \omega_2 if the number of pieces can be uncountable but less than the continuum. We also investigate various versions: what happens if we drop the Borelness requirement, if we replace addition by multiplication, if the pieces are subgroups, if we partition (0,)(0,\infty), and so on

    Extremal densities and measures on groups and GG-spaces and their combinatorial applications

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    This text contains lecture notes of the course taught to Ph.D. students of Jagiellonian University in Krakow on 25-28 November, 2013.Comment: 18 page

    Completeness of invariant ideals in groups

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    We introduce and study various notions of completeness of translation-invariant ideals in groups.Введено та досліджено різні поняття повноти інваріантних ідеалів у групах

    Prethick subsets in partitions of groups

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    A subset S of a group G is called thick if, for any finite subset F of G, there exists g ∈ G such that Fg ⊆ S, and k-prethick, k ∈ N if there exists a subset K of G such that |K| = k and KS is thick. For every finite partition P of G, at least one cell of P is k-prethick for some k ∈ N. We show that if an infinite group G is either Abelian, or countable locally finite, or countable residually finite then, for each k ∈ N, G can be partitioned in two not k-prethick subsets

    Densities, submeasures and partitions of groups

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    In 1995 in Kourovka notebook the second author asked the following problem: it is true that for each partition G=A1AnG=A_1\cup\dots\cup A_n of a group GG there is a cell AiA_i of the partition such that G=FAiAi1G=FA_iA_i^{-1} for some set FGF\subset G of cardinality Fn|F|\le n? In this paper we survey several partial solutions of this problem, in particular those involving certain canonical invariant densities and submeasures on groups.Comment: 14 pages (this is an update of the preceding version