130 research outputs found

    Difference Covering Arrays and Pseudo-Orthogonal Latin Squares

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    Difference arrays are used in applications such as software testing, authentication codes and data compression. Pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are used in experimental designs. A special class of pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares are the mutually nearly orthogonal Latin squares (MNOLS) first discussed in 2002, with general constructions given in 2007. In this paper we develop row complete MNOLS from difference covering arrays. We will use this connection to settle the spectrum question for sets of 3 mutually pseudo-orthogonal Latin squares of even order, for all but the order 146

    Thermal Conductivities of Unidirectional Materials

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    In this paper the composite thermal conductivities of unidirec tional composites are studied and expressions are obtained for pre dicting these conductivities in the directions along and normal to the filaments. In the direction along the filament an expression is presented based on the assumption that the filaments and matrix are connected in parallel. In the direction normal to the filaments composite thermal conductivity values are obtained first by utiliz ing the analogy between the response of a unidirectional composite to longitudinal shear loading and to transverse heat transfer; second by replacing the filament-matrix composite with an idealized ther mal model. The results of the shear loading analogy agree reason ably well with the results of the thermal model particularly at filament contents below about 60%. These results were also com pared to experimental data reported in the literature and good agreement was found between the data and those theoretical re sults that were derived for circular filaments arranged in a square packing array.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67863/2/10.1177_002199836700100206.pd

    A note on full transversals and mixed orthogonal arrays

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    We investigate a packing problem in M-dimensional grids, where bounds are given for the number of allowed entries in different axis-parallel directions. The concept is motivated from error correcting codes and from more-part Sperner theory. It is also closely related to orthogonal arrays. We prove that some packing always reaches the natural upper bound for its size, and even more, one can partition the grid into such packings, if a necessary divisibility condition holds. We pose some extremal problems on maximum size of packings, such that packings of that size always can be extended to meet the natural upper bound. 1 The concept of full transversals Let us be given positive integers n1,n2,...,nM and L1,L2,...,LM, such tha

    Generalized packing designs

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    Generalized tt-designs, which form a common generalization of objects such as tt-designs, resolvable designs and orthogonal arrays, were defined by Cameron [P.J. Cameron, A generalisation of tt-designs, \emph{Discrete Math.}\ {\bf 309} (2009), 4835--4842]. In this paper, we define a related class of combinatorial designs which simultaneously generalize packing designs and packing arrays. We describe the sometimes surprising connections which these generalized designs have with various known classes of combinatorial designs, including Howell designs, partial Latin squares and several classes of triple systems, and also concepts such as resolvability and block colouring of ordinary designs and packings, and orthogonal resolutions and colourings. Moreover, we derive bounds on the size of a generalized packing design and construct optimal generalized packings in certain cases. In particular, we provide methods for constructing maximum generalized packings with t=2t=2 and block size k=3k=3 or 4.Comment: 38 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, 2 appendices. Presented at 23rd British Combinatorial Conference, July 201

    Unified micromechanics of damping for unidirectional fiber reinforced composites

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    An integrated micromechanics methodology for the prediction of damping capacity in fiber-reinforced polymer matrix unidirectional composites has been developed. Explicit micromechanics equations based on hysteretic damping are presented relating the on-axis damping capacities to the fiber and matrix properties and volume fraction. The damping capacities of unidirectional composites subjected to off-axis loading are synthesized from thermal effect on the damping performance of unidirectional composites due to temperature and moisture variations is also modeled. The damping contributions from interfacial friction between broken fibers and matrix are incorporated. Finally, the temperature rise in continuously vibrating composite plies is estimated. Application examples illustrate the significance of various parameters on the damping performance of unidirectional and off-axis fiber reinforced composites

    Multiple Scattering Using Parallel Volume Integral Equation Method: Interaction of SH Waves with Multiple Multilayered Anisotropic Elliptical Inclusions

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    The parallel volume integral equation method (PVIEM) is applied for the analysis of elastic wave scattering problems in an unbounded isotropic solid containing multiple multilayered anisotropic elliptical inclusions. This recently developed numerical method does not require the use of Green’s function for the multilayered anisotropic inclusions; only Green’s function for the unbounded isotropic matrix is needed. This method can also be applied to solve general two- and three-dimensional elastodynamic problems involving inhomogeneous and/or multilayered anisotropic inclusions whose shape and number are arbitrary. A detailed analysis of the SH wave scattering is presented for multiple triple-layered orthotropic elliptical inclusions. Numerical results are presented for the displacement fields at the interfaces for square and hexagonal packing arrays of triple-layered elliptical inclusions in a broad frequency range of practical interest. It is necessary to use standard parallel programming, such as MPI (message passing interface), to speed up computation in the volume integral equation method (VIEM). Parallel volume integral equation method as a pioneer of numerical analysis enables us to investigate the effects of single/multiple scattering, fiber packing type, fiber volume fraction, single/multiple layer(s), multilayer’s shape and geometry, isotropy/anisotropy, and softness/hardness of the multiple multilayered anisotropic elliptical inclusions on displacements at the interfaces of the inclusions

    Flow/Damage Surfaces for Fiber-Reinforced Metals having Different Periodic Microstructures

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    Flow/damage surfaces can be defined in terms of stress, inelastic strain rate, and internal variables using a thermodynamics framework. A macroscale definition relevant to thermodynamics and usable in an experimental program is employed to map out surfaces of constant inelastic power in various stress planes. The inelastic flow of a model silicon carbide/ titanium composite system having rectangular, hexagonal, and square diagonal fiber packing, arrays subjected to biaxial stresses is quantified by flow/damage surfaces that are determined numerically from micromechanics. using both finite element analysis and the generalized method of cells. Residual stresses from processing are explicitly included and damage in the form of fiber-matrix debonding under transverse tensile and/or shear loading is represented by a simple interface model. The influence of microstructural architecture is largest whenever fiber-matrix debonding is not an issue, for example in the presence of transverse compressive stresses. Additionally, as the fiber volume fraction increases, so does the effect of microstructural architecture. With regard to the micromechanics analysis, the overall inelastic flow predicted by the generalized method of cells is in excellent agreement with that predicted using a large number of displacement-based finite elements

    Flow/Damage Surfaces for Fiber-Reinforced Metals Having Different Periodic Microstructures

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    Flow/damage surfaces can be defined in terms of stress, inelastic strain rate, and internal variables using a thermodynamics framework. A macroscale definition relevant to thermodynamics and usable in an experimental program is employed to map out surfaces of constant inelastic power in various stress planes. The inelastic flow of a model silicon carbide/ titanium composite system having rectangular, hexagonal, and square diagonal fiber packing arrays subjected to biaxial stresses is quantified by flow/damage surfaces that are determined numerically from micromechanics, using both finite element analysis and the generalized method of cells. Residual stresses from processing are explicitly included and damage in the form of fiber-matrix debonding under transverse tensile and/or shear loading is represented by a simple interface model. The influence of microstructural architecture is largest whenever fiber-matrix debonding is not an issue; for example in the presence of transverse compressive stresses. Additionally, as the fiber volume fraction increases, so does the effect of microstructural architecture. With regard to the micromechanics analysis, the overall inelastic flow predicted by the generalized method of cells is in excellent agreement with that predicted using a large number of displacement-based finite elements
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