41 research outputs found

    Multi-engine packet classification hardware accelerator

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    As line rates increase, the task of designing high performance architectures with reduced power consumption for the processing of router traffic remains important. In this paper, we present a multi-engine packet classification hardware accelerator, which gives increased performance and reduced power consumption. It follows the basic idea of decision-tree based packet classification algorithms, such as HiCuts and HyperCuts, in which the hyperspace represented by the ruleset is recursively divided into smaller subspaces according to some heuristics. Each classification engine consists of a Trie Traverser which is responsible for finding the leaf node corresponding to the incoming packet, and a Leaf Node Searcher that reports the matching rule in the leaf node. The packet classification engine utilizes the possibility of ultra-wide memory word provided by FPGA block RAM to store the decision tree data structure, in an attempt to reduce the number of memory accesses needed for the classification. Since the clock rate of an individual engine cannot catch up to that of the internal memory, multiple classification engines are used to increase the throughput. The implementations in two different FPGAs show that this architecture can reach a searching speed of 169 million packets per second (mpps) with synthesized ACL, FW and IPC rulesets. Further analysis reveals that compared to state of the art TCAM solutions, a power savings of up to 72% and an increase in throughput of up to 27% can be achieved

    Improving Performance of Cross-Domain Firewalls in Multi-Firewall System

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    Firewall is used to protect local network from outside untrusted public network or Internet. Every packet coming to and going out from network is inspected at Firewall. Local network policies are converted into rules and stored in firewall. It is used to restrict access of the external network into local network and vice versa. Packets are checked against the rules serially. Therefore increase in the number of rules decreases the firewall performance. The key thing in performance improvement is to reduce number of firewall rules. Optimization helps to reduce number of rules by removing anomalies and redundancies in the rule list. It is observed that only reducing number of rules is not sufficient as the major time is consumed in rule verification. Therefore to reduce time of rule checking fast verification method is used. Prior work focuses on either Intrafirewall optimization or Interfirewall optimization within single administrative domain. In cross-domain firewall optimization key thing is to keep rules secure from others as they contain confidential information which can be exploited by attackers. The proposed system implements cross-domain firewall rule optimization. For optimization multi-firewall environment is considered. Then optimized rule set is converted to Binary Tree Firewall (BTF) so as to reduce packet checking time and improve firewall performance further. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16047

    Packet Classification based on Boundary Cutting analysis by using Bloom Filters

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    Packet classification has received a great deal of attention over the half decade in applications such as Quality of Service (QoS), security, firewalls, Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS), multimedia services, differentiated services. They perform different operations at different flows. Existing decision-tree-based packet classification algorithms, HiCuts and HyperCuts perform search by geometrical representation of rules in a classifier by searching for a geometric space to which packet belongs. These decision tree algorithms have complications in finding number of cuts and the field. Also fixed interval-based cutting not covers the actual space for each rule. Hence it is ineffective and requires huge storage requirement. In recent years, Bloom Filter, which is space-efficient and probabilistic data structure for membership queries, becomes popular in many network applications. It requires small amount of memory and used to avoid lookups to sustain high throughput. It handles the large database and provides security in network applications like NIDS. This paper presents a boundary cutting (BC) scenario which exploits the structure of classifiers. It finds out the space that each rule covers and perform cutting according to rule boundary. Hence it is deterministic, and more effective in providing improved search performance and efficient in memory requirement. Security roles are also considered during classification. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15075

    Efficient binary cutting packet classification

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    Packet classification is the process of distributing packets into ‘flows’ in an internet router. Router processes all packets which belong to predefined rule sets in similar manner& classify them to decide upon what all services packet should receive. It plays an important role in both edge and core routers to provideadvanced network service such as quality of service, firewalls and intrusion detection. These services require the ability to categorize & isolate packet traffic in different flows for proper processing. Packet classification remains a classical problem, even though lots of researcher working on the problem. Existing algorithms such asHyperCuts,boundary cutting and HiCuts have achieved an efficient performance by representing rules in geometrical method in a classifier and searching for a geometric subspace to which each inputpacket belongs. Some fixed interval-based cutting not relating to the actual space that eachrule covers is ineffective and results in a huge storage requirement. However, the memoryconsumption of these algorithms remains quite high when high throughput is required.Hence in this paper we are proposing a new efficient splitting criterion which is memory andtime efficient as compared to other mentioned techniques. Our proposed approach known as (ABC) Adaptive Binary Cuttingproducesa set of different-sized cuts at each decision step, with the goal to balance the distribution offilters and to reduce the filter duplication effect. The proposed algorithmuses stronger andmore straightforward criteria for decision treeconstruction. Experimental results will showthe effectiveness of proposed algorithm as compared to existing algorithm using differentparameters such as time & memory. In this paper, no symmetrical size cut at each decision node, with aim to make a distribution of filters balanced and also to reduce redundancy in filter

    Feature Study on a Programmable Network Traffic Classifier

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    Optimization of delays experienced by packets due to ACLs within a domain

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    The infrastructure of large networks is broken down into areas that have a common security policy called a domain. Security within a domain is commonly implemented at all nodes however this has a negative effect on performance since it introduces a delay associated with packet filtering. Recommended techniques for network design imply that every packet should be checked at the first possible ingress points of the network. When access control lists (ACL's) are used within a router for this purpose then there can be a significant overhead associated with this process. The purpose of this paper is to consider the effect of delays when using router operating systems offering different levels of functionality. It considers factors which contribute to the delay particularly due to ACL. Using theoretical principles modified by practical calculation a model is created for packet delay for all nodes across a given path in a domain

    Range-enhanced packet classification to improve computational performance on field programmable gate array

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    Multi-filed packet classification is a powerful classification engine that classifies input packets into different fields based on predefined rules. As the demand for the internet increases, efficient network routers can support many network features like quality of services (QoS), firewalls, security, multimedia communications, and virtual private networks. However, the traditional packet classification methods do not fulfill today’s network functionality and requirements efficiently. In this article, an efficient range enhanced packet classification (REPC) module is designed using a range bit-vector encoding method, which provides a unique design to store the precomputed values in memory. In addition, the REPC supports range to prefix features to match the packets to the corresponding header fields. The synthesis and implementation results of REPC are analyzed and tabulated in detail. The REPC module utilizes 3% slices on Artix-7 field programmable gate array (FPGA), works at 99.87 Gbps throughput with a latency of 3 clock cycles. The proposed REPC is compared with existing packet classification approaches with better hardware constraints improvements

    Dataplane Specialization for High-performance OpenFlow Software Switching

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    OpenFlow is an amazingly expressive dataplane program- ming language, but this expressiveness comes at a severe performance price as switches must do excessive packet clas- sification in the fast path. The prevalent OpenFlow software switch architecture is therefore built on flow caching, but this imposes intricate limitations on the workloads that can be supported efficiently and may even open the door to mali- cious cache overflow attacks. In this paper we argue that in- stead of enforcing the same universal flow cache semantics to all OpenFlow applications and optimize for the common case, a switch should rather automatically specialize its dat- aplane piecemeal with respect to the configured workload. We introduce ES WITCH , a novel switch architecture that uses on-the-fly template-based code generation to compile any OpenFlow pipeline into efficient machine code, which can then be readily used as fast path. We present a proof- of-concept prototype and we demonstrate on illustrative use cases that ES WITCH yields a simpler architecture, superior packet processing speed, improved latency and CPU scala- bility, and predictable performance. Our prototype can eas- ily scale beyond 100 Gbps on a single Intel blade even with complex OpenFlow pipelines


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    The process of firewall is expanding in a flash in largeness with perilous aggrandization approximately services reason upon Internet accordingly, optimizing the policies of firewall foreshadow for overhaul web show. Scheming of a burden that allow neighbouring firewalls austerely allow the division inter-firewall concerning anyone destitute review firewall is a censorious refer to. Without escaping the sheathe practically code of remote undistinguished, look effort on mingled firewall indoors violent curbed troublesome full the policies of firewall over coded tube of sober free webs. Within practical sheltered nets concerns of on the docket direction more in earth-firewall increase of intimate-preserving are contradictory. With pertinent of firewalls alter obsolete network lamed unveil the playbill set about opposed to everyone counter to authorizing firewalls examination adapt needless network not beyond a custom of privacy conserving. The distance any was institute concerns to firewalls of palatable and stateless