578 research outputs found

    The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable

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    The multiple online research impact metrics we are developing will allow the rich new database , the Research Web, to be navigated, analyzed, mined and evaluated in powerful new ways that were not even conceivable in the paper era – nor even in the online era, until the database and the tools became openly accessible for online use by all: by researchers, research institutions, research funders, teachers, students, and even by the general public that funds the research and for whose benefit it is being conducted: Which research is being used most? By whom? Which research is growing most quickly? In what direction? under whose influence? Which research is showing immediate short-term usefulness, which shows delayed, longer term usefulness, and which has sustained long-lasting impact? Which research and researchers are the most authoritative? Whose research is most using this authoritative research, and whose research is the authoritative research using? Which are the best pointers (“hubs”) to the authoritative research? Is there any way to predict what research will have later citation impact (based on its earlier download impact), so junior researchers can be given resources before their work has had a chance to make itself felt through citations? Can research trends and directions be predicted from the online database? Can text content be used to find and compare related research, for influence, overlap, direction? Can a layman, unfamiliar with the specialized content of a field, be guided to the most relevant and important work? These are just a sample of the new online-age questions that the Open Research Web will begin to answer

    The PRINTS database: a fine-grained protein sequence annotation and analysis resource—its status in 2012

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    The PRINTS database, now in its 21st year, houses a collection of diagnostic protein family ‘fingerprints’. Fingerprints are groups of conserved motifs, evident in multiple sequence alignments, whose unique inter-relationships provide distinctive signatures for particular protein families and structural/functional domains. As such, they may be used to assign uncharacterized sequences to known families, and hence to infer tentative functional, structural and/or evolutionary relationships. The February 2012 release (version 42.0) includes 2156 fingerprints, encoding 12 444 individual motifs, covering a range of globular and membrane proteins, modular polypeptides and so on. Here, we report the current status of the database, and introduce a number of recent developments that help both to render a variety of our annotation and analysis tools easier to use and to make them more widely available

    AGMIAL: implementing an annotation strategy for prokaryote genomes as a distributed system

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    We have implemented a genome annotation system for prokaryotes called AGMIAL. Our approach embodies a number of key principles. First, expert manual annotators are seen as a critical component of the overall system; user interfaces were cyclically refined to satisfy their needs. Second, the overall process should be orchestrated in terms of a global annotation strategy; this facilitates coordination between a team of annotators and automatic data analysis. Third, the annotation strategy should allow progressive and incremental annotation from a time when only a few draft contigs are available, to when a final finished assembly is produced. The overall architecture employed is modular and extensible, being based on the W3 standard Web services framework. Specialized modules interact with two independent core modules that are used to annotate, respectively, genomic and protein sequences. AGMIAL is currently being used by several INRA laboratories to analyze genomes of bacteria relevant to the food-processing industry, and is distributed under an open source license

    GPSDB: a new database for synonyms expansion of gene and protein names

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    Summary: We present a new database, GPSDB (Gene and Protein Synonyms DataBase) which collects gene/protein names, in a species specific way, from 14 main biological resources. A web-based search interface gives access to the database: given a gene/protein name, it retrieves all synonyms for this entity and queries Medline with a set of user-selected terms. Availability: GPSDB is freely available from http://biomint.oefai.at/ Contact: [email protected]

    PRECIS: Protein reports engineered from concise information in SWISS-PROT

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    Motivation: There have been several endeavours to address the problem of annotating sequence data computationally, but the task is non-trivial and few tools have emerged that gather useful information on a given sequence, or set of sequences, in a simple and convenient manner. As more genome projects bear fruit, the mass of uncharacterized sequence data accumulating in public repositories grows ever larger. There is thus a pressing need for tools to support the process of automatic analysis and annotation of newly determined sequences. With this in mind, we have developed PRECIS, which automatically creates protein reports from sets of SWISS-PROT entries, collating results into structured reports, detailing known biological and medical information, literature and database cross-references, and relevant keywords. Availability: The software is accessible online at: http://www.bioinf.man.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dbbrowser/precis/blast_precis.cg

    Functional classification of G-Protein coupled receptors, based on their specific ligand coupling patterns

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    Functional identification of G-Protein Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) is one of the current focus areas of pharmaceutical research. Although thousands of GPCR sequences are known, many of them re- main as orphan sequences (the activating ligand is unknown). Therefore, classification methods for automated characterization of orphan GPCRs are imperative. In this study, for predicting Level 2 subfamilies of Amine GPCRs, a novel method for obtaining fixed-length feature vectors, based on the existence of activating ligand specific patterns, has been developed and utilized for a Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based classification. Exploiting the fact that there is a non-promiscuous relationship between the specific binding of GPCRs into their ligands and their functional classification, our method classifies Level 2 subfamilies of Amine GPCRs with a high predictive accuracy of 97.02% in a ten-fold cross validation test. The presented machine learning approach, bridges the gulf between the excess amount of GPCR sequence data and their poor functional characterization

    The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt)

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    The Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) provides the scientific community with a single, centralized, authoritative resource for protein sequences and functional information. Formed by uniting the Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL and PIR protein database activities, the UniProt consortium produces three layers of protein sequence databases: the UniProt Archive (UniParc), the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProt) and the UniProt Reference (UniRef) databases. The UniProt Knowledgebase is a comprehensive, fully classified, richly and accurately annotated protein sequence knowledgebase with extensive cross-references. This centrepiece consists of two sections: UniProt/Swiss-Prot, with fully, manually curated entries; and UniProt/TrEMBL, enriched with automated classification and annotation. During 2004, tens of thousands of Knowledgebase records got manually annotated or updated; we introduced a new comment line topic: TOXIC DOSE to store information on the acute toxicity of a toxin; the UniProt keyword list got augmented by additional keywords; we improved the documentation of the keywords and are continuously overhauling and standardizing the annotation of post-translational modifications. Furthermore, we introduced a new documentation file of the strains and their synonyms. Many new database cross-references were introduced and we started to make use of Digital Object Identifiers. We also achieved in collaboration with the Macromolecular Structure Database group at EBI an improved integration with structural databases by residue level mapping of sequences from the Protein Data Bank entries onto corresponding UniProt entries. For convenient sequence searches we provide the UniRef non-redundant sequence databases. The comprehensive UniParc database stores the complete body of publicly available protein sequence data. The UniProt databases can be accessed online (http://www.uniprot.org) or downloaded in several formats (ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub). New releases are published every two weeks