6 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Systems for Advanced Driving Assistance

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    Next generation cars embed intelligent assessment of car driving safety through innovative solutions often based on usage of artificial intelligence. The safety driving monitoring can be carried out using several methodologies widely treated in scientific literature. In this context, the author proposes an innovative approach that uses ad-hoc bio-sensing system suitable to reconstruct the physio-based attentional status of the car driver. To reconstruct the car driver physiological status, the author proposed the use of a bio-sensing probe consisting of a coupled LEDs at Near infrared (NiR) spectrum with a photodetector. This probe placed over the monitored subject allows to detect a physiological signal called PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG). The PPG signal formation is regulated by the change in oxygenated and non-oxygenated hemoglobin concentration in the monitored subject bloodstream which will be directly connected to cardiac activity in turn regulated by the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) that characterizes the subject's attention level. This so designed car driver drowsiness monitoring will be combined with further driving safety assessment based on correlated intelligent driving scenario understanding

    Visual Saliency Detection in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    Visual Saliency refers to the innate human mechanism of focusing on and extracting important features from the observed environment. Recently, there has been a notable surge of interest in the field of automotive research regarding the estimation of visual saliency. While operating a vehicle, drivers naturally direct their attention towards specific objects, employing brain-driven saliency mechanisms that prioritize certain elements over others. In this investigation, we present an intelligent system that combines a drowsiness detection system for drivers with a scene comprehension pipeline based on saliency. To achieve this, we have implemented a specialized 3D deep network for semantic segmentation, which has been pretrained and tailored for processing the frames captured by an automotive-grade external camera. The proposed pipeline was hosted on an embedded platform utilizing the STA1295 core, featuring ARM A7 dual-cores, and embeds an hardware accelerator. Additionally, we employ an innovative biosensor embedded on the car steering wheel to monitor the driver drowsiness, gathering the PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG) signal of the driver. A dedicated 1D temporal deep convolutional network has been devised to classify the collected PPG time-series, enabling us to assess the driver level of attentiveness. Ultimately, we compare the determined attention level of the driver with the corresponding saliency-based scene classification to evaluate the overall safety level. The efficacy of the proposed pipeline has been validated through extensive experimental results

    Fiberless, Multi-Channel fNIRS-EEG System Based on Silicon Photomultipliers: Towards Sensitive and Ecological Mapping of Brain Activity and Neurovascular Coupling

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    Portable neuroimaging technologies can be employed for long-term monitoring of neurophysiological and neuropathological states. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalography (EEG) are highly suited for such a purpose. Their multimodal integration allows the evaluation of hemodynamic and electrical brain activity together with neurovascular coupling. An innovative fNIRS-EEG system is here presented. The system integrated a novel continuous-wave fNIRS component and a modified commercial EEG device. fNIRS probing relied on fiberless technology based on light emitting diodes and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). SiPMs are sensitive semiconductor detectors, whose large detection area maximizes photon harvesting from the scalp and overcomes limitations of fiberless technology. To optimize the signal-to-noise ratio and avoid fNIRS-EEG interference, a digital lock-in was implemented for fNIRS signal acquisition. A benchtop characterization of the fNIRS component showed its high performances with a noise equivalent power below 1 pW. Moreover, the fNIRS-EEG device was tested in vivo during tasks stimulating visual, motor and pre-frontal cortices. Finally, the capabilities to perform ecological recordings were assessed in clinical settings on one Alzheimer’s Disease patient during long-lasting cognitive tests. The system can pave the way to portable technologies for accurate evaluation of multimodal brain activity, allowing their extensive employment in ecological environments and clinical practice

    Multivariate correlation measures reveal structure and strength of brain–body physiological networks at rest and during mental stress

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    In this work, we extend to the multivariate case the classical correlation analysis used in the field of network physiology to probe dynamic interactions between organ systems in the human body. To this end, we define different correlation-based measures of the multivariate interaction (MI) within and between the brain and body subnetworks of the human physiological network, represented, respectively, by the time series of delta, theta, alpha, and beta electroencephalographic (EEG) wave amplitudes, and of heart rate, respiration amplitude, and pulse arrival time (PAT) variability (eta, rho, pi). MI is computed: (i) considering all variables in the two subnetworks to evaluate overall brain-body interactions; (ii) focusing on a single target variable and dissecting its global interaction with all other variables into contributions arising from the same subnetwork and from the other subnetwork; and (iii) considering two variables conditioned to all the others to infer the network topology. The framework is applied to the time series measured from the EEG, electrocardiographic (ECG), respiration, and blood volume pulse (BVP) signals recorded synchronously via wearable sensors in a group of healthy subjects monitored at rest and during mental arithmetic and sustained attention tasks. We find that the human physiological network is highly connected, with predominance of the links internal of each subnetwork (mainly eta-rho and delta-theta, theta-alpha, alpha-beta), but also statistically significant interactions between the two subnetworks (mainly eta-beta and eta-delta). MI values are often spatially heterogeneous across the scalp and are modulated by the physiological state, as indicated by the decrease of cardiorespiratory interactions during sustained attention and by the increase of brain-heart interactions and of brain-brain interactions at the frontal scalp regions during mental arithmetic. These findings illustrate the complex and multi-faceted structure of interactions manifested within and between different physiological systems and subsystems across different levels of mental stress

    PPG/ECG multisite combo system based on SiPM technology

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    Two versions of a PPG/ECG combined system have been realized and tested. In a first version a multisite system has been equipped by integrating 3 PPG optodes and 3 ECG leads, whereas in another setup a portable version has been carried out. Both versions have been realized by equipping the optical probes with SiPM detectors. SiPM technology is expected to bring relevant advantages in PPG systems and overcome the limitations of physiological information extracted by state of the art PPG, such as poor sensitivity of detectors used for backscattered light detection and motion artifacts seriously affecting the measurements repeatability and pulse waveform stability. This contribution presents the intermediate results of development in the frame of the European H2020-ECSEL Project ASTONISH (n. 692470), including SiPM based PPG optodes, and the acquisition electronic components used for simultaneous recording of both PPG/ECG signals. The accurate monitoring of dynamic changes of physiological data through a non-invasive integrated system, including hemodynamic parameters (e.g. heart rate, tissue perfusion etc.) and heart electrical activity can play an important role in a wide variety of applications (e.g. healthcare, fitness and cardiovascular disease). In this work we describe also a method to process PPG waveform according to a PPG process pipeline for pattern recognition. Some examples of PPG waveform signal analysis and the preliminary results of acquisitions obtained through the intermediate demonstrator systems have been reported

    Ubiquitous Technologies for Emotion Recognition

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    Emotions play a very important role in how we think and behave. As such, the emotions we feel every day can compel us to act and influence the decisions and plans we make about our lives. Being able to measure, analyze, and better comprehend how or why our emotions may change is thus of much relevance to understand human behavior and its consequences. Despite the great efforts made in the past in the study of human emotions, it is only now, with the advent of wearable, mobile, and ubiquitous technologies, that we can aim to sense and recognize emotions, continuously and in real time. This book brings together the latest experiences, findings, and developments regarding ubiquitous sensing, modeling, and the recognition of human emotions