5 research outputs found

    Software implementation of automatic Fuzzy system generation and optimization

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    Automatic fuzzy system generation from sample data is a common task in fuzzy modeling. Here usually first an initial system is created using clustering, grid partitioning or other approaches and next, the parameters of the system are optimized based on the difference between the sample output and the output of the fuzzy system. The software being presented in this paper supports the whole process providing a wide range of parameterization opportunities. It also includes an optimization toolbox that offers five optimization algorithms, from which one represents a novel approach. The proposed new algoríthm was compared with four well-known methods using several benchmark functions and it ensured better results in case of many functions

    Software quality improvement by Fault Tree Analysis

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    Survey on Five Nature-Inspired Optimization Algorithms

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    This paper presents a literature review about Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Firework, Firefly, Clonal Selection, and Cuckoo Search algorithms, which are among the most common natural-inspired optimization algorithms. These algorithms were tried on different benchmark functions. The obtained results were analyzed, and the performance was compared. The results showed that PSO and Firefly Search algorithms provided the best performance in the studied cases

    Contribuições à locomoção de robôs móveis não-holonômicos usando controle fuzzy baseado em modelo

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.A locomoção de robôs móveis apresenta desafios no controle da execução de trajetórias, principalmente quando o tipo de robô exibe não-holonomia, pois as restrições de movimento e atuação imprimem, entre outras, redução no conjunto factível de trajetórias. As principais soluções da literatura, aplicáveis e de desempenho comprovado, não apresentam uma forma automática para cálculo de parâmetros de controle que garantam requisitos de desempenho. Este trabalho desenvolve estruturas de locomoção compostas por controladores fuzzy baseados em modelos Takagi-Sugeno (TS-Fuzzy) que são capazes de representar o problema de rastreamento de trajetórias e solucioná-lo com qualidade equivalente às principais técnicas existentes e fornecem, ainda, capacidade de cálculo automático de ganhos que garantem requisitos de desempenho do sistema de controle, ou em caso de não haver solução, acusar inexistência de tais ganhos. Descreve-se uma solução completa de locomoção, composta pelos compensadores propostos e uma técnica de planejamento de locomoção capaz de gerar referências factíveis às limitações de Robôs Móveis Diferenciais (RMDs). Com esta solução foi possível a aplicação prática e a análise de desempenho das estruturas de controle descritas. Os desenvolvimentos teóricos são ilustrados através de aplicações experimentais e simuladas, baseadas na plataforma robótica Powerbot que representa um RMD de médio porte.Abstract : The challenges in locomotion control of non-holonomic mobile robots come from constraints related to sub actuation and trajectory feasibility. The main solutions found in the literature, with proved performance and applicability does not show an automatic method to compute control gains that guarantee global performance requirements. This work develops locomotion structures composed by Takagy-Sugeno fuzzy model based controllers. These structures are capable to represent and solve the trajectory-tracking problem with quality equivalent to the main existent techniques with the capability to compute the controller gains automatically, ensuring performance requirements to the compensator or even evince their absence in case of no solution. The document describes a full locomotion solution, composed by the developed controllers and a methodology of locomotion planning. The planning method is capable of generating feasible references over the locomotion and actuation constraints of the differential mobile robots (DMRs). This solution provides the practical application and performance analysis of the proposed control architectures. The theoretical achievements of this work are illustrated by experimental and simulated scenarios based on the Powerbot robotic platform, witch one represents a DMR of medium size