24 research outputs found

    Principal Component Analysis Dimensionality Reduction For Writer Verification

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    Writer verification (WV) is a process to verify whether two sample handwritten document are written by the same writer or not. WV also known as one to one comparison process, where the process is more specific which compare one writer to another writer. Therefore, this process needs a unique characteristic of the writer in order to prove the owner of the handwritten document. Basically, different person will have different type of handwriting styles usually it is unique between each other. Furthermore, most of the previous research in handwriting analysis field was used the unique characteristic to represent the individuality of handwriting. A part from that, individuality of handwriting became main issue in this study in order to fulfill requirement of WV process. In previous verification framework of WV the individuality of handwriting was acquired by using feature extraction process. Meanwhile, previous verification framework of WV consists of Preprocessing task, feature extraction task and classification task. In this study, using the previous verification framework are not enough to produce the best result in verification process. This is because the quality of individuality of handwriting that has been acquired is less effective in representing the uniqueness of the writer. Therefore, this study was proposed Dimension reduction technique for acquiring the individual features of the handwritten data henceforth improved the previous verification’s framework in order to enhance the verification accuracy. The sample data was taken from IAM online database which this database is the benchmark for handwriting analysis research. Five writers with 3619 instance of images are chosen for the experiment whereas 9 documents of handwriting samples are taken from each writer and more than 50 word randomly divided into training and testing dataset. Both dataset is will be process by Principal Component Analysis which is one of the dimension reduction techniques. PCA was applied after feature extraction process whereas the reduction process will resulted low dimensional of new subspace of data. By using the data resulted by PCA the classification process by random forest was conducted in order to verify the writer of the handwritten document. The individuality representation is implemented by presenting various representations of individual feature into more important feature are selected by using the proposed technique to be used in verifying the writer. Experimental show that the performance of the proposed methods has improved the verification rate of 90.00 % and above overall of the result with the reduction is successful in each data set. However, overall of the result the improved framework still cannot verify 100 % accurately the writer of the handwritten data

    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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    Writer Identification of Arabic Handwritten Documents

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    A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Credit Scoring Using PCA and Logistic Regression

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    Credit scoring is one mechanism used by lenders to evaluate risk before extending credit to credit applicants. The method helps distinguish credit worthiness of good credit applicants from the bad credit applicants.  Credit scoring involves a set of decision models and with their underlying techniques helps aid lenders in issuing of consumer credit. Logistic regression (LR) is an adjustment of linear regression with flexibility on its preposition of data and is also able to handle qualitative indicators. The major shortcoming of Logistic regression model is the inability to deal with cooperative (over fitting) effect of the variables. PCA is a feature extraction model that is used to filter out irrelevant un-needed features and hence, it lowers model training time and costs and also increases model performance. This study evaluates the shortcomings of simple models and proposes to develop an efficient and robust machine learning technique combining Logistic and PCA models to evaluate firms in the deposit taking SACCO sector. To achieve this, experimental methodology is adopted.  The proposed hybrid model will be two staged. First stage will be to transform the original variables to get new uncorrelated variables. This will be done using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Stage two is the use of LR on the principal component values to compute the credit scores. Inferences and conclusions were made based on the analysis of the collected data using Matlab.


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    A decrease in data storage costs and widespread use of scanning devices has led to massive quantities of scanned digital documents in corporations, organizations, and governments around the world. Automatically processing these large heterogeneous collections can be difficult due to considerable variation in resolution, quality, font, layout, noise, and content. In order to make this data available to a wide audience, methods for efficient retrieval and analysis from large collections of document images remain an open and important area of research. In this proposal, we present research in three areas that augment the current state of the art in the retrieval and analysis of large heterogeneous document image collections. First, we explore an efficient approach to document image retrieval, which allows users to perform retrieval against large image collections in a query-by-example manner. Our approach is compared to text retrieval of OCR on a collection of 7 million document images collected from lawsuits against tobacco companies. Next, we present research in document verification and change detection, where one may want to quickly determine if two document images contain any differences (document verification) and if so, to determine precisely what and where changes have occurred (change detection). A motivating example is legal contracts, where scanned images are often e-mailed back and forth and small changes can have severe ramifications. Finally, approaches useful for exploiting the biometric properties of handwriting in order to perform writer identification and retrieval in document images are examined

    Image Classification of High Variant Objects in Fast Industrial Applications

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    Recent advances in machine learning and image processing have expanded the applications of computer vision in many industries. In industrial applications, image classification is a crucial task since high variant objects present difficult problems because of their variety and constant change in attributes. Computer vision algorithms can function effectively in complex environments, working alongside human operators to enhance efficiency and data accuracy. However, there are still many industries facing difficulties with automation that have not yet been properly solved and put into practice. They have the need for more accurate, convenient, and faster methods. These solutions drove my interest in combining multiple learning strategies as well as sensors and image formats to enable the use of computer vision for these applications. The motivation for this work is to answer a number of research questions that aim to mitigate current problems in hinder their practical application. This work therefore aims to present solutions that contribute to enabling these solutions. I demonstrate why standard methods cannot simply be applied to an existing problem. Each method must be customized to the specific application scenario in order to obtain a working solution. One example is face recognition where the classification performance is crucial for the system’s ability to correctly identify individuals. Additional features would allow higher accuracy, robustness, safety, and make presentation attacks more difficult. The detection of attempted attacks is critical for the acceptance of such systems and significantly impacts the applicability of biometrics. Another application is tailgating detection at automated entrance gates. Especially in high security environments it is important to prevent that authorized persons can take an unauthorized person into the secured area. There is a plethora of technology that seem potentially suitable but there are several practical factors to consider that increase or decrease applicability depending which method is used. The third application covered in this thesis is the classification of textiles when they are not spread out. Finding certain properties on them is complex, as these properties might be inside a fold, or differ in appearance because of shadows and position. The first part of this work provides in-depth analysis of the three individual applications, including background information that is needed to understand the research topic and its proposed solutions. It includes the state of the art in the area for all researched applications. In the second part of this work, methods are presented to facilitate or enable the industrial applicability of the presented applications. New image databases are initially presented for all three application areas. In the case of biometrics, three methods that identify and improve specific performance parameters are shown. It will be shown how melanin face pigmentation (MFP) features can be extracted and used for classification in face recognition and PAD applications. In the entrance control application, the focus is on the sensor information with six methods being presented in detail. This includes the use of thermal images to detect humans based on their body heat, depth images in form of RGB-D images and 2D image series, as well as data of a floor mounted sensor-grid. For textile defect detection several methods and a novel classification procedure, in free-fall is presented. In summary, this work examines computer vision applications for their practical industrial applicability and presents solutions to mitigate the identified problems. In contrast to previous work, the proposed approaches are (a) effective in improving classification performance (b) fast in execution and (c) easily integrated into existing processes and equipment

    Performance analysis of multimodal biometric fusion

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    Biometrics is constantly evolving technology which has been widely used in many official and commercial identification applications. In fact in recent years biometric-based authentication techniques received more attention due to increased concerns in security. Most biometric systems that are currently in use typically employ a single biometric trait. Such systems are called unibiometric systems. Despite considerable advances in recent years, there are still challenges in authentication based on a single biometric trait, such as noisy data, restricted degree of freedom, intra-class variability, non-universality, spoof attack and unacceptable error rates. Some of the challenges can be handled by designing a multimodal biometric system. Multimodal biometric systems are those which utilize or are capable of utilizing, more than one physiological or behavioural characteristic for enrolment, verification, or identification. In this thesis, we propose a novel fusion approach at a hybrid level between iris and online signature traits. Online signature and iris authentication techniques have been employed in a range of biometric applications. Besides improving the accuracy, the fusion of both of the biometrics has several advantages such as increasing population coverage, deterring spoofing activities and reducing enrolment failure. In this doctoral dissertation, we make a first attempt to combine online signature and iris biometrics. We principally explore the fusion of iris and online signature biometrics and their potential application as biometric identifiers. To address this issue, investigations is carried out into the relative performance of several statistical data fusion techniques for integrating the information in both unimodal and multimodal biometrics. We compare the results of the multimodal approach with the results of the individual online signature and iris authentication approaches. This dissertation describes research into the feature and decision fusion levels in multimodal biometrics.State of Kuwait – The Public Authority of Applied Education and Trainin