7 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Several Gradient Based Optimization Algorithms for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to evaluate and compare different optimization algorithms for Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) reduction in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems. Based on Tone Reservation (TR) method, we exploit the unused subcarriers of the studied standard to generate the peak canceling signal without data rate loss. Gradient, Conjugate-Gradient with two directions search and Quasi-Newton methods have been investigated and evaluated on the basis of spectral regrowth, convergence speed and ability to improve the high peak-to-average reduction in multicarriers systems. As an example, the simulations are performed in the case of Local Area Network WLAN (IEEE 802.11a standard). Simulation results show that a PAPR reduction gain around 3 dB can be achieved

    PAPR Reduction Method based on In-phase/Quadrature Data Symbol Components in MIMO-OFDM Systems

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    To overcome unpredictable spikes in the peak-toaverage power ratio (PAPR) in the presence of an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for multi-input-multioutput (MIMO) systems, implementation of a new SLM scheme is presented in this paper, which is extended from our previous study of IQ-SLM in SISO-OFDM system. In each transmit antenna, both real and imaginary parts of the base-band data symbol were modified independently using a corresponding phase element within a commonly generated phase vector, instead of modifying the complex data symbol as a single component. After applying an inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) for the real, imaginary, and original base-band vectors, the minimum PAPR component was observed. Therefore, the phase vector that introduced the minimal PAPR was considered to convert the original data block for transmission. This technique is called the In-phase/Quadrature-SLM (IQ-SLM) scheme. In this proposal, only U phase vectors were generated to treat all Nt data blocks, simultaneously, unlike the conventional MIMO-SLM techniques which generate UNt candidate phase blocks. The thing which, in turn, can be considered as a further computational complexity reduction, specifically in data-phase conversion stages. As a result, in terms of the complementary cumulative distribution function of PAPR performance(CCDF-PAPR), the proposal achieved a greater decibel reduction than conventional SLM methods such as dSLM, oSLM, and sSLM, at different subcarrier lengths N, candidate phase vectors U, transmit antennas Nt. Also, it shows a comparable BER performances over the dSLM scheme referencing to the theoretical curves, in the case where Nt ≤ Nr for both zero-forcing (ZF) and ZF with vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (V-BLAST) detector

    A Closed Form Selected Mapping Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Multicarrier Transmission

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    Nowadays, the demand for communication multi-carriers' channels, where the sub-channels are made mutually independent by using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), is widespread both for wireless and wired communication systems. Even if OFDM is a spectrally efficient modulation scheme, due to the allowed number of subcarriers, high data rate, and good coverage, the transmitted signal can present high peak values in the time domain, due to inverse fast Fourier transform operations. This gives rise to high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) with respect to single carrier systems. These peaks can saturate the transmitting amplifiers, modifying the shape of the OFDM symbol and affecting its information content, and they give rise to electromagnetic compatibility issues for the surrounding electric devices. In this paper, a closed form PAPR reduction algorithm is proposed, which belongs to selected mapping (SLM) methods. These methods consist in shifting the phases of the components to minimize the amplitude of the peaks. The determination of the optimal set of phase shifts is a very complex problem; therefore, the SLM approaches proposed in literature all resort to iterative algorithms. Moreover, as this calculation must be performed online, both the computational cost and the effect on the bit rate (BR) cannot be established a priori. The proposed analytic algorithm finds the optimal phase shifts of an approximated formulation of the PAPR. Simulation results outperform unprocessed conventional OFDM transmission by several dBs. Moreover, the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) shows that, in most of the packets, the proposed algorithm reduces the PAPR if compared with randomly selected phase shifts. For example, with a number of shifted phases U=8, the CCFD curves corresponding to the analytical and random methods intersect at a probability value equal to 10(-2), which means that in 99% of cases the former method reduces the PAPR more than the latter one. This is also confirmed by the value of the gain, which, at the same number of shifted phases and at the probability value equal to 10(-1), changes from 2.09 dB for the analytical to 1.68 dB for the random SLM

    저복잡도 후보 OFDM 신호 생성을 이용한 새로운 PTS 방법

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 2. 노종선.This dissertation proposes several research results on the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction schemes for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The PAPR is the one of major drawback of OFDM system which causes signal distortion when OFDM signal passes through nonlinear high power amplifier (HPA). Various schemes have been proposed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals such as clipping, selected mapping (SLM), partial transmit sequence (PTS), active constellation extension (ACE), companding, and tone reservation (TR). Among them, PTS scheme can transmit an OFDM signal vector by generating many alternative OFDM signal vectors using the partitioned subblock signals and selecting the optimal OFDM signal vector with the minimum PAPR. However, the PTS scheme requires large computational complexity, because it needs many inverse fast Fourier transforms (IFFTs) of subblock signals and lots of alternative OFDM signal vectors are generated. In this dissertation, we concentrate on reducing the computational complexity of the PTS scheme. In the first part of this dissertation, we propose a new PTS scheme with low computational complexity using two search steps to find a subset of phase rotating vectors showing good PAPR reduction performance. In the first step, sequences with low correlation are used as phase rotating vectors for PTS scheme, which are called the initial phase vectors. Kasami sequence and quaternary sequence are used in this step as the initial phase vectors. In the second step, local search is performed based on the initial phase vectors to find additional phase rotating vectors which show good PAPR reduction performance. Numerical analysis shows that the proposed PTS scheme can achieve almost the same PAPR reduction performance as the conventional PTS scheme with much lower computational complexity than other low-complexity PTS schemes. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose another low-complexity PTS schemes using the dominant time-domain OFDM signal samples, which are only used to calculate PAPR of each alternative OFDM signal vector. In this PTS scheme, we propose efficient metrics to select the dominant time-domain samples. For further lowering the computational complexity, dominant time-domain samples are sorted in decreasing order by the proposed metric values and then the power of each sample is compared with the minimum PAPR of the previously examined alternative OFDM signal vectors. Numerical results confirm that the proposed PTS schemes using new metrics show large computational complexity reduction compared to other existing low-complexity PTS schemes without PAPR degradation. In the last part of the dissertation, for the reduced-complexity PTS scheme, a new selection method of the dominant time-domain samples is proposed by rotating the IFFTed signal samples to the area on which the IFFTed signal sample of the first subblock is located in the signal space. Moreover, the method of pre-exclusion of the phase rotating vectors using the time-domain sample rotation is proposed to reduce the number of alternative OFDM signal vectors. Further, three proposed PTS schemes are introduced to reduce the computational complexity by using simple OFDM signal rotation and pre-exclusion of the phase rotating vectors. Numerical analysis shows that the proposed PTS schemes achieve the same PAPR reduction performance as that of the conventional PTS scheme with the large computational complexity reduction.Docto

    Outils d'analyse, de modélisation et de commande pour les radiocommunications Application aux amplificateurs de puissance

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    L'évolution croissante des télécommunications résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs facteurs comme les progrès de l'électronique, de la micro-électronique, de la radiofréquence mais aussi des avancées des techniques de communications numériques. Dans ce contexte, les études s'orientent de plus en plus vers l'amélioration de la couverture et de la qualité de service offertes aux usagers. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrivent les travaux exposés dans le cadre de cette Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Les problématiques soulevées concernent : - la connaissance et la maîtrise du comportement des composants en présence de signaux large bande, multiporteuses, - l'amélioration de la qualité des transmissions en tenant compte des aspects énergétiques, - la reconfigurabilité et l'adaptation des nouveaux systèmes à la multiplication des normes et des standards de communications. Pour chaque problématique, nous avons proposé des solutions théoriques et pratiques avec comme fil conducteur l'utilisation et la mise en \oe uvre d'outils issus de l'Automatique comme l'estimation paramétrique, la commande et la linéarisation, l'optimisation, etc. Concernant la modélisation des fonctions électroniques RF, je présente mes travaux concernant la prise en compte des effets statiques et dynamiques en temps continu et discret. Pour les circuits hautes fréquences qui se caractérisent par des constantes de temps avec des ordres de grandeurs divers, nous avons montré qu'il est important d'envisager la modélisation selon l'application visée et en déployant des outils d'estimation paramétrique adaptés. Des problématiques telles que la normalisation de l'espace paramétrique, l'initialisation, la convergence sont étudiées pour répondre aux caractéristiques des systèmes de radiocommunications.Dans le chapitre consacré à l'amélioration de la linéarité et du rendement, nous avons présenté des techniques de correction des imperfections des amplificateurs de puissances ainsi que des méthodes de traitement du signal qui permettent de réduire leurs impacts sur la transmission. Concernant la linéarisation, nous avons commencé par une comparaison d'une technique Feedback et d'un linéariseur à base d'une prédistorsion polynomiale sans mémoire. Cette étude a mis en évidence l'intérêt d'adjoindre de la mémoire sous forme de retards dans le linéariseur. Les fortes fluctuations des signaux multiporteuses, mesurées par le PAPR pour Peak-to-Average Power Ratio, contribuent aussi à dégrader le bilan énergétique de l'émetteur. La majorité des travaux sur la réduction du PAPR se limite à l'étude des performances en termes de gain de réduction, sans aborder la qualité de transmission en présence d'imperfections réalistes des éléments non-linéaires. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons analysé cette problématique pour un système MIMO-OFDM en boucle fermée avec prise en compte du canal, des non-linéarités, des effets mémoires et des critères visuels permettant d'évaluer la qualité des transmissions de données multimédias.Le développement d'architectures entièrement numérique, reconfigurables est traité en dernière partie de ce cette HDR. Pour cette large thématique, nous proposons des améliorations pour des coefficients des modulateurs afin d'obtenir une fonction de transfert du bruit respectant un gabarit fréquentiel donné. La correction des erreurs de calcul dus aux coefficients du type 1/2L2^L. Cette correction est basée sur la ré-injection de l'erreur au sein de la boucle directe à travers un filtre numérique

    PAPR Reduction Based on Parallel Tabu Search for Tone Reservation in OFDM Systems

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