2,292,503 research outputs found

    Waiwhakareke Restoration Plantings: Establishment of Monitoring Plots 2005-06

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    Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park is being developed to reconstruct native lowland and wetland ecosystems as were once widespread in the Waikato Region. The 60ha Natural Heritage Park is located on the north-west outskirts of Hamilton City and includes a peat lake (Horseshoe Lake) which is surrounded by introduced willow trees. There is some native marginal vegetation around the lake, including rushes and sedges, and an extensive area of gently sloping pasture completes the catchment. The restoration and recreation of the native plant and animal communities is being lead by the Hamilton City Council in partnership with The University of Waikato, Wintec, Nga Mana Toopu o Kirikiriroa Limited Resource Management and Cultural Consultants and Tui 2000 (McQueen 2005; McQueen & Clarkson 2003)

    Improved Distributed Algorithms for Exact Shortest Paths

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    Computing shortest paths is one of the central problems in the theory of distributed computing. For the last few years, substantial progress has been made on the approximate single source shortest paths problem, culminating in an algorithm of Becker et al. [DISC'17] which deterministically computes (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-approximate shortest paths in O~(D+n)\tilde O(D+\sqrt n) time, where DD is the hop-diameter of the graph. Up to logarithmic factors, this time complexity is optimal, matching the lower bound of Elkin [STOC'04]. The question of exact shortest paths however saw no algorithmic progress for decades, until the recent breakthrough of Elkin [STOC'17], which established a sublinear-time algorithm for exact single source shortest paths on undirected graphs. Shortly after, Huang et al. [FOCS'17] provided improved algorithms for exact all pairs shortest paths problem on directed graphs. In this paper, we present a new single-source shortest path algorithm with complexity O~(n3/4D1/4)\tilde O(n^{3/4}D^{1/4}). For polylogarithmic DD, this improves on Elkin's O~(n5/6)\tilde{O}(n^{5/6}) bound and gets closer to the Ω~(n1/2)\tilde{\Omega}(n^{1/2}) lower bound of Elkin [STOC'04]. For larger values of DD, we present an improved variant of our algorithm which achieves complexity O~(n3/4+o(1)+min{n3/4D1/6,n6/7}+D)\tilde{O}\left( n^{3/4+o(1)}+ \min\{ n^{3/4}D^{1/6},n^{6/7}\}+D\right), and thus compares favorably with Elkin's bound of O~(n5/6+n2/3D1/3+D)\tilde{O}(n^{5/6} + n^{2/3}D^{1/3} + D ) in essentially the entire range of parameters. This algorithm provides also a qualitative improvement, because it works for the more challenging case of directed graphs (i.e., graphs where the two directions of an edge can have different weights), constituting the first sublinear-time algorithm for directed graphs. Our algorithm also extends to the case of exact κ\kappa-source shortest paths...Comment: 26 page

    Nilpotent pairs, dual pairs, and sheets

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    Recently, V.Ginzburg introduced the notion of a principal nilpotent pair (= pn-pair) in a semisimple Lie algebra {\frak g}. It is a double counterpart of the notion of a regular nilpotent element. A pair (e_1,e_2) of commuting nilpotent elements is called a pn-pair, if the dimension of their simultaneous centralizer is equal to the rank of {\frak g} and some bi-homogeneity condition is satisfied. Ginzburg proved that many familiar results of the `ordinary' theory have analogues for pn-pairs. The aim of this article is to develop the theory of nilpotent pairs a bit further and to present some applications of it to dual pairs and sheets. It is shown that a large portion of Ginzburg's theory can be extended to the pairs whose simultaneous centraliser is of dimension rk{\frak g}+1. Such pairs are called almost pn-pairs. It is worth noting that the very existence of almost pn-pairs is a purely "double" phenomenon, because the dimension of "ordinary" orbits is always even. We prove that to any principal or almost nilpotent pair one naturally associates a dual pair. Moreover, this dual pair is reductive if and only if e_1 and e_2 can be included in commuting sl_2-triples. We also study sheets containing members of pn-pairs. Some cases are described, where these sheets are smooth and admit a section.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX 2.0

    Ample Pairs

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    We show that the ample degree of a stable theory with trivial forking is preserved when we consider the corresponding theory of belles paires, if it exists. This result also applies to the theory of HH-structures of a trivial theory of rank 11.Comment: Research partially supported by the program MTM2014-59178-P. The second author conducted research with support of the programme ANR-13-BS01-0006 Valcomo. The third author would like to thank the European Research Council grant 33882

    Cartan Pairs

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    A new notion of Cartan pairs as a substitute of notion of vector fields in noncommutative geometry is proposed. The correspondence between Cartan pairs and differential calculi is established.Comment: 7 pages in LaTeX, to be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, presented at the 5th Colloquium on Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems, Prague, June 199