199 research outputs found

    Spelling Detection based on P300 Signal with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Algorithm

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    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a system that connects the human brain with the outside world for people who have motor skills disability problems. One form of utilization is the P300 speller which is used for character recognition or detection by classifying the P300 signal. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method is a deep learning method that can be used to handle signal problems with ID-CNN. At the initial stage the data signal will be transformed and followed by a duplication process using RandomOverSampling because the amount of data in each class is not balanced. The data will be divided into training, validation, and test data. After that, a training with CNN will be conducted and followed by an evaluation to find the best model. The test results from this study are a good-fitting CNN model with an evaluation value consisting of an accuracy of 94.27%, precision of 90.64%, sensitivity / recall of 98.30%, and f-measure of 94.31%. Based on the test, the CNN method can be used and implemented in authentication detection based on the P300 signal

    Convolutional Neural Networks for P300 Detection with Application to Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    Classification of P300 from non-invasive EEG signal using convolutional neural network

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    2022 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Brain-Computer Interface system is a communication tool for the patients of neuromuscular diseases. The efficiency of such a system largely depends on the accurate and reliable detection of the brain signal employed in its operation. P300 Speller, a well-known BCI system, which helps the user select the desired alphabet in the communication process uses an Electroencephalography signal called P300 brain wave. The spatiotemporal nature and the low Signal-to-noise ratio along with the high dimensionality of P300 signal imposes difficulties in its accurate recognition. Moreover, its inter- and intra-subject variability necessitates case-specific experimental setup requiring considerable amount of time and resources before the system's deployment for use. In this thesis Convolutional Neural Network is applied to detect the P300 signal and observe the distinguishing features of P300 and non-P300 signals extracted by the neural network. Three different shapes of the filters, namely 1-D CNN, 2-D CNN, and 3-D CNN are examined separately to evaluate their detection ability of the target signals. Virtual channels created with three different weighting techniques are explored in 3-D CNN analysis. Both within-subject and cross-subject examinations are performed. Single trial accuracy with CNN implementation. Higher single trial accuracy is observed for all the subjects with CNN implementation compared to that achieved with Stepwise Linear Discriminant Analysis. Up to approximately 80% within-subject accuracy and 64% cross- subject accuracy are recorded in this research. 1-D CNN outperforms all the other models in terms of classification accuracy

    Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning

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    Biometrics, such as fingerprint, iris, face, hand print, hand vein, speech and gait recognition, etc., as a means of identity management have become commonplace nowadays for various applications. Biometric systems follow a typical pipeline, that is composed of separate preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Deep learning as a data-driven representation learning approach has been shown to be a promising alternative to conventional data-agnostic and handcrafted pre-processing and feature extraction for biometric systems. Furthermore, deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm to unify preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition, based solely on biometric data. This Special Issue has collected 12 high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with challenging issues in advanced biometric systems based on deep learning. The 12 papers can be divided into 4 categories according to biometric modality; namely, face biometrics, medical electronic signals (EEG and ECG), voice print, and others

    Classification of Frequency and Phase Encoded Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials for Brain Computer Interface Speller Applications using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Over the past decade there have been substantial improvements in vision based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) spellers for quadriplegic patient populations. This thesis contains a review of the numerous bio-signals available to BCI researchers, as well as a brief chronology of foremost decoding methodologies used to date. Recent advances in classification accuracy and information transfer rate can be primarily attributed to time consuming patient specific parameter optimization procedures. The aim of the current study was to develop analysis software with potential ‘plug-in-and-play’ functionality. To this end, convolutional neural networks, presently established as state of the art analytical techniques for image processing, were utilized. The thesis herein defines deep convolutional neural network architecture for the offline classification of phase and frequency encoded SSVEP bio-signals. Networks were trained using an extensive 35 participant open source Electroencephalographic (EEG) benchmark dataset (Department of Bio-medical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing). Average classification accuracies of 82.24% and information transfer rates of 22.22 bpm were achieved on a BCI naïve participant dataset for a 40 target alphanumeric display, in absence of any patient specific parameter optimization

    Learning Representations from EEG with Deep Recurrent-Convolutional Neural Networks

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    One of the challenges in modeling cognitive events from electroencephalogram (EEG) data is finding representations that are invariant to inter- and intra-subject differences, as well as to inherent noise associated with such data. Herein, we propose a novel approach for learning such representations from multi-channel EEG time-series, and demonstrate its advantages in the context of mental load classification task. First, we transform EEG activities into a sequence of topology-preserving multi-spectral images, as opposed to standard EEG analysis techniques that ignore such spatial information. Next, we train a deep recurrent-convolutional network inspired by state-of-the-art video classification to learn robust representations from the sequence of images. The proposed approach is designed to preserve the spatial, spectral, and temporal structure of EEG which leads to finding features that are less sensitive to variations and distortions within each dimension. Empirical evaluation on the cognitive load classification task demonstrated significant improvements in classification accuracy over current state-of-the-art approaches in this field.Comment: To be published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    P300 detection and characterization for brain computer interface

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    Advances in cognitive neuroscience and brain imaging technologies have enabled the brain to directly interface with the computer. This technique is called as Brain Computer Interface (BCI). This ability is made possible through use of sensors that can monitor some of the physical processes that occur inside the brain. Researchers have used these kinds of technologies to build brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Computers or communication devices can be controlled by using the signals produced in the brain. This can be a real boon for all those who are not able to communicate with the outside world directly. They can easily forecast their emotions or feelings using this technology. In BCI we use oddball paradigms to generate event-related potentials (ERPs), like the P300 wave, on targets which have been selected by the user. The basic principle of a P300 speller is detection of P300 waves that allows the user to write characters. Two classification problems are encountered in the P300 speller. The first is to detect the presence of a P300 in the electroencephalogram (EEG). The second one refers to the combination of different P300 signals for determining the right character to spell. In this thesis both parts i.e., the classification as well as characterization part are presented in a simple and lucid way. First data is obtained using data set 2 of the third BCI competition. The raw data was processed through matlab software and the corresponding feature matrices were obtained. Several techniques such as normalization, feature extraction and feature reduction of the data are explained through the contents of this thesis. Then ANN algorithm is used to classify the data into P300 and no-P300 waves. Finally character recognition is carried out through the use of multiclass classifiers that enable the user to determine the right character to spell