74 research outputs found

    Cryptography for Bitcoin and friends

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    Numerous cryptographic extensions to Bitcoin have been proposed since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the revolutionary design in 2008. However, only few proposals have been adopted in Bitcoin and other prevalent cryptocurrencies, whose resistance to fundamental changes has proven to grow with their success. In this dissertation, we introduce four cryptographic techniques that advance the functionality and privacy provided by Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies without requiring fundamental changes in their design: First, we realize smart contracts that disincentivize parties in distributed systems from making contradicting statements by penalizing such behavior by the loss of funds in a cryptocurrency. Second, we propose CoinShuffle++, a coin mixing protocol which improves the anonymity of cryptocurrency users by combining their transactions and thereby making it harder for observers to trace those transactions. The core of CoinShuffle++ is DiceMix, a novel and efficient protocol for broadcasting messages anonymously without the help of any trusted third-party anonymity proxies and in the presence of malicious participants. Third, we combine coin mixing with the existing idea to hide payment values in homomorphic commitments to obtain the ValueShuffle protocol, which enables us to overcome major obstacles to the practical deployment of coin mixing protocols. Fourth, we show how to prepare the aforementioned homomorphic commitments for a safe transition to post-quantum cryptography.Seit seiner revolutionären Erfindung durch Satoshi Nakamoto im Jahr 2008 wurden zahlreiche kryptographische Erweiterungen für Bitcoin vorgeschlagen. Gleichwohl wurden nur wenige Vorschläge in Bitcoin und andere weit verbreitete Kryptowährungen integriert, deren Resistenz gegen tiefgreifende Veränderungen augenscheinlich mit ihrer Verbreitung wächst. In dieser Dissertation schlagen wir vier kryptographische Verfahren vor, die die Funktionalität und die Datenschutzeigenschaften von Bitcoin und ähnlichen Kryptowährungen verbessern ohne deren Funktionsweise tiefgreifend verändern zu müssen. Erstens realisieren wir Smart Contracts, die es erlauben widersprüchliche Aussagen einer Vertragspartei mit dem Verlust von Kryptogeld zu bestrafen. Zweitens schlagen wir CoinShuffle++ vor, ein Mix-Protokoll, das die Anonymität von Benutzern verbessert, indem es ihre Transaktionen kombiniert und so deren Rückverfolgung erschwert. Sein Herzstück ist DiceMix, ein neues und effizientes Protokoll zur anonymen Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten ohne vertrauenswürdige Dritte und in der Präsenz von bösartigen Teilnehmern. Drittens kombinieren wir dieses Protokoll mit der existierenden Idee, Geldbeträge in Commitments zu verbergen, und erhalten so das ValueShuffle-Protokoll, das uns ermöglicht, große Hindernisse für den praktischen Einsatz von Mix-Protokollen zu überwinden. Viertens zeigen wir, wie die dabei benutzten Commitments für einen sicheren Übergang zu Post-Quanten-Kryptographie vorbereitet werden können

    TumbleBit: an untrusted Bitcoin-compatible anonymous payment hub

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    This paper presents TumbleBit, a new unidirectional unlinkable payment hub that is fully compatible with today s Bitcoin protocol. TumbleBit allows parties to make fast, anonymous, off-blockchain payments through an untrusted intermediary called the Tumbler. TumbleBits anonymity properties are similar to classic Chaumian eCash: no one, not even the Tumbler, can link a payment from its payer to its payee. Every payment made via TumbleBit is backed by bitcoins, and comes with a guarantee that Tumbler can neither violate anonymity, nor steal bitcoins, nor print money by issuing payments to itself. We prove the security of TumbleBit using the real/ideal world paradigm and the random oracle model. Security follows from the standard RSA assumption and ECDSA unforgeability. We implement TumbleBit, mix payments from 800 users and show that TumbleBits offblockchain payments can complete in seconds.https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/575.pdfPublished versio

    Mixing Confidential Transactions: Comprehensive Transaction Privacy for Bitcoin

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    The public nature of the blockchain has been shown to be a severe threat for the privacy of Bitcoin users. Even worse, since funds can be tracked and tainted, no two coins are equal, and fungibility, a fundamental property required in every currency, is at risk. With these threats in mind, several privacy-enhancing technologies have been proposed to improve transaction privacy in Bitcoin. However, they either require a deep redesign of the currency, breaking many currently deployed features, or they address only specific privacy issues and consequently provide only very limited guarantees when deployed separately. The goal of this work is to overcome this trade-off. Building on CoinJoin, we design ValueShuffle, the first coin mixing protocol compatible with Confidential Transactions, a proposed enhancement to the Bitcoin protocol to hide payment values in the blockchain. ValueShuffle ensures the anonymity of mixing participants as well as the confidentiality of their payment values even against other possibly malicious mixing participants. By combining CoinJoin with Confidential Transactions and additionally Stealth Addresses, ValueShuffle provides comprehensive privacy (payer anonymity, payee anonymity, and payment value privacy) without breaking with fundamental design principles or features of the current Bitcoin system. Assuming that Confidential Transactions will be integrated in the Bitcoin protocol, ValueShuffle makes it possible to mix funds of different value as well as to mix and spend funds in the same transaction, which overcomes the two main limitations of previous coin mixing protocols

    WabiSabi: Centrally Coordinated CoinJoins with Variable Amounts

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    Bitcoin transfers value on a public ledger of transactions anyone can verify. Coin ownership is defined in terms of public keys. Despite potential use for private transfers, research has shown that users’ activity can often be traced in practice. Businesses have been built on dragnet surveillance of Bitcoin users because of this lack of strong privacy, which harms its fungibility, a basic property of functional money. Although the public nature of this design lacks strong guarantees for privacy, it does not rule it out. A number of methods have been proposed to strengthen privacy. Among these is CoinJoin, an approach based on multiparty transactions that can introduce ambiguity and break common assumptions that underlie heuristics used for deanonymization. Existing implementations of CoinJoin have several limitations which may partly explain the lack of their widespread adoption. This work introduces WabiSabi, a new protocol for centrally coordinated CoinJoin implementations utilizing keyed verification anonymous credentials and homomorphic value commitments. This improves earlier approaches which utilize blind signatures in both privacy and flexibility, enabling novel use cases and reduced overhead

    A Flexible Network Approach to Privacy of Blockchain Transactions

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    For preserving privacy, blockchains can be equipped with dedicated mechanisms to anonymize participants. However, these mechanism often take only the abstraction layer of blockchains into account whereas observations of the underlying network traffic can reveal the originator of a transaction request. Previous solutions either provide topological privacy that can be broken by attackers controlling a large number of nodes, or offer strong and cryptographic privacy but are inefficient up to practical unusability. Further, there is no flexible way to trade privacy against efficiency to adjust to practical needs. We propose a novel approach that combines existing mechanisms to have quantifiable and adjustable cryptographic privacy which is further improved by augmented statistical measures that prevent frequent attacks with lower resources. This approach achieves flexibility for privacy and efficency requirements of different blockchain use cases.Comment: 6 pages, 2018 IEEE 38th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS

    Mirror worlds, eclipse attacks and the security of Bitcoin and the RPKI

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    While distributed databases offer great promise their decentralized nature poses a number of security and privacy issues. In what ways can parties misbehave? If a database is truly distributed can a malicious actor hide their misdeeds by presenting conflicting views of the database? Can we overcome such deceit and either prevent it by eliminating trust assumptions or detect such perfidy and hold the malicious party to account? We study these questions across two distributed databases: RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure), which is used to authenticate the allocation and announcement of IP prefixes; and Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that utilizes a permissionless database called a blockchain to track the transfer and ownership of bitcoins. The first part of this dissertation focuses on RPKI and the potential of RPKI authorities to misbehave. We consider the methods, motivations, and impact of this misbehavior and how an RPKI authority can present inconsistent views to hide this misbehavior. After studying the problem we propose solutions to detect and identify such misbehavior. Now we turn our attention to Bitcoin. We look at ways an attacker can manipulate Bitcoin's Peer-to-Peer network to cause members of the network to have inconsistent views of Bitcoin's blockchain and subvert Bitcoin's core security guarantees. We then propose countermeasures to harden Bitcoin against such attacks. The final part of this dissertation discusses the problem of privacy in Bitcoin. Many of the protocols developed to address Bitcoin's privacy limitations introduce trusted parties. We instead design privacy enhancing protocols that use an untrusted intermediary to mix \aka anonymize, bitcoin transactions via blind signatures. To do this we must invent a novel blind signature fair-exchange protocol that runs on Bitcoin's blockchain. This dissertation favors a dirty slate design process. We work to layer protections on existing protocols and when we must make changes to the underlying protocol we carefully weigh compatibility and deployment considerations. This philosophy has resulted in some of the research described in this dissertation influencing the design of deployed protocols. In the case of Bitcoin our research is currently used to harden a network controlling approximately a trillion dollars