5 research outputs found

    Symbolic dynamics to enhance diagnostic ability of portable oximetry from the Phone Oximeter in the detection of paediatric sleep apnoea

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    Objective: This study is aimed at assessing symbolic dynamics as a reliable technique to characterize complex fluctuations of portable oximetry in the context of automated detection of childhood obstructive sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS). Approach: Nocturnal oximetry signals from 142 children with suspected OSAHS were acquired using the Phone Oximeter: a portable device that integrates a pulse oximeter with a smartphone. An apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) ⩾ 5 events h−1 from simultaneous in-lab polysomnography was used to confirm moderate-to-severe childhood OSAHS. Symbolic dynamics was used to parameterise non-linear changes in the overnight oximetry profile. Conventional indices, anthropometric measures, and time-domain linear statistics were also considered. Forward stepwise logistic regression was used to obtain an optimum feature subset. Logistic regression (LR) was used to identify children with moderate-to-severe OSAHS. Main results: The histogram of 3-symbol words from symbolic dynamics showed significant differences (p < 0.01) between children with AHI < 5 events h−1 and moderate-to-severe patients (AHI ⩾ 5 events h−1). Words representing increasing oximetry values after apnoeic events (re-saturations) showed relevant diagnostic information. Regarding the performance of individual characterization approaches, the LR model composed of features from symbolic dynamics alone reached a maximum performance of 78.4% accuracy (65.2% sensitivity; 86.8% specificity) and 0.83 area under the ROC curve (AUC). The classification performance improved combining all features. The optimum model from feature selection achieved 83.3% accuracy (73.5% sensitivity; 89.5% specificity) and 0.89 AUC, significantly (p <0.01) outperforming the other models. Significance: Symbolic dynamics provides complementary information to conventional oximetry analysis enabling reliable detection of moderate-to-severe paediatric OSAHS from portable oximetry

    Oxygen Saturation and RR Intervals Feature Selection for Sleep Apnea Detection

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    A diagnostic system for sleep apnea based on oxygen saturation and RR intervals obtained from the EKG (electrocardiogram) is proposed with the goal to detect and quantify minute long segments of sleep with breathing pauses. We measured the discriminative capacity of combinations of features obtained from RR series and oximetry to evaluate improvements of the performance compared to oximetry-based features alone. Time and frequency domain variables derived from oxygen saturation (SpO2) as well as linear and non-linear variables describing the RR series have been explored in recordings from 70 patients with suspected sleep apnea. We applied forward feature selection in order to select a minimal set of variables that are able to locate patterns indicating respiratory pauses. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to classify the presence of apnea during specific segments. The system will finally provide a global score indicating the presence of clinically significant apnea integrating the segment based apnea detection. LDA results in an accuracy of 87%; sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 91% (AUC = 0.90) with a global classification of 97% when only oxygen saturation is used. In case of additionally including features from the RR series; the system performance improves to an accuracy of 87%; sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 92% (AUC = 0.92), with a global classification rate of 100%

    Oxygen Saturation and RR Intervals Feature Selection for Sleep Apnea Detection

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    A diagnostic system for sleep apnea based on oxygen saturation and RR intervals obtained from the EKG (electrocardiogram) is proposed with the goal to detect and quantify minute long segments of sleep with breathing pauses. We measured the discriminative capacity of combinations of features obtained from RR series and oximetry to evaluate improvements of the performance compared to oximetry-based features alone. Time and frequency domain variables derived from oxygen saturation (SpO2) as well as linear and non-linear variables describing the RR series have been explored in recordings from 70 patients with suspected sleep apnea. We applied forward feature selection in order to select a minimal set of variables that are able to locate patterns indicating respiratory pauses. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to classify the presence of apnea during specific segments. The system will finally provide a global score indicating the presence of clinically significant apnea integrating the segment based apnea detection. LDA results in an accuracy of 87%; sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 91% (AUC = 0.90) with a global classification of 97% when only oxygen saturation is used. In case of additionally including features from the RR series; the system performance improves to an accuracy of 87%; sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 92% (AUC = 0.92), with a global classification rate of 100%

    Diseño y evaluación de metodologías de análisis automático de la oximetría nocturna como método simplificado de detección del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño en niños. Validación en el hospital y en el domicilio.

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    El síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia en la población infantil, con una importante morbilidad y elevado impacto sociosanitario, en la que la detección precoz es esencial para iniciar un adecuado tratamiento, el cual debe ser siempre individualizado. El SAHOS es una alteración fisiopatológica compleja y multifactorial, en la que no sólo influye una susceptibilidad genética e individual (factores anatómicos y dinámicos), sino también de estilo de vida. Los factores de riesgo más frecuentes son la hipertrofia adenoamigdalar y la obesidad. Los síntomas en los niños son escasos, son principalmente nocturnos y requieren un alto nivel de sospecha. El SAHOS no diagnosticado o no tratado se relaciona con diferentes consecuencias metabólicas, cardiovasculares, neurocognitivas, inflamatorias, conductuales y falta de desarrollo estaturoponderal, lo que conduce a un empeoramiento del estado de salud en términos generales y disminución de calidad de vida.Departamento de Anatomía y RadiologíaDoctorado en Investigación en Ciencias de la Salu

    Multimodal Signal Processing for Diagnosis of Cardiorespiratory Disorders

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    This thesis addresses the use of multimodal signal processing to develop algorithms for the automated processing of two cardiorespiratory disorders. The aim of the first application of this thesis was to reduce false alarm rate in an intensive care unit. The goal was to detect five critical arrhythmias using processing of multimodal signals including photoplethysmography, arterial blood pressure, Lead II and augmented right arm electrocardiogram (ECG). A hierarchical approach was used to process the signals as well as a custom signal processing technique for each arrhythmia type. Sleep disorders are a prevalent health issue, currently costly and inconvenient to diagnose, as they normally require an overnight hospital stay by the patient. In the second application of this project, we designed automated signal processing algorithms for the diagnosis of sleep apnoea with a main focus on the ECG signal processing. We estimated the ECG-derived respiratory (EDR) signal using different methods: QRS-complex area, principal component analysis (PCA) and kernel PCA. We proposed two algorithms (segmented PCA and approximated PCA) for EDR estimation to enable applying the PCA method to overnight recordings and rectify the computational issues and memory requirement. We compared the EDR information against the chest respiratory effort signals. The performance was evaluated using three automated machine learning algorithms of linear discriminant analysis (LDA), extreme learning machine (ELM) and support vector machine (SVM) on two databases: the MIT PhysioNet database and the St. Vincent’s database. The results showed that the QRS area method for EDR estimation combined with the LDA classifier was the highest performing method and the EDR signals contain respiratory information useful for discriminating sleep apnoea. As a final step, heart rate variability (HRV) and cardiopulmonary coupling (CPC) features were extracted and combined with the EDR features and temporal optimisation techniques were applied. The cross-validation results of the minute-by-minute apnoea classification achieved an accuracy of 89%, a sensitivity of 90%, a specificity of 88%, and an AUC of 0.95 which is comparable to the best results reported in the literature