1,227 research outputs found

    MSIR@FIRE: A Comprehensive Report from 2013 to 2016

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    [EN] India is a nation of geographical and cultural diversity where over 1600 dialects are spoken by the people. With the technological advancement, penetration of the internet and cheaper access to mobile data, India has recently seen a sudden growth of internet users. These Indian internet users generate contents either in English or in other vernacular Indian languages. To develop technological solutions for the contents generated by the Indian users using the Indian languages, the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) was established and held for the first time in 2008. Although Indian languages are written using indigenous scripts, often websites and user-generated content (such as tweets and blogs) in these Indian languages are written using Roman script due to various socio-cultural and technological reasons. A challenge that search engines face while processing transliterated queries and documents is that of extensive spelling variation. MSIR track was first introduced in 2013 at FIRE and the aim of MSIR was to systematically formalize several research problems that one must solve to tackle the code mixing in Web search for users of many languages around the world, develop related data sets, test benches and most importantly, build a research community focusing on this important problem that has received very little attention. This document is a comprehensive report on the 4 years of MSIR track evaluated at FIRE between 2013 and 2016.Somnath Banerjee and Sudip Kumar Naskar are supported by Media Lab Asia, MeitY, Government of India, under the Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT. The work of Paolo Rosso was partially supported by the MISMIS research project PGC2018-096212-B-C31 funded by the Spanish MICINN.Banerjee, S.; Choudhury, M.; Chakma, K.; Kumar Naskar, S.; Das, A.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Rosso, P. (2020). MSIR@FIRE: A Comprehensive Report from 2013 to 2016. SN Computer Science. 1(55):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42979-019-0058-0S115155Ahmed UZ, Bali K, Choudhury M, Sowmya VB. Challenges in designing input method editors for Indian languages: the role of word-origin and context. In: Advances in text input methods (WTIM 2011). 2011. pp. 1–9Banerjee S, Chakma K, Naskar SK, Das A, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S, Choudhury M. Overview of the mixed script information retrieval (MSIR) at fire-2016. In: Forum for information retrieval evaluation. Springer; 2016. pp. 39–49.Banerjee S, Kuila A, Roy A, Naskar SK, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S. A hybrid approach for transliterated word-level language identification: CRF with post-processing heuristics. In: Proceedings of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2014. pp. 54–59.Banerjee S, Naskar S, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S. Code mixed cross script factoid question classification—a deep learning approach. J Intell Fuzzy Syst. 2018;34(5):2959–69.Banerjee S, Naskar SK, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S. The first cross-script code-mixed question answering corpus. In: Proceedings of the workshop on modeling, learning and mining for cross/multilinguality (MultiLingMine 2016), co-located with the 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR). 2016.Banerjee S, Naskar SK, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S. Named entity recognition on code-mixed cross-script social media content. Comput Sistemas. 2017;21(4):681–92.Barman U, Das A, Wagner J, Foster J. Code mixing: a challenge for language identification in the language of social media. In: Proceedings of the first workshop on computational approaches to code switching. 2014. pp. 13–23.Bhardwaj P, Pakray P, Bajpeyee V, Taneja A. Information retrieval on code-mixed Hindi–English tweets. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. 2016.Bhargava R, Khandelwal S, Bhatia A, Sharmai Y. Modeling classifier for code mixed cross script questions. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Bhattacharjee D, Bhattacharya, P. Ensemble classifier based approach for code-mixed cross-script question classification. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Chakma K, Das A. CMIR: a corpus for evaluation of code mixed information retrieval of Hindi–English tweets. In: The 17th international conference on intelligent text processing and computational linguistics (CICLING). 2016.Choudhury M, Chittaranjan G, Gupta P, Das A. Overview of fire 2014 track on transliterated search. Proceedings of FIRE. 2014. pp. 68–89.Ganguly D, Pal S, Jones GJ. Dcu@fire-2014: fuzzy queries with rule-based normalization for mixed script information retrieval. In: Proceedings of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2014. pp. 80–85.Gella S, Sharma J, Bali K. Query word labeling and back transliteration for Indian languages: shared task system description. FIRE Working Notes. 2013;3.Gupta DK, Kumar S, Ekbal A. Machine learning approach for language identification and transliteration. In: Proceedings of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2014. pp. 60–64.Gupta P, Bali K, Banchs RE, Choudhury M, Rosso P. Query expansion for mixed-script information retrieval. In: Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on research and development in information retrieval, ACM, 2014. pp. 677–686.Gupta P, Rosso P, Banchs RE. Encoding transliteration variation through dimensionality reduction: fire shared task on transliterated search. In: Fifth forum for information retrieval evaluation. 2013.HB Barathi Ganesh, M Anand Kumar, KP Soman. Distributional semantic representation for information retrieval. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. 2016.HB Barathi Ganesh, M Anand Kumar, KP Soman. Distributional semantic representation for text classification. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Järvelin K, Kekäläinen J. Cumulated gain-based evaluation of IR techniques. ACM Trans Inf Syst. 2002;20:422–46. https://doi.org/10.1145/582415.582418.Joshi H, Bhatt A, Patel H. Transliterated search using syllabification approach. In: Forum for information retrieval evaluation. 2013.King B, Abney S. Labeling the languages of words in mixed-language documents using weakly supervised methods. In: Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, 2013. pp. 1110–1119.Londhe N, Srihari RK. Exploiting named entity mentions towards code mixed IR: working notes for the UB system submission for MSIR@FIRE’16. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. 2016.Anand Kumar M, Soman KP. Amrita-CEN@MSIR-FIRE2016: Code-mixed question classification using BoWs and RNN embeddings. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Majumder G, Pakray P. NLP-NITMZ@MSIR 2016 system for code-mixed cross-script question classification. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Mandal S, Banerjee S, Naskar SK, Rosso P, Bandyopadhyay S. Adaptive voting in multiple classifier systems for word level language identification. In: FIRE workshops, 2015. pp. 47–50.Mukherjee A, Ravi A , Datta K. Mixed-script query labelling using supervised learning and ad hoc retrieval using sub word indexing. In: Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, Bangalore, India, 2014.Pakray P, Bhaskar P. Transliterated search system for Indian languages. In: Pre-proceedings of the 5th FIRE-2013 workshop, forum for information retrieval evaluation (FIRE). 2013.Patel S, Desai V. Liga and syllabification approach for language identification and back transliteration: a shared task report by da-iict. In: Proceedings of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2014. pp. 43–47.Prabhakar DK, Pal S. Ism@fire-2013 shared task on transliterated search. In: Post-Proceedings of the 4th and 5th workshops of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2013. p. 17.Prabhakar DK, Pal S. Ism@ fire-2015: mixed script information retrieval. In: FIRE workshops. 2015. pp. 55–58.Prakash A, Saha SK. A relevance feedback based approach for mixed script transliterated text search: shared task report by bit Mesra. In: Proceedings of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, Bangalore, India, 2014.Raj A, Karfa S. A list-searching based approach for language identification in bilingual text: shared task report by asterisk. In: Working notes of the shared task on transliterated search at forum for information retrieval evaluation FIRE’14. 2014.Roy RS, Choudhury M, Majumder P, Agarwal K. Overview of the fire 2013 track on transliterated search. In: Post-proceedings of the 4th and 5th workshops of the forum for information retrieval evaluation, ACM, 2013. p. 4.Saini A. Code mixed cross script question classification. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. CEUR-WS.org. 2016.Salton G, McGill MJ. Introduction to modern information retrieval. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 1986.Sequiera R, Choudhury M, Gupta P, Rosso P, Kumar S, Banerjee S, Naskar SK, Bandyopadhyay S, Chittaranjan G, Das A, et al. Overview of fire-2015 shared task on mixed script information retrieval. FIRE Workshops. 2015;1587:19–25.Singh S, M Anand Kumar, KP Soman. CEN@Amrita: information retrieval on code mixed Hindi–English tweets using vector space models. In: Working notes of FIRE 2016—forum for information retrieval evaluation, Kolkata, India, December 7–10, 2016, CEUR workshop proceedings. 2016.Sinha N, Srinivasa G. Hindi–English language identification, named entity recognition and back transliteration: shared task system description. In: Working notes os shared task on transliterated search at forum for information retrieval evaluation FIRE’14. 2014.Voorhees EM, Tice DM. The TREC-8 question answering track evaluation. In: TREC-8, 1999. pp. 83–105.Vyas Y, Gella S, Sharma J, Bali K, Choudhury M. Pos tagging of English–Hindi code-mixed social media content. In: Proceedings of the 2014 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (EMNLP). 2014. pp. 974–979

    DCU at FIRE 2013: cross-language !ndian news story search

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    We present an overview of our work carried out for DCU’s participation in the Cross Language !ndian News Story Search (CL!NSS) task at FIRE 2013. Our team submitted 3 main runs and 2 additional runs for this task. Our approach consisted of 2 steps: (1) the Lucene search engine was used with varied input query formulations using different features and heuristics designed to identify as many relevant documents as possible to improve recall; (2) document list merging and re-ranking was performed with the incorporation of a date feature. The results of our best run were ranked first among official submissions based on NDCG@5 and NDCG@10 values and second for NDCG@1 values. For the 25 test queries the results of our best main run were NDCG@1 0.7400, NDCG@5 0.6809 and NDCG@10 0.7268

    Cross-view Embeddings for Information Retrieval

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    In this dissertation, we deal with the cross-view tasks related to information retrieval using embedding methods. We study existing methodologies and propose new methods to overcome their limitations. We formally introduce the concept of mixed-script IR, which deals with the challenges faced by an IR system when a language is written in different scripts because of various technological and sociological factors. Mixed-script terms are represented by a small and finite feature space comprised of character n-grams. We propose the cross-view autoencoder (CAE) to model such terms in an abstract space and CAE provides the state-of-the-art performance. We study a wide variety of models for cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) and propose a model based on compositional neural networks (XCNN) which overcomes the limitations of the existing methods and achieves the best results for many CLIR tasks such as ad-hoc retrieval, parallel sentence retrieval and cross-language plagiarism detection. We empirically test the proposed models for these tasks on publicly available datasets and present the results with analyses. In this dissertation, we also explore an effective method to incorporate contextual similarity for lexical selection in machine translation. Concretely, we investigate a feature based on context available in source sentence calculated using deep autoencoders. The proposed feature exhibits statistically significant improvements over the strong baselines for English-to-Spanish and English-to-Hindi translation tasks. Finally, we explore the the methods to evaluate the quality of autoencoder generated representations of text data and analyse its architectural properties. For this, we propose two metrics based on reconstruction capabilities of the autoencoders: structure preservation index (SPI) and similarity accumulation index (SAI). We also introduce a concept of critical bottleneck dimensionality (CBD) below which the structural information is lost and present analyses linking CBD and language perplexity.En esta disertación estudiamos problemas de vistas-múltiples relacionados con la recuperación de información utilizando técnicas de representación en espacios de baja dimensionalidad. Estudiamos las técnicas existentes y proponemos nuevas técnicas para solventar algunas de las limitaciones existentes. Presentamos formalmente el concepto de recuperación de información con escritura mixta, el cual trata las dificultades de los sistemas de recuperación de información cuando los textos contienen escrituras en distintos alfabetos debido a razones tecnológicas y socioculturales. Las palabras en escritura mixta son representadas en un espacio de características finito y reducido, compuesto por n-gramas de caracteres. Proponemos los auto-codificadores de vistas-múltiples (CAE, por sus siglas en inglés) para modelar dichas palabras en un espacio abstracto, y esta técnica produce resultados de vanguardia. En este sentido, estudiamos varios modelos para la recuperación de información entre lenguas diferentes (CLIR, por sus siglas en inglés) y proponemos un modelo basado en redes neuronales composicionales (XCNN, por sus siglas en inglés), el cual supera las limitaciones de los métodos existentes. El método de XCNN propuesto produce mejores resultados en diferentes tareas de CLIR tales como la recuperación de información ad-hoc, la identificación de oraciones equivalentes en lenguas distintas y la detección de plagio entre lenguas diferentes. Para tal efecto, realizamos pruebas experimentales para dichas tareas sobre conjuntos de datos disponibles públicamente, presentando los resultados y análisis correspondientes. En esta disertación, también exploramos un método eficiente para utilizar similitud semántica de contextos en el proceso de selección léxica en traducción automática. Específicamente, proponemos características extraídas de los contextos disponibles en las oraciones fuentes mediante el uso de auto-codificadores. El uso de las características propuestas demuestra mejoras estadísticamente significativas sobre sistemas de traducción robustos para las tareas de traducción entre inglés y español, e inglés e hindú. Finalmente, exploramos métodos para evaluar la calidad de las representaciones de datos de texto generadas por los auto-codificadores, a la vez que analizamos las propiedades de sus arquitecturas. Como resultado, proponemos dos nuevas métricas para cuantificar la calidad de las reconstrucciones generadas por los auto-codificadores: el índice de preservación de estructura (SPI, por sus siglas en inglés) y el índice de acumulación de similitud (SAI, por sus siglas en inglés). También presentamos el concepto de dimensión crítica de cuello de botella (CBD, por sus siglas en inglés), por debajo de la cual la información estructural se deteriora. Mostramos que, interesantemente, la CBD está relacionada con la perplejidad de la lengua.En aquesta dissertació estudiem els problemes de vistes-múltiples relacionats amb la recuperació d'informació utilitzant tècniques de representació en espais de baixa dimensionalitat. Estudiem les tècniques existents i en proposem unes de noves per solucionar algunes de les limitacions existents. Presentem formalment el concepte de recuperació d'informació amb escriptura mixta, el qual tracta les dificultats dels sistemes de recuperació d'informació quan els textos contenen escriptures en diferents alfabets per motius tecnològics i socioculturals. Les paraules en escriptura mixta són representades en un espai de característiques finit i reduït, composat per n-grames de caràcters. Proposem els auto-codificadors de vistes-múltiples (CAE, per les seves sigles en anglès) per modelar aquestes paraules en un espai abstracte, i aquesta tècnica produeix resultats d'avantguarda. En aquest sentit, estudiem diversos models per a la recuperació d'informació entre llengües diferents (CLIR , per les sevas sigles en anglès) i proposem un model basat en xarxes neuronals composicionals (XCNN, per les sevas sigles en anglès), el qual supera les limitacions dels mètodes existents. El mètode de XCNN proposat produeix millors resultats en diferents tasques de CLIR com ara la recuperació d'informació ad-hoc, la identificació d'oracions equivalents en llengües diferents, i la detecció de plagi entre llengües diferents. Per a tal efecte, realitzem proves experimentals per aquestes tasques sobre conjunts de dades disponibles públicament, presentant els resultats i anàlisis corresponents. En aquesta dissertació, també explorem un mètode eficient per utilitzar similitud semàntica de contextos en el procés de selecció lèxica en traducció automàtica. Específicament, proposem característiques extretes dels contextos disponibles a les oracions fonts mitjançant l'ús d'auto-codificadors. L'ús de les característiques proposades demostra millores estadísticament significatives sobre sistemes de traducció robustos per a les tasques de traducció entre anglès i espanyol, i anglès i hindú. Finalment, explorem mètodes per avaluar la qualitat de les representacions de dades de text generades pels auto-codificadors, alhora que analitzem les propietats de les seves arquitectures. Com a resultat, proposem dues noves mètriques per quantificar la qualitat de les reconstruccions generades pels auto-codificadors: l'índex de preservació d'estructura (SCI, per les seves sigles en anglès) i l'índex d'acumulació de similitud (SAI, per les seves sigles en anglès). També presentem el concepte de dimensió crítica de coll d'ampolla (CBD, per les seves sigles en anglès), per sota de la qual la informació estructural es deteriora. Mostrem que, de manera interessant, la CBD està relacionada amb la perplexitat de la llengua.Gupta, PA. (2017). Cross-view Embeddings for Information Retrieval [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/78457TESI

    A comparative study of online translation services for cross language Information retrieval

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    Technical advances and its increasing availability, mean that Machine Translation (MT) is now widely used for the translation of search queries in multilingual search tasks. A number of free-to-use high-quality online MT systems are now available and, although imperfect in their translation behaviour, are found to produce good performance in CrossLanguage Information Retrieval (CLIR) applications. Users of these MT systems in CLIR tasks generally assume that they all behave similarly in CLIR applications, and the choice of MT system is often made on the basis of convenience. We present a set of experiments which compare the impact of applying two of the best known online systems, Google and Bing translation, for query translation across multiple language pairs and for two very different CLIR tasks. Our experiments show that the MT systems perform differently on average for different tasks and language pairs, but more significantly for different individual queries. We examine the differing translation behaviour of these tools and seek to draw conclusions in terms of their suitability for use in different settings

    DCU@FIRE-2014: fuzzy queries with rule-based normalization for mixed script information retrieval

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    We describe the participation of Dublin City University (DCU) in the FIRE-2014 transliteration search task (TST). The TST involves an ad-hoc search over a collection of Hindi film song lyrics. The Hindi language content of each document in the collection is either written in the native Devanagari script or transliterated in Roman script or a combination of both. The queries can be in mixed script as well. The task is challenging primarily because of the vocabulary mismatch which may arise due to the multiple transliteration alternatives. We attempt to address the vocabulary mismatch problem both during the indexing and retrieval stages. During indexing, we apply a rule-based normalization on some character sequences of the transliterated words in order to have a single representation in the index for the multiple transliteration alternatives. During the retrieval phase, we make use of prefix matched fuzzy query terms to account for the morphological variations of the transliterated words. The results show significant improvement over a standard baseline query likelihood language modelling (LM) approach. Additionally, we also apply statistical machine transliteration to train a transliteration model in order to predict the transliteration of out-of-vocabulary words. Surprisingly, even with satisfactory transliteration accuracy, we found that automatic transliteration of query terms degraded retrieval effectiveness

    Code Mixed Cross Script Factoid Question Classification - A Deep Learning Approach

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    [EN] Before the advent of the Internet era, code-mixing was mainly used in the spoken form. However, with the recent popular informal networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., in social media, code-mixing is being used more and more in written form. User-generated social media content is becoming an increasingly important resource in applied linguistics. Recent trends in social media usage have led to a proliferation of studies on social media content. Multilingual social media users often write native language content in non-native script (cross-script). Recently Banerjee et al. [9] introduced the code-mixed cross-script question answering research problem and reported that the ever increasing social media content could serve as a potential digital resource for less-computerized languages to build question answering systems. Question classification is a core task in question answering in which questions are assigned a class or a number of classes which denote the expected answer type(s). In this research work, we address the question classification task as part of the code-mixed cross-script question answering research problem. We combine deep learning framework with feature engineering to address the question classification task and enhance the state-of-the-art question classification accuracy by over 4% for code-mixed cross-script questions.The work of the third author was partially supported by the SomEMBED TIN2015-71147-C2-1-P MINECO research project.Banerjee, S.; Kumar Naskar, S.; Rosso, P.; Bandyopadhyay, S. (2018). Code Mixed Cross Script Factoid Question Classification - A Deep Learning Approach. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 34(5):2959-2969. https://doi.org/10.3233/JIFS-169481S2959296934

    PAN@FIRE: Overview of the cross-language !ndian Text re-use detection competition

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40087-2_6The development of models for automatic detection of text re-use and plagiarism across languages has received increasing attention in recent years. However, the lack of an evaluation framework composed of annotated datasets has caused these efforts to be isolated. In this paper we present the CL!TR 2011 corpus, the first manually created corpus for the analysis of cross-language text re-use between English and Hindi. The corpus was used during the Cross-Language !ndian Text Re-Use Detection Competition. Here we overview the approaches applied the contestants and evaluate their quality when detecting a re-used text together with its source.This research work is partially funded by the WIQ-EI (IRSES grant n. 269180)and ACCURAT (grant n. 248347) projects, and the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n. 246016 from the European Union. The first author was partially funded by the CONACyT-Mexico 192021 grant and currently works under the ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship Programme. The research of the second author is in the framework of the VLC/Campus Microcluster on Multimodal Interaction in Intelligent Systems and partially funded by the MICINN research project TEXT-ENTERPRISE 2.0 TIN2009-13391-C04-03 (plan I+D+i). The research from AU-KBC Centre is supported by the Cross Lingual Information Access (CLIA) Phase II Project.Barrón Cedeño, LA.; Rosso ., P.; Sobha, LD.; Clough ., P.; Stevenson ., M. (2013). PAN@FIRE: Overview of the cross-language !ndian Text re-use detection competition. En Multilingual Information Access in South Asian Languages. Springer Verlag (Germany). 7536:59-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-40087-2_6S59707536Addanki, K., Wu, D.: An Evaluation of MT Alignment Baseline Approaches upon Cross-Lingual Plagiarism Detection. In: FIRE [12]Aggarwal, N., Asooja, K., Buitelaar, P.: Cross Lingual Text Reuse Detection Using Machine Translation & Similarity Measures. In: FIRE [12]Alegria, I., Forcada, M., Sarasola, K. (eds.): Proceedings of the SEPLN 2009 Workshop on Information Retrieval and Information Extraction for Less Resourced Languages. University of the Basque Country, Donostia, Donostia (2009)Barrón-Cedeño, A., Rosso, P., Pinto, D., Juan, A.: On Cross-Lingual Plagiarism Analysis Using a Statistical Model. In: Stein, B., Stamatatos, E., Koppel, M. (eds.) ECAI 2008 Workshop on Uncovering Plagiarism, Authorship, and Social Software Misuse (PAN 2008), vol. 377, pp. 9–13. CEUR-WS.org, Patras (2008), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-377Bendersky, M., Croft, W.: Finding Text Reuse on the Web. In: Baeza-Yates, R., Boldi, P., Ribeiro-Neto, B., Cambazoglu, B. (eds.) Proceedings of the Second ACM International Conference on Web Search and Web Data Mining, pp. 262–271. ACM, Barcelona (2009)Ceska, Z., Toman, M., Jezek, K.: Multilingual Plagiarism Detection. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI 2008), pp. 83–92. Springer, Varna (2008)Clough, P.: Plagiarism in Natural and Programming Languages: an Overview of Current Tools and Technologies. Research Memoranda: CS-00-05, Department of Computer Science. University of Sheffield, UK (2000)Clough, P.: Old and new challenges in automatic plagiarism detection. National UK Plagiarism Advisory Service (2003), http://ir.shef.ac.uk/cloughie/papers/pasplagiarism.pdfClough, P., Gaizauskas, R.: Corpora and Text Re-Use. In: Lüdeling, A., Kytö, M., McEnery, T. (eds.) Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, pp. 1249–1271. Mouton de Gruyter (2009)Clough, P., Stevenson, M.: Developing a Corpus of Plagiarised Examples. 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