598 research outputs found

    NASA and the challenge of ISDN: The role of satellites in an ISDN world

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    To understand what role satellites may play in Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), it is necessary to understand the concept of ISDN, including key organizations involved, the current status of key standards recommendations, and domestic and international progress implementation of ISDN. Each of these areas are explained. A summary of the technical performance criteria for ISDN, current standards for satellites in ISDN, key players in the ISDN environment, and what steps can be taken to encourage application of satellites in ISDN are also covered

    Telecommunications Hardware and Software Systems made in CMEA Countries and Yugoslavia

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    The telecommunications hardware and software systems used in CMEA (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) countries and Yugoslavia are a most complex field of investigation. For this reason in this study the following approach has been adopted: Rather than collecting and presenting all CMEA telecommunications hardware and software systems in a directory type of form, which would neither be complete nor fully up to date (even at the time of data collection), a general analysis is given, with sufficient detailed information to make it useful. During the analysis we will discuss in depth the different classes of telecommunications hardware and software systems, their past, present, and potential future. In order to do this, the analysis has to include all major levels of the International Standardization Organization's Open System Interconnection (ISO/OSI) Reference Model--and this is the way we handle the telecommunications hardware and software systems of the CMEA countries and of Yugoslavia

    Digital document imaging systems: An overview and guide

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    This is an aid to NASA managers in planning the selection of a Digital Document Imaging System (DDIS) as a possible solution for document information processing and storage. Intended to serve as a manager's guide, this document contains basic information on digital imaging systems, technology, equipment standards, issues of interoperability and interconnectivity, and issues related to selecting appropriate imaging equipment based upon well defined needs

    Data Communication in Hungary - The Telecommunication Infrastructure and Relevant Administrative Procedures

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    A description is provided of the data communication and telecommunication infrastructure in Hungary together with all the relevant administrative procedures. First, on a historical basis, the general status of telecommunication, information processing, and data communication is given. This is followed by a description of all the data communication services of the telegraph, telex, telephone, and dedicated data networks and the corresponding administrative procedures. Special emphasis is given to the public digital data network NEDIX, which is the first such service in Eastern Europe. Last but not least the legal basis for transborder data flows is outlined and a short overview of the present transborder data flow applications is described

    Design of an ISDN Co-Processor

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    The contour tree image encoding technique and file format

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    The process of contourization is presented which converts a raster image into a discrete set of plateaux or contours. These contours can be grouped into a hierarchical structure, defining total spatial inclusion, called a contour tree. A contour coder has been developed which fully describes these contours in a compact and efficient manner and is the basis for an image compression method. Simplification of the contour tree has been undertaken by merging contour tree nodes thus lowering the contour tree's entropy. This can be exploited by the contour coder to increase the image compression ratio. By applying general and simple rules derived from physiological experiments on the human vision system, lossy image compression can be achieved which minimises noticeable artifacts in the simplified image. The contour merging technique offers a complementary lossy compression system to the QDCT (Quantised Discrete Cosine Transform). The artifacts introduced by the two methods are very different; QDCT produces a general blurring and adds extra highlights in the form of overshoots, whereas contour merging sharpens edges, reduces highlights and introduces a degree of false contouring. A format based on the contourization technique which caters for most image types is defined, called the contour tree image format. Image operations directly on this compressed format have been studied which for certain manipulations can offer significant operational speed increases over using a standard raster image format. A couple of examples of operations specific to the contour tree format are presented showing some of the features of the new format.Science and Engineering Research Counci