12 research outputs found

    Transition from Islanded to grid-connected mode of microgrids with voltage-based droop control

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    Microgrids are able to provide a coordinated integration of the increasing share of distributed generation (DG) units in the network. The primary control of the DG units is generally performed by droop-based control algorithms that avoid communication. The voltage-based droop (VBD) control is developed for islanded low-voltage microgrids with a high share of renewable energy sources. With VBD control, both dispatchable and less-dispatchable units will contribute in the power sharing and balancing. The priority for power changes is automatically set dependent on the terminal voltages. In this way, the renewables change their output power in more extreme voltage conditions compared to the dispatchable units, hence, only when necessary for the reliability of the network. This facilitates the integration of renewable units and improves the reliability of the network. This paper focusses on modifying the VBD control strategy to enable a smooth transition between the islanded and the grid-connected mode of the microgrid. The VBD control can operate in both modes. Therefore, for islanding, no specific measures are required. To reconnect the microgrid to the utility network, the modified VBD control synchronizes the voltage of a specified DG unit with the utility voltage. It is shown that this synchronization procedure significantly limits the switching transient and enables a smooth mode transfer

    Voltage-based droop control of renewables to avoid on-off oscillations caused by overvoltages

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    To achieve the environmental goals set by many governments, an increasing amount of renewable energy, often delivered by distributed-generation (DG) units, is injected into the electrical power system. Despite the many advantages of DG, this can lead to voltage problems, especially in times of a high local generation and a low local load. The traditional solution is to invest in more and stronger lines, which could lead to massive investments to cope with the huge rise of DG connection. Another common solution is to include hard curtailment; thus, ON-OFF control of DG units. However, hard curtailment potentially leads to ON-OFF oscillations of DG and a high loss of the available renewable energy as storage is often not economically viable. To cope with these issues, applying a grid-forming control in grid-connected DG units is studied in this paper. The voltage-based droop control that was originally developed for power sharing in islanded microgrids, enables an effective way for soft curtailment without communication. The power changes of the renewable energy sources are delayed to more extreme voltages compared to those of the dispatchable units. This restricts the renewable energy loss and avoids ON-OFF oscillations

    Implementation of a novel multi-agent system for demand response management in low-voltage distribution networks

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    In this era of advanced distribution automation technologies, demand response is becoming an important tool for electricity network management. The available flexible loads can efficiently help in alleviating the network constraints and achieving demand-supply balance. Therefore, this forms the rationale behind this paper, which aims to implement a multi-agent system framework in order to achieve flexible price-based demand response. A genetic algorithm-based multi-objective optimization technique is applied to determine the optimal locations and the amount of required demand reduction in order to keep the network within statutory limits. The methodology is based on probabilistic estimation of the granularity of total available flexible demand from shiftable home appliances in each low-voltage feeder. Moreover, an optimal decision making for the start time of appliances upon receiving a real-time price signal is proposed. This is accomplished by considering the willingness to participate as well as price demand elasticity of the different clusters of customers. To fully demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework, a modified IEEE 69 bus distribution network comprising 1824 low voltage residential customers has been implemented and analyzed

    IOT based-system for telecom tower fire detection and aviation obstruction light monitoring

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    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyTelecommunication towers are radio masts, typically tall structures designed to support antennas for telecommunications and broadcasting. Many telecommunication towers in Habari Node are installed in remote locations, on top of tall buildings, and sometimes on hilltop areas that are not easily accessible. These make them prone to natural hazards, equipment, fuel and battery theft, and electricity faults. In some cases, these issues can cause the malfunction of the aviation obstruction light and fire outbreaks. This challenge affects prompt mitigations during breakdown and the challenges of aviation obstruction light and fire outbreaks. However, technological inputs have been developed to tackle these challenges. However, many of these technologies are associated with low performance due to lack of real-time interventions and auto-report to the systems' concerns, awareness, and inadequate information. Hence, the study used qualitative methods of data collection which led to develop a cost-effective, versatile system that can detect, extinguish, and send early alerts about fire, aviation obstruction light, and electricity power issues. The proposed system was developed to monitor and control the telecommunication tower using ESP32 WROOM-32D as a microcontroller, fire sensor, buzzer, BH1750 ambient light, LDR darkness sensor, relays, Pzem-004t, ThingSpeak cloud, and the global service message module (GSM) to alert all tower’s technicians and firefighters. The results revealed the prompt performance of the system in detecting and extinguishing fire. Also, the it can monitor aviation light for tower safety and turn on the automatic voltage and current regulator (AVCR) during overcurrent or overvoltage. Furthermore, the designed system has the capacity to initiate and send short message service (SMS) and call as an alert to check through mobile and web-based applicatio

    Probabilistic hosting capacity and risk analysis for distribution networks

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    Hereby I present a PhD thesis by publications. Altogether, the thesis includes: a) two journal papers, b) three IEEE conference papers. The journals include IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics while the second has been submitted. The conference list includes World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC), Asian conference on energy, power and transportation electrification (ACEPT) and IEEE Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied in Power Systems (PMAPS). The PMAPS conference is the only event that exclusively discusses probability and statistic methods applied to power system analysis. The thesis presents several novel methods. The first novelty is the development of a new probabilistic model for estimating the solar radiation incident to residential roofs which is compatible with the Australian meteorological conditions. The second is the development of new probabilistic approach called “probabilistic hosting capacity” to estimate the hosting capacity of distribution networks. The third one is the utilization of sparse grid numerical approximation techniques in handling the uncertainty computations. The last contribution is the new assessment method for quantifying the risk of connecting a large number of correlated distributed generators (DGs) into the distribution networks. In glance, these contributions are highlighted in the following paragraphs. The development of the probabilistic method to estimate the solar irradiation is aimed to represent the uncertainty of produced power from residential solar panels. By utilizing the relation between clearness index and diffuse fraction, a probability density function (PDF) of produced power is derived from the total radiance quantity incident of a tilted area to the horizontal plane. Given the characteristics of the day time and the place, the uncertainty associated with power production by solar panels can be probabilistically estimated from the total solar irradiation of a tilted area. Two mathematical models are proposed: the first utilizes the HDKR (Hay, Davies, Klucher, Reindl) mathematical representation for total irradiance, while the second one involves the use of Hay-Davies mathematical representation. Without losing the scope of the work, only the first model is compared with real data obtain from a site in Adelaide. The second model is used for conducting the power flow calculations due to the low computational time is required to deliver results. The interest in the development of probabilistic hosting capacity comes as DGs in the distribution networks rely mainly on the renewable energy. Probabilistic hosting capacity is aimed to deliver a probabilistic estimate of the maximum amount of DGs that can be connected into the existing distribution network without jeopardizing the utility’s system operation and/or customers’ connected appliances. The approach is built up after defining the main uncertainties, resulted from the stochastic behaviours of the small-scale of wind turbines and solar panels as well as domestic loads. The impacts of these uncertainties on the operation of a distribution network are assessed by establishing a set of operational performance indices and the use of the probability of occurrence notion. Three types of hazardous impacts are defined (tolerable, critical and serious). The approach is time-dependent and includes network bi-directionality feature which complies with the fundamentals of automation approaches for active distribution networks. The third contribution is the use of sparse grid numerical techniques (SGTs) as an efficient tool to handle the uncertainty computation which is multi-dimensional problem. It replaces the use of classical numerical techniques based on tensor product grids which suffers from the curse of dimensionality. Additionally, the SGT in comparison with Monte Carlo Technique (MCT) is able to achieve improved efficiency in computation with acceptable accuracy. The last contribution is the development of a new risk analysis approach to quantify the effect of increasing levels of DG penetration on distribution networks. The proposed novel analysis utilises the following techniques and concepts: the Nataf transformation to represent spatial correlation of the DGs connected in the same distribution network; the consideration of likelihood (relative frequency of event occurrence) as well as severity (accumulative depth of event occurrence) of the performance indices in assessing the operation of distribution networks with the increase of DG connections. The Nataf transformation was used to ensure the rank correlation modelling among the non-Gaussian uncertainty representations in which the inter-dependences are modelled. The risk components, likelihood and severity, are visualized along with the increase of correlated DG connections. The purpose of this analysis is to provide an estimate of degree of risk in assessing the operational performance of a distribution network as whole, instead of the traditional methods that assess the network by parts, such as assessing individually a line or bus. The effectiveness of developed methods in this thesis is demonstrated by performing tests on two actual distribution networks: small and large. The small network consists of 11 buses with one substation transformer; while the existing large distribution network, situated in South Australia, consists of 59 (11/0.4 kV) feeder-transformers serving commercial, residential and industrial loads. The large network is segmented into different zones according to their likelihood of having DGs. The results are visualized, analysed and discussed for each proposed methods or approaches. All system modelling and algorithms are performed using MATLAB software and implemented on the distribution networks modelled in the industry accepted software OpenDSS, introduced by Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI).Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 201

    Review of multiport power converters for distribution network applications

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    Multiport power converters integrate three or more energy devices into a single (potentially highly controllable and efficient) hub. These characteristics suggest that multiport power converters may be valuable for the decarbonisation of distribution networks, where the increase of converter-interfaced devices has degraded system reliability and efficiency. This review analyses the suitability of a wide range of multiport power converter solutions for four example distribution network applications (where previous studies have focussed on a limited range of topologies or applications) and the research areas that can progress their maturity. A review of grid codes and standards overviews the base capability that multiport power converters are likely to require, some of which are carried forward as requirements for a novel comparison tool. The comparison tool is developed to qualify and score reviewed topologies in terms of a range of features that are weighted for the applications. Isolated and partially-isolated topologies perform well due to their flexibility to be configured for the specifications and their operational capabilities (including modularity and voltage decoupling). Further research should focus on the complex control interactions between ports and scaling of these topologies for medium voltages. In contrast, many direct current non-isolated topologies do not qualify due to their low flexibility to be configured for the applications. This suggests that future research could focus on the development of a more flexible non-isolated multiport power converter configuration to take advantage of the high efficiency and low footprint that these topologies might otherwise offer for low voltage applications

    Integración de dispositivos electrónicos inteligentes en Smart Grid

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    El sector eléctrico está experimentando cambios importantes tanto a nivel de gestión como a nivel de mercado. Una de las claves que están acelerando este cambio es la penetración cada vez mayor de los Sistemas de Generación Distribuida (DER), que están dando un mayor protagonismo al usuario a la hora de plantear la gestión del sistema eléctrico. La complejidad del escenario que se prevé en un futuro próximo, exige que los equipos de la red tenga la capacidad de interactuar en un sistema mucho más dinámico que en el presente, donde la interfaz de conexión deberá estar dotada de la inteligencia necesaria y capacidad de comunicación para que todo el sistema pueda ser gestionado en su conjunto de manera eficaz. En la actualidad estamos siendo testigos de la transición desde el modelo de sistema eléctrico tradicional hacia un nuevo sistema, activo e inteligente, que se conoce como Smart Grid. En esta tesis se presenta el estudio de un Dispositivo Electrónico Inteligente (IED) orientado a aportar soluciones para las necesidades que la evolución del sistema eléctrico requiere, que sea capaz de integrase en el equipamiento actual y futuro de la red, aportando funcionalidades y por tanto valor añadido a estos sistemas. Para situar las necesidades de estos IED se ha llevado a cabo un amplio estudio de antecedentes, comenzando por analizar la evolución histórica de estos sistemas, las características de la interconexión eléctrica que han de controlar, las diversas funciones y soluciones que deben aportar, llegando finalmente a una revisión del estado del arte actual. Dentro de estos antecedentes, también se lleva a cabo una revisión normativa, a nivel internacional y nacional, necesaria para situarse desde el punto de vista de los distintos requerimientos que deben cumplir estos dispositivos. A continuación se exponen las especificaciones y consideraciones necesarias para su diseño, así como su arquitectura multifuncional. En este punto del trabajo, se proponen algunos enfoques originales en el diseño, relacionados con la arquitectura del IED y cómo deben sincronizarse los datos, dependiendo de la naturaleza de los eventos y las distintas funcionalidades. El desarrollo del sistema continua con el diseño de los diferentes subsistemas que lo componen, donde se presentan algunos algoritmos novedosos, como el enfoque del sistema anti-islanding con detección múltiple ponderada. Diseñada la arquitectura y funciones del IED, se expone el desarrollo de un prototipo basado en una plataforma hardware. Para ello se analizan los requisitos necesarios que debe tener, y se justifica la elección de una plataforma embebida de altas prestaciones que incluye un procesador y una FPGA. El prototipo desarrollado se somete a un protocolo de pruebas de Clase A, según las normas IEC 61000-4-30 e IEC 62586-2, para comprobar la monitorización de parámetros. También se presentan diversas pruebas en las que se han estimado los retardos implicados en los algoritmos relacionados con las protecciones. Finalmente se comenta un escenario de prueba real, dentro del contexto de un proyecto del Plan Nacional de Investigación, donde este prototipo ha sido integrado en un inversor dotándole de la inteligencia necesaria para un futuro contexto Smart Grid.The electricity sector is undergoing major changes both at management level as at the level of the market. One of the keys that are accelerating this change is the increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), which is giving greater prominence to the distribution areas when considering the management of the electricity system. The complexity of the scenario that is expected in the near future requires that grid equipment will have the ability to interact in a much more dynamic system than in the present, where the connection interface must be equipped with the necessary intelligence and communication capability so that the entire system can be managed as a whole effectively. Today we are witnessing the transition from the traditional model of power system to a new system, active and intelligent, known as Smart Grid. This thesis deals with the study of an Intelligent Electronic Device (IED), which is oriented to providing solutions for the needs that the evolution of the electricity system requires. This IED is able to integrate into the current and future grid equipment, providing functionality and therefore added value to these systems. To locate the needs of these electronics devices, an extensive study of backgrounds has been conducted, beginning with analyzing the historical evolution of these systems, the characteristics of the electrical interconnection that these systems have to control, the various functions and solutions to be provided, finally arriving to a review of the current state of art. Within this background, also it carried out a regulatory review, at international and national level, needed to understand the point of view of the different requirements to be complied by these devices. Then the specifications and considerations for the design of this IED and its multifunctional architecture are discussed. At this point of work some original approaches in design are proposed, these are related to the functional architecture of IED and the way of how the data should be synchronized, depending on the nature of events and different functions. The development of the device follows with the design of the various subsystems. Some novel algorithms are presented here, as the approach of anti-islanding system based on multiple weighted methods detection. Once the architecture and functions of the IED have been designed, the development of a prototype based on a hardware platform is discussed. For this purpose, the needed requirements are analyzed, and the choice of a high-performance embedded platform that includes a processor and an FPGA is justified. A Class A testing protocol applies to the prototype developed to test the monitoring parameters, according to the IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 62586-2 standards. Also various tests to estimate the delays involved in protection algorithms are presented. Finally a real test scenario is discussed. This was carried out within the context of a project of the National Research Plan, where this prototype has been integrated into an inverter providing it with the necessary intelligence for a future Smart Grid context