96 research outputs found

    Overlapping layers for prolonging network life time in multi-hop wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have been proposed as a practical solution for a wide range of applications due to their benefits of low cost, rapid deployment, self-organization capability, and cooperative data-processing. Many applications, such as military surveillance and habitat monitoring, require the deployment of large-scale sensor networks. A highly scalable and fault-tolerant network architecture, the Progressive Multi-hop Rotational Clustered (PMRC) structure has been proposed, which is suitable for constructing large-scale wireless sensor networks. However, similar to other multi-hop structures, the PMRC structure also suffers from the bottleneck problem; This thesis is focused on solving the bottleneck problem existing in the PMRC structure. First, the Overlapping Neighbor Layers (ONL) scheme is proposed to balance the energy consumption among cluster heads at different layers. Further, the Minimum Overlapping Neighbor Layers (MONL) scheme is proposed wherein the overlapped area between neighbor layers is gradually increased through network life time to achieve load balance and energy efficiency in the whole network area. Simulation results show that the MONL scheme significantly prolongs network life time and demonstrates steady performance on sensor networks with uniformly distributed sensor nodes. To further prolong the network life time, traffic-similar sensor nodes distribution combined with the MONL scheme is studied; The proposed overlapped layers schemes are proven to be effective in solving the bottleneck problem and prolonging network life time for PMRC-based networks. They can also be applied for other multi-hop cluster-based sensor networks. The traffic-similar nodes distribution concept can be applied in optimizing sensor network deployment to achieve desired network life time

    On Prolonging Network Lifetime through Load-Similar Node Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper is focused on the study of the energy hole problem in the Progressive Multi-hop Rotational Clustered (PMRC)-structure, a highly scalable wireless sensor network (WSN) architecture. Based on an analysis on the traffic load distribution in PMRC-based WSNs, we propose a novel load-similar node distribution strategy combined with the Minimum Overlapping Layers (MOL) scheme to address the energy hole problem in PMRC-based WSNs. In this strategy, sensor nodes are deployed in the network area according to the load distribution. That is, more nodes shall be deployed in the range where the average load is higher, and then the loads among different areas in the sensor network tend to be balanced. Simulation results demonstrate that the load-similar node distribution strategy prolongs network lifetime and reduces the average packet latency in comparison with existing nonuniform node distribution and uniform node distribution strategies. Note that, besides the PMRC structure, the analysis model and the proposed load-similar node distribution strategy are also applicable to other multi-hop WSN structures

    A Finite Queue Model Analysis of PMRC-based Wireless Sensor networks

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    In our previous work, a highly scalable and fault- tolerant network architecture, the Progressive Multi-hop Rotational Clustered (PMRC) structure, is proposed for constructing large-scale wireless sensor networks. Further, the overlapped scheme is proposed to solve the bottleneck problem in PMRC-based sensor networks. As buffer space is often scarce in sensor nodes, in this paper, we focus on studying the queuing performance of cluster heads in PMRC-based sensor networks. We develop a finite queuing model to analyze the queuing performance of cluster heads for both non-overlapped and overlapped PMRC-based sensor network. The average queue length and average queue delay of cluster head in different layers are derived. To validate the analysis results, simulations have been conducted with different loads for both non- overlapped and overlapped PMRC-based sensor networks. Simulation results match with the analysis results in general and confirm the advantage of selecting two cluster heads over selecting single cluster head in terms of the improved queuing performance

    Load-Similar Node Distribution for Prolonging Network Lifetime in PMRC-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this paper, the energy hole problem in Progressive Multi-hop Rotational Clustered (PMRC)-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is studied. We first analyze the traffic load distribution in PMRC-based WSNs. Based on the analysis, we propose a novel load-similar node distribution strategy combined with the Minimum Overlapping Layers (MOL) scheme to solve the energy hole problem in PMRC-based WSNs. Simulation results demonstrate that the load-similar node distribution strategy significantly prolongs network lifetime than uniform node distribution and an existing nonuniform node distribution strategies. The analysis model and the proposed load-similar node distribution strategy have the potential to be applied to other multi-hop WSN structures

    Overlapping Multi-hop Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Clustering is a standard approach for achieving efficient and scalable performance in wireless sensor networks. Traditionally, clustering algorithms aim at generating a number of disjoint clusters that satisfy some criteria. In this paper, we formulate a novel clustering problem that aims at generating overlapping multi-hop clusters. Overlapping clusters are useful in many sensor network applications, including inter-cluster routing, node localization, and time synchronization protocols. We also propose a randomized, distributed multi-hop clustering algorithm (KOCA) for solving the overlapping clustering problem. KOCA aims at generating connected overlapping clusters that cover the entire sensor network with a specific average overlapping degree. Through analysis and simulation experiments we show how to select the different values of the parameters to achieve the clustering process objectives. Moreover, the results show that KOCA produces approximately equal-sized clusters, which allows distributing the load evenly over different clusters. In addition, KOCA is scalable; the clustering formation terminates in a constant time regardless of the network size

    A Survey on Multimedia-Based Cross-Layer Optimization in Visual Sensor Networks

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    Visual sensor networks (VSNs) comprised of battery-operated electronic devices endowed with low-resolution cameras have expanded the applicability of a series of monitoring applications. Those types of sensors are interconnected by ad hoc error-prone wireless links, imposing stringent restrictions on available bandwidth, end-to-end delay and packet error rates. In such context, multimedia coding is required for data compression and error-resilience, also ensuring energy preservation over the path(s) toward the sink and improving the end-to-end perceptual quality of the received media. Cross-layer optimization may enhance the expected efficiency of VSNs applications, disrupting the conventional information flow of the protocol layers. When the inner characteristics of the multimedia coding techniques are exploited by cross-layer protocols and architectures, higher efficiency may be obtained in visual sensor networks. This paper surveys recent research on multimedia-based cross-layer optimization, presenting the proposed strategies and mechanisms for transmission rate adjustment, congestion control, multipath selection, energy preservation and error recovery. We note that many multimedia-based cross-layer optimization solutions have been proposed in recent years, each one bringing a wealth of contributions to visual sensor networks


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    A Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is composed of a large number of low-powered sensor nodes that are randomly deployed to collect environmental data. In a WSN, because of energy scarceness, energy efficient gathering of sensed information is one of the most critical issues. Thus, most of the WSN routing protocols found in the literature have considered energy awareness as a key design issue. Factors like throughput, latency and delay are not considered as critical issues in these protocols. However, emerging WSN applications that involve multimedia and imagining sensors require end-to-end delay within acceptable limits. Hence, in addition to energy efficiency, the parameters (delay, packet loss ratio, throughput and coverage) have now become issues of primary concern. Such performance metrics are usually referred to as the Quality of Service (QoS) in communication systems. Therefore, to have efficient use of a sensor node’s energy, and the ability to transmit the imaging and multimedia data in a timely manner, requires both a QoS based and energy efficient routing protocol. In this research work, a QoS based energy efficient routing protocol for WSN is proposed. To achieve QoS based energy efficient routing, three protocols are proposed, namely the QoS based Energy Efficient Clustering (QoSEC) for a WSN, the QoS based Energy Efficient Sleep/Wake Scheduling (QoSES) for a WSN, and the QoS based Energy Efficient Mobile Sink (QoSEM) based Routing for a Clustered WSN. Firstly, in the QoSEC, to achieve energy efficiency and to prolong network/coverage lifetime, some nodes with additional energy resources, termed as super-nodes, in addition to normal capability nodes, are deployed. Multi-hierarchy clustering is done by having super-nodes (acting as a local sink) at the top tier, cluster head (normal node) at the middle tier, and cluster member (normal node) at the lowest tier in the hierarchy. Clustering within normal sensor nodes is done by optimizing the network/coverage lifetime through a cluster-head-selection algorithm and a sleep/wake scheduling algorithm. QoSEC resolves the hot spot problem and prolongs network/coverage lifetime. Secondly, the QoSES addressed the delay-minimization problem in sleep/wake scheduling for event-driven sensor networks for delay-sensitive applications. For this purpose, QoSES assigns different sleep/wake intervals (longer wake interval) to potential overloaded nodes, according to their varied traffic load requirement defined a) by node position in the network, b) by node topological importance, and c) by handling burst traffic in the proximity of the event occurrence node. Using these heuristics, QoSES minimizes the congestion at nodes having heavy traffic loads and ultimately reduces end-to-end delay while maximizing the throughput. Lastly, the QoSEM addresses hot spot problem, delay minimization, and QoS assurance. To address hot-spot problem, mobile sink is used, that move in the network to gather data by virtue of which nodes near to the mobile sink changes with each movement, consequently hot spot problem is minimized. To achieve delay minimization, static sink is used in addition to the mobile sink. Delay sensitive data is forwarded to the static sink, while the delay tolerant data is sent through the mobile sink. For QoS assurance, incoming traffic is divided into different traffic classes and each traffic class is assigned different priority based on their QoS requirement (bandwidth, delay) determine by its message type and content. Furthermore, to minimize delay in mobile sink data gathering, the mobile sink is moved throughout the network based on the priority messages at the nodes. Using these heuristics, QoSEM incur less end-to-end delay, is energy efficient, as well as being able to ensure QoS. Simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocols of QoSEC, QoSES and QoSEM, by comparing their performance with the established contemporary protocols. Simulation results have demonstrated that when compared with contemporary protocols, each of the proposed protocol significantly prolong the network and coverage lifetime, as well as improve the other QoS routing parameters, such as delay, packet loss ratio, and throughput

    Building a more sustainable sensor network via protocol innovation

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    Traditionally, network protocols are designed based on the assumptions that network is powered by small batteries with scarce energy supply. However, emerging energy replenishment technologies such as ambient energy harvesting, wireless energy transferring, etc., provide alternatives to address the energy constraint problem but also introduce new challenges (e.g., energy heterogeneity). Been the core to achieve network sustainability, novel network protocols shall be designed to better exploit energy availabilities and tackle new challenges or issues exposed by emerging energy replenishment technologies. In this dissertation, we study how to build a more sustainable sensor network via network protocol innovation. Specifically, the study is conducted in four directions. First of all, we study how to improve energy utilization efficiency on individual sensor nodes as a foundation to improve the network sustainability. Secondly, we study how to prolong the network lifetime as a whole through dynamically and collaboratively tuning MAC layer operational parameters between neighboring nodes. Thirdly, we study the cross-layer design technique and propose a holistic routing and MAC protocol to further prolong the network lifetime. Fourthly, with given sensing coverage constraints, we jointly optimize the routing and sensing behaviors to further improve the network sustainability

    Data and resource management in wireless networks via data compression, GPS-free dissemination, and learning

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    “This research proposes several innovative approaches to collect data efficiently from large scale WSNs. First, a Z-compression algorithm has been proposed which exploits the temporal locality of the multi-dimensional sensing data and adapts the Z-order encoding algorithm to map multi-dimensional data to a one-dimensional data stream. The extended version of Z-compression adapts itself to working in low power WSNs running under low power listening (LPL) mode, and comprehensively analyzes its performance compressing both real-world and synthetic datasets. Second, it proposed an efficient geospatial based data collection scheme for IoTs that reduces redundant rebroadcast of up to 95% by only collecting the data of interest. As most of the low-cost wireless sensors won’t be equipped with a GPS module, the virtual coordinates are used to estimate the locations. The proposed work utilizes the anchor-based virtual coordinate system and DV-Hop (Distance vector of hops to anchors) to estimate the relative location of nodes to anchors. Also, it uses circle and hyperbola constraints to encode the position of interest (POI) and any user-defined trajectory into a data request message which allows only the sensors in the POI and routing trajectory to collect and route. It also provides location anonymity by avoiding using and transmitting GPS location information. This has been extended also for heterogeneous WSNs and refined the encoding algorithm by replacing the circle constraints with the ellipse constraints. Last, it proposes a framework that predicts the trajectory of the moving object using a Sequence-to-Sequence learning (Seq2Seq) model and only wakes-up the sensors that fall within the predicted trajectory of the moving object with a specially designed control packet. It reduces the computation time of encoding geospatial trajectory by more than 90% and preserves the location anonymity for the local edge servers”--Abstract, page iv

    Beacon scheduling in cluster-tree IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee wireless sensor networks

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    The recently standardized IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee protocol stack offers great potentials for ubiquitous and pervasive computing, namely for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). However, there are still some open and ambiguous issues that turn its practical use a challenging task. One of those issues is how to build a synchronized multi-hop cluster-tree network, which is quite suitable for QoS support in WSNs. In fact, the current IEEE 802.15.4/Zigbee specifications restrict the synchronization in the beacon-enabled mode (by the generation of periodic beacon frames) to star-based networks, while it supports multi-hop networking using the peer-to-peer mesh topology, but with no synchronization. Even though both specifications mention the possible use of cluster-tree topologies, which combine multi-hop and synchronization features, the description on how to effectively construct such a network topology is missing. This report tackles this problem, unveils the ambiguities regarding the use of the cluster-tree topology and proposes two collisionfree beacon frame scheduling schemes
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