15,168 research outputs found

    Impact of water scarcity on food security at micro level in Pakistan

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    Pakistan is confronting the problem of water scarcity which is rendering an adverse impact on food security. The study examines the impact of water scarcity on food security in an era of climate change. It further focuses on projecting the future trends of water and food stock. The research effort probes the links among water scarcity, climate change, food security, water security, food inflation, poverty and management of water resources. Data on food security was collected from the FSA (Food Security analysis) of the Sustainable development Policy institute (SDPI) and Food insecurity and Vulnerability Information mapping system (FIVIMS). Logistic equations have been employed to catch the effect of water scarcity on three components of food security separately. In fact, the present study develops a series of models that captures the impact of water scarcity on the components of food security at Micro level. The models have traced an adverse impact of water scarcity water scarcity on food security at Micro level. The findings so obtained may help in proposing the policy guidelines for overcoming water scarcity and handling with food insecurity caused by water scarcity and other factors.Water scarcity, Water supply, Water Demand, Food security, Micro level, Logistic regression

    Impact of water scarcity on food security at macro level in Pakistan

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    Pakistan is confronting the problem of water scarcity which is rendering an adverse impact on food security. The study examines the impact of water scarcity on food security in an era of climate change. It further focuses on projecting the future trends of water and food stock. The research effort probes the links among water scarcity, climate change, food security, water security, food inflation, poverty and management of water resources. Data on food security was collected from the FSA (Food Security analysis) of the Sustainable development Policy institute (SDPI) and Food insecurity and Vulnerability Information mapping system (FIVIMS). Logistic regression equations have been employed to catch the effect of water scarcity on three components of food security separately. In fact, the present study develops a series of models that captures the impact of water scarcity on the components of food security at Macro level.The models has traced an adverse impact of water scarcity water scarcity on food security at macro levels. The findings so obtained may help in proposing the policy guidelines for overcoming water scarcity and handling with food insecurity caused by water scarcity and other factors.Water scarcity, Water supply, Water demand, Food security, Macro level

    Impact of water scarcity on food security at meso level in Pakistan

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    Pakistan is confronting the problem of water scarcity which is rendering an adverse impact on food security. The study examines the impact of water scarcity on food security in an era of climate change. It further focuses on projecting the future trends of water and food stock. The research effort probes the links among water scarcity, climate change, food security, water security, food inflation, poverty and management of water resources. Data on food security was collected from the FSA (Food Security analysis) of the Sustainable development Policy institute (SDPI) and Food insecurity and Vulnerability Information mapping system (FIVIMS). Simultaneous, structural and reduced form equations have been employed to catch the effect of water scarcity on three components of food security separately. In fact, the present study develops a series of models that captures the impact of water scarcity on the components of food security at Meso level. The models have traced an adverse impact of water scarcity water scarcity on food security at Meso levels. The findings so obtained may help in proposing the policy guidelines for overcoming water scarcity and handling with food insecurity caused by water scarcity and other factors.Water scarcity, Water supply, Water Demand, Food security, Meso level, Simultaneous equations

    Empowering Women Through Livelihoods Orientated Agricultural Service Provision: A Consideration of Evidence from Southern Africa

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    The paper considers the impact of livelihoods oriented agricultural service provision for smallholder farmers on gender relationships and food security. The paper contents that the democratization and liberalization of agricultural services towards participatory, bottom-up approaches, from the early 1990s has brought favourable gender gains to women. The paper examines the background to this shift in agricultural service provision. The resulting gender gains, we argue, should be seen in terms of Sen?s notion of entitlements. We examine evidence of these gains from developments and cases in Malawi and Zambia and draw supporting evidence from Zimbabwe and South Africa. ...gender empowerment, food security, sustainable livelihoods, rural development

    Sustainable Food Recovery Programs: Making Connections To Redirect Excess Food To The Needy

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    Food waste is a significant problem of both social and environmental proportions. For myriad reasons, much of the food produced never makes it to market – but is sent to landfills – where it consumes limited landfill space and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions as it decays. There is much excess food (especially nutrient-rich produce) in the greater Philadelphia region to be captured for the needy, and there are motivated individuals to help in that effort. Food banks must strive to capture this food by creating strong relationships with growers and overcoming barriers to donations through effective planning, increased investment in logistical capability, a high service orientation to donors, and a local focus which harnesses motivated individuals and embraces collaborative partnerships. They must also consider creative approaches such as vertically integrated projects with agricultural schools to capture more produce. Success will spawn new programs. This paper details my effort to create relationships and pilot programs to capture fresh produce that would otherwise go to waste between January and September 2011

    Nutrition-sensitive value chains from a smallholder perspective: A framework for project design

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    "The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) gratefully acknowledges permission from IFAD to re-publish that work as an Alliance Working Paper, with updated acknowledgements, author information and information on additional resources.

    Understanding sustainable diets: a descriptive analysis of the determinants and processes that influence diets and their impact on health, food security, and environmental sustainability

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    The confluence of population, economic development, and environmental pressures resulting from increased globalization and industrialization reveal an increasingly resource-constrained world in which predictions point to the need to do more with less and in a “better” way. The concept of sustainable diets presents an opportunity to successfully advance commitments to sustainable development and the elimination of poverty, food and nutrition insecurity, and poor health outcomes. This study examines the determinants of sustainable diets, offers a descriptive analysis of these areas, and presents a causal model and framework from which to build. The major determinants of sustainable diets fall into 5 categories: 1) agriculture, 2) health, 3) sociocultural, 4) environmental, and 5) socioeconomic. When factors or processes are changed in 1 determinant category, such changes affect other determinant categories and, in turn, the level of “sustainability” of a diet. The complex web of determinants of sustainable diets makes it challenging for policymakers to understand the benefits and considerations for promoting, processing, and consuming such diets. To advance this work, better measurements and indicators must be developed to assess the impact of the various determinants on the sustainability of a diet and the tradeoffs associated with any recommendations aimed at increasing the sustainability of our food system
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