13,716 research outputs found

    Output Regulation for Systems on Matrix Lie-group

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    This paper deals with the problem of output regulation for systems defined on matrix Lie-Groups. Reference trajectories to be tracked are supposed to be generated by an exosystem, defined on the same Lie-Group of the controlled system, and only partial relative error measurements are supposed to be available. These measurements are assumed to be invariant and associated to a group action on a homogeneous space of the state space. In the spirit of the internal model principle the proposed control structure embeds a copy of the exosystem kinematic. This control problem is motivated by many real applications fields in aerospace, robotics, projective geometry, to name a few, in which systems are defined on matrix Lie-groups and references in the associated homogenous spaces

    Dynamic spot analysis in the 2D electrophoresis gels images

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    Práce shrnuje faktory a parametry, které ovlivňují výsledky 2D elektroforézy, se zaměřením na zpracování obrazu jako jeden ze způsobů snížení nesprávné interpretace jejích výstupů. Proces zpracování obrazu využívá jako zdroj dat především obrazů z opakovaných provedení téhož pokusu, neboli víceplik. Pomocí analýzy obrazů víceplik je možno pozorovat nebo korigovat změny jednoho pokusu a také porovnávat je s výstupy jiných pokusů. Cílem práce je poskytnout podporu specialistovi, který má na starosti popsat vlastnosti struktur nacházejících se v elektroforetických obrazech.The text briefly describes factors and parameters which influence the results of 2D electrophoresis focusing on image processing as one manner to reduce incorrect interpretation of its outputs. As dataset, image processing performance uses images from repeated execution of one experiment also known as multiplicates. Using multiplicates analysis it is possible to observe or lower the changes of one experiment and to compare them with outputs of other experiments. The aim of this work is to provide support for specialist who takes care about describing the character patterns located in electrophoretic images.

    Visualizing dimensionality reduction of systems biology data

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    One of the challenges in analyzing high-dimensional expression data is the detection of important biological signals. A common approach is to apply a dimension reduction method, such as principal component analysis. Typically, after application of such a method the data is projected and visualized in the new coordinate system, using scatter plots or profile plots. These methods provide good results if the data have certain properties which become visible in the new coordinate system and which were hard to detect in the original coordinate system. Often however, the application of only one method does not suffice to capture all important signals. Therefore several methods addressing different aspects of the data need to be applied. We have developed a framework for linear and non-linear dimension reduction methods within our visual analytics pipeline SpRay. This includes measures that assist the interpretation of the factorization result. Different visualizations of these measures can be combined with functional annotations that support the interpretation of the results. We show an application to high-resolution time series microarray data in the antibiotic-producing organism Streptomyces coelicolor as well as to microarray data measuring expression of cells with normal karyotype and cells with trisomies of human chromosomes 13 and 21

    Local observers on linear Lie groups with linear estimation error dynamics

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    This paper proposes local exponential observers for systems on linear Lie groups. We study two different classes of systems. In the first class, the full state of the system evolves on a linear Lie group and is available for measurement. In the second class, only part of the system's state evolves on a linear Lie group and this portion of the state is available for measurement. In each case, we propose two different observer designs. We show that, depending on the observer chosen, local exponential stability of one of the two observation error dynamics, left- or right-invariant error dynamics, is obtained. For the first class of systems these results are developed by showing that the estimation error dynamics are differentially equivalent to a stable linear differential equation on a vector space. For the second class of system, the estimation error dynamics are almost linear. We illustrate these observer designs on an attitude estimation problem

    Blindfold learning of an accurate neural metric

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    The brain has no direct access to physical stimuli, but only to the spiking activity evoked in sensory organs. It is unclear how the brain can structure its representation of the world based on differences between those noisy, correlated responses alone. Here we show how to build a distance map of responses from the structure of the population activity of retinal ganglion cells, allowing for the accurate discrimination of distinct visual stimuli from the retinal response. We introduce the Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machine to learn the spatiotemporal structure of the population activity, and use this model to define a distance between spike trains. We show that this metric outperforms existing neural distances at discriminating pairs of stimuli that are barely distinguishable. The proposed method provides a generic and biologically plausible way to learn to associate similar stimuli based on their spiking responses, without any other knowledge of these stimuli