5 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Tingkat Penghunian Kamar Hotel di Kendari dengan Transformasi Wavelet Kontinu dan Partial Least Squares

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    Multicollinearity and outliers are the common problems when estimating regression model. Multicollinearitiy occurs when there are high correlations among predictor variables, leading to difficulties in separating the effects of each independent variable on the response variable. While, if outliers are present in the data to be analyzed, then the assumption of normality in the regression will be violated and the results of the analysis may be incorrect or misleading. Both of these cases occurred in the data on room occupancy rate of hotels in Kendari. The purpose of this study is to find a model for the data that is free of multicollinearity and outliers and to determine the factors that affect the level of room occupancy hotels in Kendari. The method used is Continuous Wavelet Transformation and Partial Least Squares. The result of this research is a regression model that is free of multicollinearity and a pattern of data that resolved the present of outliers

    平成18年度 計算科学研究センター研究報告

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    1.平成18年度重点施策 …… 12.素粒子宇宙研究部門 …… 53.物質生命研究部門 …… 214.地球生物環境研究部門 …… 445.超高速計算システム研究部門 …… 516.計算情報学研究部門 …… 617.平成18年度年次報告会プログラム …… 7

    Technological Change and Employee Motivation in a Telecom Operations Team

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    Some managers view innovative product development and convenient service delivery as necessary to business survival. However, unmotivated employees might negate any gains from the use of innovation. The purpose of this correlational study, grounded in diffusion of innovation theory, was to assess the relationship between creativity and support for innovation, resistance to change, and organizational commitment and employee motivation. A random sample of 81 information technology (IT) professionals from telecom service centers completed an online survey. Simultaneous multiple linear regression was the statistical technique used to analyze these data. The results indicated a poor model with low R2 to significantly predicted employee motivation, F (3, 78) = 5.481, p \u3c .002, R2 = .174. In the final model, support for creativity and innovation were significant contributors to employees\u27 motivation. Resistance to change was not a significant predictor to employees\u27 motivation. Although the p-value was significant, the R2 was low and indicated a poor model fit. Future researchers might consider incorporating additional variables to make the model more useful. The implications for positive social change include the potential to enhance telecom managers\u27 understanding of the factors that affect employee motivation; however, managers should consider incorporating additional variables specific to the work environment. Ultimately, a manager\u27s ability to motivate workers is vital for implementing change, particularly when the introduction of technological innovation frequently occurs within an industry.

    筑波大学計算科学研究センター 平成23年度 年次報告書

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    1 平成23年度 重点施策・改善目標 …… 22 平成23年度実施報告 …… 53 各研究部門の報告 …… 11Ⅰ.素粒子物理研究部門 …… 11Ⅱ.宇宙・原子核物理研究部門 …… 26 Ⅱ-1.宇宙分野 …… 26 Ⅱ-2.原子核分野 …… 44Ⅲ.量子物性研究部門 …… 59Ⅳ.生命科学研究部門 …… 77 Ⅳ-1.生命機能情報分野 …… 77 Ⅳ-2.分子進化分野 …… 86Ⅴ.地球環境研究部門 …… 93Ⅵ.高性能計算システム研究部門 …… 105Ⅶ.計算情報学研究部門 …… 116 Ⅶ-1.データ基盤分野 …… 116 Ⅶ-2.計算メディア分野 …… 12

    DB-Outlier Detection by Example in High Dimensional Datasets

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