158 research outputs found

    MonoPerfCap: Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video

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    We present the first marker-less approach for temporally coherent 3D performance capture of a human with general clothing from monocular video. Our approach reconstructs articulated human skeleton motion as well as medium-scale non-rigid surface deformations in general scenes. Human performance capture is a challenging problem due to the large range of articulation, potentially fast motion, and considerable non-rigid deformations, even from multi-view data. Reconstruction from monocular video alone is drastically more challenging, since strong occlusions and the inherent depth ambiguity lead to a highly ill-posed reconstruction problem. We tackle these challenges by a novel approach that employs sparse 2D and 3D human pose detections from a convolutional neural network using a batch-based pose estimation strategy. Joint recovery of per-batch motion allows to resolve the ambiguities of the monocular reconstruction problem based on a low dimensional trajectory subspace. In addition, we propose refinement of the surface geometry based on fully automatically extracted silhouettes to enable medium-scale non-rigid alignment. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance capture results that enable exciting applications such as video editing and free viewpoint video, previously infeasible from monocular video. Our qualitative and quantitative evaluation demonstrates that our approach significantly outperforms previous monocular methods in terms of accuracy, robustness and scene complexity that can be handled.Comment: Accepted to ACM TOG 2018, to be presented on SIGGRAPH 201

    EventCap: Monocular 3D Capture of High-Speed Human Motions using an Event Camera

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    The high frame rate is a critical requirement for capturing fast human motions. In this setting, existing markerless image-based methods are constrained by the lighting requirement, the high data bandwidth and the consequent high computation overhead. In this paper, we propose EventCap --- the first approach for 3D capturing of high-speed human motions using a single event camera. Our method combines model-based optimization and CNN-based human pose detection to capture high-frequency motion details and to reduce the drifting in the tracking. As a result, we can capture fast motions at millisecond resolution with significantly higher data efficiency than using high frame rate videos. Experiments on our new event-based fast human motion dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of our method, as well as its robustness to challenging lighting conditions

    SmartMocap: Joint Estimation of Human and Camera Motion using Uncalibrated RGB Cameras

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    Markerless human motion capture (mocap) from multiple RGB cameras is a widely studied problem. Existing methods either need calibrated cameras or calibrate them relative to a static camera, which acts as the reference frame for the mocap system. The calibration step has to be done a priori for every capture session, which is a tedious process, and re-calibration is required whenever cameras are intentionally or accidentally moved. In this paper, we propose a mocap method which uses multiple static and moving extrinsically uncalibrated RGB cameras. The key components of our method are as follows. First, since the cameras and the subject can move freely, we select the ground plane as a common reference to represent both the body and the camera motions unlike existing methods which represent bodies in the camera coordinate. Second, we learn a probability distribution of short human motion sequences (\sim1sec) relative to the ground plane and leverage it to disambiguate between the camera and human motion. Third, we use this distribution as a motion prior in a novel multi-stage optimization approach to fit the SMPL human body model and the camera poses to the human body keypoints on the images. Finally, we show that our method can work on a variety of datasets ranging from aerial cameras to smartphones. It also gives more accurate results compared to the state-of-the-art on the task of monocular human mocap with a static camera. Our code is available for research purposes on https://github.com/robot-perception-group/SmartMocap

    {EventCap}: {M}onocular {3D} Capture of High-Speed Human Motions Using an Event Camera

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    Augmented reality selection through smart glasses

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    O mercado de óculos inteligentes está em crescimento. Este crescimento abre a possibilidade de um dia os óculos inteligentes assumirem um papel mais ativo tal como os smartphones já têm na vida quotidiana das pessoas. Vários métodos de interação com esta tecnologia têm sido estudados, mas ainda não é claro qual o método que poderá ser o melhor para interagir com objetos virtuais. Neste trabalho são mencionados diversos estudos que se focam nos diferentes métodos de interação para aplicações de realidade aumentada. É dado destaque às técnicas de interação para óculos inteligentes tal como às suas vantagens e desvantagens. No contexto deste trabalho foi desenvolvido um protótipo de Realidade Aumentada para locais fechados, implementando três métodos de interação diferentes. Foram também estudadas as preferências do utilizador e sua vontade de executar o método de interação em público. Além disso, é extraído o tempo de reação que é o tempo entre a deteção de uma marca e o utilizador interagir com ela. Um protótipo de Realidade Aumentada ao ar livre foi desenvolvido a fim compreender os desafios diferentes entre uma aplicação de Realidade Aumentada para ambientes interiores e exteriores. Na discussão é possível entender que os utilizadores se sentem mais confortáveis usando um método de interação semelhante ao que eles já usam. No entanto, a solução com dois métodos de interação, função de toque nos óculos inteligentes e movimento da cabeça, permitem obter resultados próximos aos resultados do controlador. É importante destacar que os utilizadores não passaram por uma fase de aprendizagem os resultados apresentados nos testes referem-se sempre à primeira e única vez com o método de interação. O que leva a crer que o futuro de interação com óculos inteligentes possa ser uma fusão de diferentes técnicas de interação.The smart glasses’ market continues growing. It enables the possibility of someday smart glasses to have a presence as smartphones have already nowadays in people's daily life. Several interaction methods for smart glasses have been studied, but it is not clear which method could be the best to interact with virtual objects. In this research, it is covered studies that focus on the different interaction methods for reality augmented applications. It is highlighted the interaction methods for smart glasses and the advantages and disadvantages of each interaction method. In this work, an Augmented Reality prototype for indoor was developed, implementing three different interaction methods. It was studied the users’ preferences and their willingness to perform the interaction method in public. Besides that, it is extracted the reaction time which is the time between the detection of a marker and the user interact with it. An outdoor Augmented Reality application was developed to understand the different challenges between indoor and outdoor Augmented Reality applications. In the discussion, it is possible to understand that users feel more comfortable using an interaction method similar to what they already use. However, the solution with two interaction methods, smart glass’s tap function, and head movement allows getting results close to the results of the controller. It is important to highlight that was always the first time of the users, so there was no learning before testing. This leads to believe that the future of smart glasses interaction can be the merge of different interaction methods