604 research outputs found

    Power Switching Protocol for Two-way Relaying Network under Hardware Impairments

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    In this paper, we analyze the impact of hardware impairments at relay node and source node (i.e. imperfect nodes) on network performance by evaluating outage probability based on the effective signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR). Especially, we propose energy harvesting protocol at the relay and source nodes, namely, power switching imperfect relay (PSIR) and power switching imperfect source (PSIS). Aiming to determine the performance of energy constrained network, we first derive closed-form expressions of the outage probability and then the throughput can be maximized in delay-limited transmission mode. The simulation results provide practical insights into the impacts of hardware impairments and power switching factors of the energy harvesting protocol on the performance of energy harvesting enabled two-way relaying network

    A novel equivalent definition of modified Bessel functions for performance analysis of multi-hop wireless communication systems

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    A statistical model is derived for the equivalent signal-to-noise ratio of the Source-to-Relay-to-Destination (S-R-D) link for Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying systems that are subject to block Rayleigh-fading. The probability density function and the cumulated density function of the S-R-D link SNR involve modified Bessel functions of the second kind. Using fractional-calculus mathematics, a novel approach is introduced to rewrite those Bessel functions (and the statistical model of the S-R-D link SNR) in series form using simple elementary functions. Moreover, a statistical characterization of the total receive-SNR at the destination, corresponding to the S-R-D and the S-D link SNR, is provided for a more general relaying scenario in which the destination receives signals from both the relay and the source and processes them using maximum ratio combining (MRC). Using the novel statistical model for the total receive SNR at the destination, accurate and simple analytical expressions for the outage probability, the bit error probability, and the ergodic capacity are obtained. The analytical results presented in this paper provide a theoretical framework to analyze the performance of the AF cooperative systems with an MRC receiver

    Enabling non-linear energy harvesting in power domain based multiple access in relaying networks: Outage and ergodic capacity performance analysis

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    The Power Domain-based Multiple Access (PDMA) scheme is considered as one kind of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) in green communications and can support energy-limited devices by employing wireless power transfer. Such a technique is known as a lifetime-expanding solution for operations in future access policy, especially in the deployment of power-constrained relays for a three-node dual-hop system. In particular, PDMA and energy harvesting are considered as two communication concepts, which are jointly investigated in this paper. However, the dual-hop relaying network system is a popular model assuming an ideal linear energy harvesting circuit, as in recent works, while the practical system situation motivates us to concentrate on another protocol, namely non-linear energy harvesting. As important results, a closed-form formula of outage probability and ergodic capacity is studied under a practical non-linear energy harvesting model. To explore the optimal system performance in terms of outage probability and ergodic capacity, several main parameters including the energy harvesting coefficients, position allocation of each node, power allocation factors, and transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are jointly considered. To provide insights into the performance, the approximate expressions for the ergodic capacity are given. By matching analytical and Monte Carlo simulations, the correctness of this framework can be examined. With the observation of the simulation results, the figures also show that the performance of energy harvesting-aware PDMA systems under the proposed model can satisfy the requirements in real PDMA applications.Web of Science87art. no. 81

    Multisource power splitting energy harvesting relaying network in half-duplex system over block Rayleigh fading channel: System performance analysis

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    Energy harvesting and information transferring simultaneously by radio frequency (RF) is considered as the novel solution for green-energy wireless communications. From that point of view, the system performance (SP) analysis of multisource power splitting (PS) energy harvesting (EH) relaying network (RN) over block Rayleigh-fading channels is presented and investigated. We investigate the system in both delay-tolerant transmission (DTT), and delay-limited transmission (DLT) modes and devices work in the half-duplex (HD) system. In this model system, the closed-form (CF) expressions for the outage probability (OP), system throughput (ST) in DLT mode and for ergodic capacity (EC) for DTT mode are analyzed and derived, respectively. Furthermore, CF expression for the symbol errors ratio (SER) is demonstrated. Then, the optimal PS factor is investigated. Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation is used for validating the analytical expressions concerning with all system parameters (SP).Web of Science81art. no. 6