86 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Optimal Single Stream Beamforming in MIMO Dual-Hop AF Systems

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    This paper investigates the performance of optimal single stream beamforming schemes in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) systems. Assuming channel state information is not available at the source and relay, the optimal transmit and receive beamforming vectors are computed at the destination, and the transmit beamforming vector is sent to the transmitter via a dedicated feedback link. Then, a set of new closed-form expressions for the statistical properties of the maximum eigenvalue of the resultant channel is derived, i.e., the cumulative density function (cdf), probability density function (pdf) and general moments, as well as the first order asymptotic expansion and asymptotic large dimension approximations. These analytical expressions are then applied to study three important performance metrics of the system, i.e., outage probability, average symbol error rate and ergodic capacity. In addition, more detailed treatments are provided for some important special cases, e.g., when the number of antennas at one of the nodes is one or large, simple and insightful expressions for the key parameters such as diversity order and array gain of the system are derived. With the analytical results, the joint impact of source, relay and destination antenna numbers on the system performance is addressed, and the performance of optimal beamforming schemes and orthogonal space-time block-coding (OSTBC) schemes are compared. Results reveal that the number of antennas at the relay has a great impact on how the numbers of antennas at the source and destination contribute to the system performance, and optimal beamforming not only achieves the same maximum diversity order as OSTBC, but also provides significant power gains over OSTBC.Comment: to appear in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications special issue on Theories and Methods for Advanced Wireless Relay

    The impact of shadowing and the severity of fading on the first and second order statistics of the capacity of OSTBC MIMO Nakagami-lognormal channels

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    This article presents a thorough statistical analysis of the capacity of orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Nakagami- lognormal (NLN) channels. The NLN channel model allows to study the joint effects of fast fading and shadowing on the statistical properties of the channel capacity. We have derived exact analytical expressions for the probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), level-crossing rate (LCR), and average duration of fades (ADF) of the capacity of MIMO NLN channels. It is observed that an increase in the MIMO dimension or a decrease in the severity of fading results in an increase in the mean channel capacity, while the variance of the channel capacity decreases. On the other hand, an increase in the shadowing standard deviation increases the spread of the channel capacity, however the shadowing effect has no influence on the mean channel capacity. We have also presented approximation results for the statistical properties of the channel capacity, obtained using the Gauss-Hermite integration method. It is observed that approximation results not only reduce the complexity, but also have a very good fitting with the exact results. The presented results are very useful and general because they provide the flexibility to study the impact of shadowing on the channel capacity under different fading conditions. Moreover, the effects of severity of fading on the channel capacity can also be studied. The correctness of theoretical results is confirmed by simulations

    The Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) Channel Modeling, Simulation and Applications

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    This thesis mainly focus on the Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) channel modeling, simulation and applications. There are several ways to design a MIMO channel. Most of the examples are given in Chapter 2, where we can design channels based on the environments and also based on other conditions. One of the new MIMO channel designs based on physical and virtual channel design is discussed in Unitary-Independent- Unitary (UIU) channel modeling. For completeness, the different types of capacity are discussed in details. The capacity is very important in wireless communication. By understanding the details behind different capacity, we can improve our transmission efficiently and effectively. The level crossing rate and average duration are discussed.One of the most important topics in MIMO wireless communication is estimation. Without having the right estimation in channel prediction, the performance will not be correct. The channel estimation error on the performance of the Alamouti code was discussed. The design of the transmitter, the channel and the receiver for this system model is shown. The two different types of decoding scheme were shown - the linear combining scheme and the Maximum likelihood (ML) decoder. Once the reader understands the estimation of the MIMO channel, the estimation based on different antenna correlation is discussed. Next, the model for Mobile-to-Mobile (M2M) MIMO communication link is proposed. The old M2M Sum-of-Sinusoids simulation model and the new two ring models are discussed. As the last step, the fading channel modeling using AR model is derived and the effect of ill-conditioning of the Yule-Walker equation is also shown. A number of applications is presented to show how the performance can be evaluated using the proposed model and techniques

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communications Systems Using Reconfigurable Antennas

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    RÉSUMÉ Depuis les années 1990, l'utilisation des systèmes de communications sans-fil à entrées multiples-sorties multiples (MIMO) a été introduit pour fournir des transmissions fiables à grande vitesse. Cette thèse porte sur l'application et l’étude des systèmes MIMO avec des antennes reconfigurables, qui sont ajustable électroniquement pour produire différents diagrammes de rayonnement d'un seul élément d'antenne et ainsi offrir une diversité de diagrammes de rayonnement. En particulier, nous étudions le comportement de la capacité de canal des systèmes MIMO à sélection de diagrammes de rayonnement (PS-MIMO), et nous proposons aussi des algorithmes de sélection du diagramme de rayonnement atteignant la capacité maximale. Tout d'abord, nous étudions l'application des antennes reconfigurables dans l'estimation des statistiques spatiales à long terme de canaux spatiaux avec grappes de multi-trajets (cluster). Nous proposons un estimateur de spectre de type Capon et une technique d'adaptation de la covariance (COMET) pour estimer conjointement l'angle moyen et l’étalement angulaire de la grappe spatiale avec des antennes reconfigurables. En second lieu, sur la base des statistiques à long terme du canal MIMO, nous proposons des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement MIMO (SPS-MIMO) pour atteindre la capacité maximale de canal ergodique. L'analyse de la maximisation de la capacité ergodique du système SPS-MIMO indique que le modèle statistique de sélection fournit des gains supplémentaires en améliorant la puissance du signal reçu et en décorrélant les signaux reçus avec différents diagrammes de rayonnement directionnels. Troisièmement, nous nous concentrons sur le modèle de sélection instantanée des diagrammes de rayonnement MIMO (IPS-MIMO) basé sur des informations instantanées d'état de canal (CSI) afin de maximiser la capacité instantanée pour chaque réalisation de canal. Nous démontrons que l’ordre de diversité des systèmes MIMO peut être multipliée par le nombre de diagrammes de rayonnement avec sélection de diagramme instantanée. Afin d'évaluer la capacité moyenne de l'IPS-MIMO, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme qui permet d’approximer étroitement la moyenne de la valeur maximale de la capacité du canal MIMO avec des trajets arbitrairement corrélés. Nous proposons également un algorithme pour sélectionner instantanément les diagrammes de rayonnement pour atteindre la capacité moyenne. En outre, sur la base d'une simple expression en forme fermée de la capacité coefficient de corrélation, nous sommes en mesure de proposer un algorithme de sélection de sous-ensemble de diagrammes qui offre un compromis entre performances et la complexité de l’algorithme de sélection. En conclusion, des gains de performance importants peuvent être obtenus grâce à la combinaison de l'utilisation d’antennes reconfigurables et de systèmes MIMO avec soit des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement statistique ou instantanée. La capacité des systèmes PS-MIMO à améliorer les performances du système, y compris la capacité et de l'ordre de la diversité, est démontrée par l'analyse théorique et des simulations numériques.----------ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has been introduced to modern wireless communications to provide reliable transmission at high data rates. This thesis focuses on the application of MIMO systems with reconfigurable antennas, which are electronically tunable to produce a number of radiation patterns at a single antenna element and provide pattern diversity. In particular, we investigate the capacity performance of the pattern selection MIMO (PS-MIMO) systems, and we also present maximum capacity achieving algorithms for radiation pattern selection. First, we investigate the application of reconfigurable antennas in estimating long term spatial statistics of spatial clustered channels. We propose a Capon-like spectrum estimator and a covariance matching technique (COMET) to jointly estimate the mean angle and the angular spread of the spatial cluster with reconfigurable antennas. Second, based on the long term statistics of the MIMO channel, we propose statistical pattern selection MIMO (SPS-MIMO) algorithms to achieve maximum ergodic channel capacity. Analysis of the ergodic capacity maximization of the SPS-MIMO indicates that the statistical pattern selection provides additional gains by enhancing received signal power and decorrelating received signals with different directional radiation patterns. Third, we focus on the instantaneous pattern selection MIMO (IPS-MIMO) based on instantaneous channel state information (CSI) in order to maximize the instantaneous capacity for every channel realization. We prove that the diversity order of MIMO systems can be multiplied by the number of radiation patterns with instantaneous pattern selection. In order to evaluate the mean capacity of the IPS-MIMO, we propose a novel algorithm which closely approximates the mean of the maximum of the channel capacity of arbitrarily correlated MIMO channels. We also propose an algorithm for instantaneously selecting radiation patterns to achieve the mean capacity. In addition, based on a simple closed-form approximation to the capacity correlation coefficient, we are able to propose a subset pattern selection algorithm which enables the trade-off between performances and complexity. In conclusion, important extra gains can be obtained as a result of combining the use of reconfigurable antennas and MIMO systems with either statistical or instantaneous radiation pattern selection. The capability of the PS-MIMO to improve system performances, including capacity and diversity order, is demonstrated through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations

    MIMO Systems: Principles, Iterative Techniques, and advanced Polarization

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    International audienceThis chapter considers the principles of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems as well as some recent accomplishments concerning their implementation. By employing multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver, very high data rates can be achieved under the condition of deployment in a rich-scattering propagation medium. This interesting property of MIMO systems suggests their use in the future high-rate and high-quality wireless communication systems. Several concepts in MIMO systems are reviewed in this chapter. We first consider MIMO channel models and recall the basic principles of MIMO structures and channel modeling. We next study the MIMO channel capacity and present the early developments in these systems concerning the information theory aspect. Iterative signal detection is considered next; it considers iterative techniques for space-time decoding. As the capacity is inversely proportional to the spatial channel correlation, MIMO antennas should be sufficiently separated, usually by several wavelengths. In order to minimize antennas' deployment, we present advanced polarization diversity techniques for MIMO systems and explain how they can help to reduce the spatial correlation in order to achieve high transmission rates. We end the chapter by considering the application of MIMO systems in local area networks, as well as their potential in enhancing range, localization, and power efficiency of sensor networks

    Statistical analysis of the capacity of mobile radio channels

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    Doktorgradsavhandling i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi, Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad, 201

    The impact of shadowing and the severity of fading on the first and second order statistics of the capacity of OSTBC MIMO Nakagami-lognormal channels

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    Published version of an article in Wireless Personal Communications (2011), 1-16. Also available from the publisher at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-011-0275-xThis article presents a thorough statistical analysis of the capacity of orthogonal space-time block coded (OSTBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Nakagami- lognormal (NLN) channels. The NLN channel model allows to study the joint effects of fast fading and shadowing on the statistical properties of the channel capacity. We have derived exact analytical expressions for the probability density function (PDF), cumulative distribution function (CDF), level-crossing rate (LCR), and average duration of fades (ADF) of the capacity of MIMO NLN channels. It is observed that an increase in the MIMO dimension or a decrease in the severity of fading results in an increase in the mean channel capacity, while the variance of the channel capacity decreases. On the other hand, an increase in the shadowing standard deviation increases the spread of the channel capacity, however the shadowing effect has no influence on the mean channel capacity. We have also presented approximation results for the statistical properties of the channel capacity, obtained using the Gauss-Hermite integration method. It is observed that approximation results not only reduce the complexity, but also have a very good fitting with the exact results. The presented results are very useful and general because they provide the flexibility to study the impact of shadowing on the channel capacity under different fading conditions. Moreover, the effects of severity of fading on the channel capacity can also be studied. The correctness of theoretical results is confirmed by simulations
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