206 research outputs found

    Computer-network Solutions for Pervasive Computing

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    Lo scenario delle reti di comunicazione di tipo wireless sta rapidamente evolvendo verso i sistemi pervasivi in cui i dispositivi wireless, di diversi tipi e grandezze, costituiscono parte integrante dell’ambiente in cui sono immersi, ed interagiscono continuamente ed in maniera trasparente con gli utenti che vi vivono o che lo attraversano. Si parla a tal proposito anche di ambienti intelligenti. Seguendo l’evoluzione dai sistemi mobili a quelli pervasivi, questa tesi rivisita diversi tipi di ambienti wireless che si sono sviluppati e diffusi negli ultimi 20 anni: a partire dalle wireless LANs, proseguendo con le reti ad hoc, per finire con le reti opportunistiche. Sebbene molte problematiche delle reti wireless si ripropongano in quasi tutti gli scenari (ad esempio il risparmio energetico), a scenari wireless diversi corrispondono in genere utilizzi differenti e diversi fabbisogni degli utenti, come pure problemi specifici che richiedono soluzioni dedicate. Alcune soluzioni specifiche sono analizzate e proposte in questa tesi. Le reti WLANs basate su infrastruttura sono usate generalmente per fornire accesso alla rete Internet ed infatti lo scenario che le comprende è solitamente riferito come Wireless Internet. Nonostante la presenza dell’infrastruttuta fissa garantisca in generale una trasmissione di dati affidabile, l’utilizzo di questo tipo di reti per fornire esattamente gli stessi tipi di servizi delle reti fisse provoca un elevato consumo di risorse che all’interno delle WLANs sono invece limitate. Inoltre l’utilizzo dei protocolli dello stack TCP/IP sui link wireless è di solito fonte di inefficienze viste le profonde differenze esistenti fra i link wireless e quelli fissi. La progettazione di servizi in uno scenario di wireless Internet ha come primario obiettivo quello di garantire la fruizione da parte degli utenti mobili senza soluzione di continuità, mascherando così la presenza del link wireless che ha banda nominale inferiore rispetto ai link fissi ed è soggetto a maggiori perdite, e supportando la mobilità degli utenti all’interno delle zone di copertura (handoff). La gestione dei servizi di wireless Internet deve sempre essere integrata con soluzioni di risparmio energetico tese ad allungare il più possibile l’autonomia energetica dei dispositivi degli utenti (alimentati a batteria) garantendo così loro un servizio duraturo nel tempo. Abbiamo studiato una soluzione per servizi di streaming audio-video verso terminali mobili in un ambiente di wireless LAN. Oltre a garantire la continuità della riproduzione multimediale con buona qualità, questa soluzione ottimizza il consumo energetico del terminale wireless agendo sulla scheda di rete wireless. Durante lo streaming infatti, la scheda di rete viene periodicamente messa in uno stato a basso consumo energetico (sleep). I periodi di sleep della scheda vengono calcolati adattivamente in funzione dello stato di avanzamento della riproduzione multimediale e della banda disponibile istantaneamente sul canale wireless opportunamente monitorato. Il riposo della scheda di rete non incide sul processo di riproduzione e quindi sulla qualità del servizio percepita dall’utente mobile. A differenza delle WLANs, le reti MANETs sono prive di infrastruttura fissa ed i nodi che vi partecipano si autoconfigurano ed autoorganizzano tra di loro. Le MANETs si mostrano particolarmente adatte ad esigenze temporanee di gruppi di utenti che vogliano condividere dati, scambiarsi messaggi, o altro. Uno dei principali interessi di ricerca nell’ambito delle reti MANETs ha riguardato storicamente lo studio dei protocolli di routing per l’instradamento delle informazioni fra nodi sorgente e nodi destinatari. In una rete MANET infatti, vista l’assenza di infrastruttura, ogni nodo è coinvolto nella funzione di instradamento. Negli ultimi anni tuttavia, un nuovo aspetto di ricerca sta acquistando sempre maggiore attenzione e riguarda la sperimentazione su testbed reali. Le poche esperienze sperimentali eseguite su MANETs hanno dimostrato l’inadeguatezza degli studi di tipo analitico-simulativo nel giudicare l’efficacia delle soluzioni progettate per reti MANETs. Questo è principalmente dovuto al fatto che gli scenari wireless sono estremamente complessi e soggetti a fenomeni di diversa natura che influiscono sulle comunicazioni ma che sono difficilmente condensabili in un modello analitico completo. I modelli esistenti nei simulatori attualmente diffusi sono spesso causa di errori nel validare o al contrario bocciare le soluzioni ed i protocolli testati. Le attività di sperimentazione su testbed reali hanno dunque un duplice scopo: i) validare protocolli e soluzioni proposte attualmente, e ii) gettare le basi per la costruizione di nuovi modelli analitici e simulativi che siano maggiormente attendibili di quelli attuali. L’esperienza condotta su di un testbed reale per reti ad hoc comprendente portatili e palmari fino ad un totale di 12 nodi, ha dimostrato l’efficacia delle implementazioni di due protocolli di routing: AODV (Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector) ed OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing). Tuttavia, benchè entrambi siano funzionalmente corretti, mostrano comportamenti differenti quando usati per supportare servizi di livello middleware ed applicativi (vedi ad esempio file sharing o trasferimenti ftp). In particolare, i ritardi causati dalla scoperta delle rotte in AODV sono spesso causa di inefficienze o addirittura di interruzione del servizio. OLSR invece, seppure responsabile di un overhead di traffico maggiore, si mostra maggiormente adatto alle interazioni con i servizi dei livelli superiori. Infine, l’esperienza ha dimostrato la necessità di ripensare molti dei servizi disponibili su rete fissa per adeguarli alle caratteristiche delle reti wireless e particolarmente di quelle ad hoc. Una nuova tipologia di reti wireless sta emergendo attualmente e si sta rivelando di particolare interesse: quella delle reti opportunistiche. Le reti opportunistiche non si appoggiano su alcuna infrastruttura fissa, né cercano di autoconfigurarsi in una infrastruttura wireless temporanea costituita da nodi vicini. Sfruttano le opportunità di contatto che si verificano fra i nodi (dispositivi wireless di piccola taglia) trasportati dagli utenti nelle loro attività quotidiane (ad esempio a lavoro, sugli autobus, a scuola o all’università, ecc.). I messaggi sono scambiati ogni qualvolta si renda possibile, ovunque sia possibile ed il successo della loro trasmissione è strettamente legato alle dinamiche sociali in cui sono coinvolti gli utenti che trasportano i dispositivi ed alla storia degli incontri tra individui. Data la mobilità estremamente elevata che caratterizza questo nuovo scenario di reti, e la nota rumorosità delle comunicazioni wireless, l’affidabilità delle trasmissioni emerge come uno dei fattori di principale interesse. Infatti, le comunicazioni possono aver luogo soltanto durante i periodi di contatto tra i nodi e devono essere estremamente veloci ed efficaci. Questo porta a dover fare uno sforzo di progettazione per nuovi protocolli di comunicazione che si diversifichino da quelli oggi più diffusi e basati sulla ritrasmissione dei dati mancanti. Le ritrasmissioni infatti, nella maggior parte dei casi potrebbero non poter essere eseguite per mancanza di tempo. Una strategia valida per gestire l’affidabilità delle comunicazioni opportunistiche in simili scenari estremi (caratterizzati cioè da scarse risorse e scarsa connettività) prevede l’utilizzo combinato di tecniche di codifica dei dati e strategie di instradamento di tipo epidemico. Questo approccio sfrutta la ridondanza sia delle informazioni, sia dei percorsi. La ridondanza delle informazioni dà robustezza a fronte della perdita dei dati in rete poiché è necessario che soltanto un sottoinsieme dei codici generati arrivi a destinazione per consentire al ricostruzione corretta delle informazioni. La ridondanza dei percorsi invece è necessaria poichè non è possibile predirre in anticipo la sequenza dei contatti che può portare i dati a destinazione e pertanto è necessario distribuire l’informazione in più direzioni. Le reti opportunistiche caratterizzate dalla presenza di dispositivi con limitata autonomia energetica e risorse limitate, offrono attualmente lo scenario che meglio traduce il concetto di sistemi pervasivi. Di particolare interesse è il caso delle reti di sensori sparse in cui i sensori sono disposti nell’ambiente con funzione di monitoraggio ed i dati che collezionano vengono raccolti da degli agenti mobili che passano nelle vicinanze e che sono noti come data MULEs. I data MULEs possono utilizzare le informazioni acquisite dai sensori per eseguire applicazioni dipendenti dal contesto o possono semplicemente inoltrarle fino a quando raggiungono l’infrastruttura dove vengono elaborati e memorizzati. Le interazioni fra i sensori immersi nell’ambiente ed i data MULEs sono soltanto un primo passo di un sistema di comunicazione globale completamente opportunistico in cui i data MULEs scambiano l’un l’altro le informazioni che trasportano fino a quando infine, i dati pervengono alle destinazioni più lontane. In questo scenario, le comunicazioni wireless completano naturalmente le interazioni fra gli utenti e si verificano ogni qualvolta gli utenti si incontrano oppure si avvicinano casualmente l’un l’altro, dovunque questa interazione avvenga. Per supportare un simile framework, è necessario sviluppare nuovi paradigmi di comunicazione che tengano in considerazione l’assenza di link stabili tra i nodi che comunicano (connettività intermittente) e che assumano quindi la disponibilità di brevi periodi di contatto per comunicare. Inoltre i nuovi paradigmi di comunicazione devono generalmente assumere l’assenza di un percorso completo fra i nodi sorgente e destinatario e sfruttare invece forme di instradamento delle informazioni che sono simili al modo in cui avvengono le interazioni sociali fra le persone. Strategie di instradamento basate su codifica dei dati offrono una valida soluzione per supportare il framework emergente dei sistemi pervasivi

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Guiding readers through the basics of these rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations, Mobile Ad hoc Networks: Current Status and Future Trends identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Containing the contributions of leading researchers, industry professionals, and academics, this forward-looking reference provides an authoritative perspective of the state of the art in MANETs. The book includes surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as limited resources and the mobility of mobile nodes. It considers routing, multicast, energy, security, channel assignment, and ensuring quality of service. Also suitable as a text for graduate students, the book is organized into three sections: Fundamentals of MANET Modeling and Simulation—Describes how MANETs operate and perform through simulations and models Communication Protocols of MANETs—Presents cutting-edge research on key issues, including MAC layer issues and routing in high mobility Future Networks Inspired By MANETs—Tackles open research issues and emerging trends Illustrating the role MANETs are likely to play in future networks, this book supplies the foundation and insight you will need to make your own contributions to the field. It includes coverage of routing protocols, modeling and simulations tools, intelligent optimization techniques to multicriteria routing, security issues in FHAMIPv6, connecting moving smart objects to the Internet, underwater sensor networks, wireless mesh network architecture and protocols, adaptive routing provision using Bayesian inference, and adaptive flow control in transport layer using genetic algorithms

    QoS-Based and Secure Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the growing demand for quality of service (QoS) aware routing protocols in wireless networks, QoS-based routing has emerged as an interesting research topic. A QoS guarantee in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is difficult and more challenging due to the fact that the available resources of sensors and the various applications running over these networks have different constraints in their nature and requirements. Furthermore, due to the increased use of sensor nodes in a variety of application fields, WSNs need to handle heterogeneous traffic with diverse priorities to achieve the required QoS. In this thesis, we investigate the problem of providing multi-QoS in routing protocols for WSNs. In particular, we investigate several aspects related to the application requirements and the network states and resources. We present multi-objective QoS aware routing protocol for WSNs that uses the geographic routing mechanism combined with the QoS requirements to meet diverse application requirements by considering the changing conditions of the network. The protocol formulates the application requirements with the links available resources and conditions to design heuristic neighbor discovery algorithms. Also, with the unlimited resource at the sink node, the process of selecting the routing path/paths is assigned to the sink. Paths selection algorithms are designed with various goals in order to extend network lifetime, enhance the reliability of data transmission, decrease end-to-end delay, achieve load balancing and provide fault tolerance. We also develop a cross-layer routing protocol that combines routing at network layer and the time scheduling at the MAC layer with respect to delay and reliability in an energy efficient way. A node-disjoint multipath routing is used and a QoS-aware priority scheduling considering MAC layer is proposed to ensure that real time and non-real time traffic achieve their desired QoS while alleviating congestion in the network. Additionally, we propose new mechanism for secure and reliable data transmission in multipath routing for WSNs. Different levels of security requirements are defined and depending on these requirements, a selective encryption scheme is introduced to encrypt selected number of coded fragments in order to enhance security and thereby reduce the time required for encryption. Node-disjoint multipath routing combined with source coding is used in order to enhance both security and reliability of data transmission. Also, we develop an allocation strategy that allocates fragments on paths to enhance both the security and probability of successful data delivery. Analysis and extensive simulation are conducted to study the performance of all the above proposed protocols

    Algorithms for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The recent advances in microsensor and semiconductor technology have opened a new field within computer science: the networking of small-sized sensors which are capable of sensing, processing, and communicating. Such wireless sensor networks offer new applications in the areas of habitat and environment monitoring, disaster control and operation, military and intelligence control, object tracking, video surveillance, traffic control, as well as in health care and home automation. It is likely that the deployed sensors will be battery-powered, which will limit the energy capacity significantly. Thus, energy efficiency becomes one of the main challenges that need to be taken into account, and the design of energy-efficient algorithms is a major contribution of this thesis. As the wireless communication in the network is one of the main energy consumers, we first consider in detail the characteristics of wireless communication. By using the embedded sensor board (ESB) platform recently developed by the Free University of Berlin, we analyze the means of forward error correction and propose an appropriate resync mechanism, which improves the communication between two ESB nodes substantially. Afterwards, we focus on the forwarding of data packets through the network. We present the algorithms energy-efficient forwarding (EEF), lifetime-efficient forwarding (LEF), and energy-efficient aggregation forwarding (EEAF). While EEF is designed to maximize the number of data bytes delivered per energy unit, LEF additionally takes into account the residual energy of forwarding nodes. In so doing, LEF further prolongs the lifetime of the network. Energy savings due to data aggregation and in-network processing are exploited by EEAF. Besides single-link forwarding, in which data packets are sent to only one forwarding node, we also study the impact of multi-link forwarding, which exploits the broadcast characteristics of the wireless medium by sending packets to several (potential) forwarding nodes. By actively selecting a forwarder among all nodes that received a packet successfully, retransmissions can often be avoided. In the majority of cases, multi-link forwarding is thus more efficient and able to save energy. In the last part of this thesis, we present a topology and energy control algorithm (TECA) to turn off the nodes' radio transceivers completely in order to avoid idle listening. By means of TECA, a connected backbone of active nodes is established, while all other nodes may sleep and save energy by turning off their radios. All algorithms presented in this thesis have been fully analyzed, simulated, and implemented on the ESB platform. They are suitable for several applications scenarios and can easily be adapted even to other wireless sensor platforms

    Achieving reliable and enhanced communication in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the envisioned age of Internet of Things (IoTs), different aspects of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) will be linked so as to advance road transportation safety, ease congestion of road traffic, lessen air pollution, improve passenger transportation comfort and significantly reduce road accidents. In vehicular networks, regular exchange of current position, direction, speed, etc., enable mobile vehicle to foresee an imminent vehicle accident and notify the driver early enough in order to take appropriate action(s) or the vehicle on its own may take adequate preventive measures to avert the looming accident. Actualizing this concept requires use of shared media access protocol that is capable of guaranteeing reliable and timely broadcast of safety messages. This dissertation investigates the use of Network Coding (NC) techniques to enrich the content of each transmission and ensure improved high reliability of the broadcasted safety messages with less number of retransmissions. A Code Aided Retransmission-based Error Recovery (CARER) protocol is proposed. In order to avoid broadcast storm problem, a rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric η, is developed, which is used to select a vehicle that will rebroadcast the received encoded message. Although the proposed CARER protocol demonstrates an impressive performance, the level of incurred overhead is fairly high due to the use of complex rebroadcasting vehicle selection metric. To resolve this issue, a Random Network Coding (RNC) and vehicle clustering based vehicular communication scheme with low algorithmic complexity, named Reliable and Enhanced Cooperative Cross-layer MAC (RECMAC) scheme, is proposed. The use of this clustering technique enables RECMAC to subdivide the vehicular network into small manageable, coordinated clusters which further improve transmission reliability and minimise negative impact of network overhead. Similarly, a Cluster Head (CH) selection metric ℱ(\u1d457) is designed, which is used to determine and select the most suitably qualified candidate to become the CH of a particular cluster. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of available radio spectral resource, an in-depth study of the required amount of spectrum sufficient to support high transmission reliability and minimum latency requirements of critical road safety messages in vehicular networks was carried out. The performance of the proposed schemes was clearly shown with detailed theoretical analysis and was further validated with simulation experiments

    Synchronous and Concurrent Transmissions for Consensus in Low-Power Wireless

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    With the emergence of the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles and the Industry 4.0, the need for dependable yet adaptive network protocols is arising. Many of these applications build their operations on distributed consensus. For example, UAVs agree on maneuvers to execute, and industrial systems agree on set-points for actuators.Moreover, such scenarios imply a dynamic network topology due to mobility and interference, for example. Many applications are mission- and safety-critical, too.Failures could cost lives or precipitate economic losses.In this thesis, we design, implement and evaluate network protocols as a step towards enabling a low-power, adaptive and dependable ubiquitous networking that enables consensus in the Internet of Things. We make four main contributions:- We introduce Orchestra that addresses the challenge of bringing TSCH (Time Slotted Channel Hopping) to dynamic networks as envisioned in the Internet of Things. In Orchestra, nodes autonomously compute their local schedules and update automatically as the topology evolves without signaling overhead. Besides, it does not require a central or distributed scheduler. Instead, it relies on the existing network stack information to maintain the schedules.- We present A2 : Agreement in the Air, a system that brings distributed consensus to low-power multihop networks. A2 introduces Synchrotron, a synchronous transmissions kernel that builds a robust mesh by exploiting the capture effect, frequency hopping with parallel channels, and link-layer security. A2 builds on top of this layer and enables the two- and three-phase commit protocols, and services such as group membership, hopping sequence distribution, and re-keying.- We present Wireless Paxos, a fault-tolerant, network-wide consensus primitive for low-power wireless networks. It is a new variant of Paxos, a widely used consensus protocol, and is specifically designed to tackle the challenges of low-power wireless networks. By utilizing concurrent transmissions, it provides a dependable low-latency consensus.- We present BlueFlood, a protocol that adapts concurrent transmissions to Bluetooth. The result is fast and efficient data dissemination in multihop Bluetooth networks. Moreover, BlueFlood floods can be reliably received by off-the-shelf Bluetooth devices such as smartphones, opening new applications of concurrent transmissions and seamless integration with existing technologies

    Security and Privacy in Heterogeneous Wireless and Mobile Networks: Challenges and Solutions

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    abstract: The rapid advances in wireless communications and networking have given rise to a number of emerging heterogeneous wireless and mobile networks along with novel networking paradigms, including wireless sensor networks, mobile crowdsourcing, and mobile social networking. While offering promising solutions to a wide range of new applications, their widespread adoption and large-scale deployment are often hindered by people's concerns about the security, user privacy, or both. In this dissertation, we aim to address a number of challenging security and privacy issues in heterogeneous wireless and mobile networks in an attempt to foster their widespread adoption. Our contributions are mainly fivefold. First, we introduce a novel secure and loss-resilient code dissemination scheme for wireless sensor networks deployed in hostile and harsh environments. Second, we devise a novel scheme to enable mobile users to detect any inauthentic or unsound location-based top-k query result returned by an untrusted location-based service providers. Third, we develop a novel verifiable privacy-preserving aggregation scheme for people-centric mobile sensing systems. Fourth, we present a suite of privacy-preserving profile matching protocols for proximity-based mobile social networking, which can support a wide range of matching metrics with different privacy levels. Last, we present a secure combination scheme for crowdsourcing-based cooperative spectrum sensing systems that can enable robust primary user detection even when malicious cognitive radio users constitute the majority.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201
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