310 research outputs found

    Oscillation death in coupled counter-rotating identical nonlinear oscillators

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    We study oscillatory and oscillation suppressed phases in coupled counter-rotating nonlinear oscillators. We demonstrate the existence of limit cycle, amplitude death, and oscillation death, and also clarify the Hopf, pitchfork, and infinite period bifurcations between them. Especially, the oscillation death is a new type of oscillation suppressions of which the inhomogeneous steady states are neutrally stable. We discuss the robust neutral stability of the oscillation death in non-conservative systems via the anti-PT-symmetric phase transitions at exceptional points in terms of non-Hermitian systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Conjugate coupling induced symmetry breaking and quenched oscillations

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    Spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) is essential and plays a vital role many natural phenomena, including the formation of Turing pattern in organisms and complex patterns in brain dynamics. In this work, we investigate whether a set of coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators can exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking when the oscillators are interacting through dissimilar variables or conjugate coupling. We find the emergence of SSB state with coexisting distinct dynamical states in the parametric space and show how the system transits from symmetry breaking state to out-of-phase synchronized (OPS) state while admitting multistabilities among the dynamical states. Further, we also investigate the effect of feedback factor on SSB as well as oscillation quenching states and we point out that the decreasing feedback factor completely suppresses SSB and oscillation death states. Interestingly, we also find the feedback factor completely diminishes only symmetry breaking oscillation and oscillation death (OD) states but it does not affect the nontrivial amplitude death (NAD) state. Finally, we have deduced the analytical stability conditions for in-phase and out-of-phase oscillations, as well as amplitude and oscillation death states.Comment: Accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Bifurcation in cell cycle dynamics regulated by p53

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    We study the regulating mechanism of p53 on the properties of cell cycle dynamics in the light of the proposed model of interacting p53 and cell cycle networks via p53. Irradiation (IR) introduce to p53 compel p53 dynamics to suffer different phases, namely oscillating and oscillation death (stabilized) phases. The IR induced p53 dynamics undergo collapse of oscillation with collapse time \Delta t which depends on IR strength. The stress p53 via IR drive cell cycle molecular species MPF and cyclin dynamics to different states, namely, oscillation death, oscillations of periods, chaotic and sustain oscillation in their bifurcation diagram. We predict that there could be a critical \Delta t_c induced by p53 via IR_c, where, if \Delta t < \Delta t_c the cell cycle may come back to normal state, otherwise it will go to cell cycle arrest (apoptosis)

    Diverse routes to oscillation death in a coupled-oscillator system.

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    We study oscillation death (OD) in a well-known coupled-oscillator system that has been used to model cardiovascular phenomena. We derive exact analytic conditions that allow the prediction of OD through the two known bifurcation routes, in the same model, and for different numbers of coupled oscillators. Our exact analytic results enable us to generalize OD as a multiparameter-sensitive phenomenon. It can be induced, not only by changes in couplings, but also by changes in the oscillator frequencies or amplitudes. We observe synchronization transitions as a function of coupling and confirm the robustness of the phenomena in the presence of noise. Numerical and analogue simulations are in good agreement with the theory