8 research outputs found


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    Upward planar drawings with two slopes

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    In an upward planar 2-slope drawing of a digraph, edges are drawn as straight-line segments in the upward direction without crossings using only two different slopes. We investigate whether a given upward planar digraph admits such a drawing and, if so, how to construct it. For the fixed embedding scenario, we give a simple characterisation and a linear-time construction by adopting algorithms from orthogonal drawings. For the variable embedding scenario, we describe a linear-time algorithm for single-source digraphs, a quartic-time algorithm for series-parallel digraphs, and a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for general digraphs. For the latter two classes, we make use of SPQR-trees and the notion of upward spirality. As an application of this drawing style, we show how to draw an upward planar phylogenetic network with two slopes such that all leaves lie on a horizontal line

    Steinitz Theorems for Orthogonal Polyhedra

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    We define a simple orthogonal polyhedron to be a three-dimensional polyhedron with the topology of a sphere in which three mutually-perpendicular edges meet at each vertex. By analogy to Steinitz's theorem characterizing the graphs of convex polyhedra, we find graph-theoretic characterizations of three classes of simple orthogonal polyhedra: corner polyhedra, which can be drawn by isometric projection in the plane with only one hidden vertex, xyz polyhedra, in which each axis-parallel line through a vertex contains exactly one other vertex, and arbitrary simple orthogonal polyhedra. In particular, the graphs of xyz polyhedra are exactly the bipartite cubic polyhedral graphs, and every bipartite cubic polyhedral graph with a 4-connected dual graph is the graph of a corner polyhedron. Based on our characterizations we find efficient algorithms for constructing orthogonal polyhedra from their graphs.Comment: 48 pages, 31 figure

    Drawing planar graphs with prescribed face areas

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    This thesis deals with planar drawings of planar graphs such that each interior face has a prescribed area. Our work is divided into two main sections. The rst one deals with straight-line drawings and the second one with orthogonal drawings. For straight-line drawings, it was known that such drawings exist for all planar graphs with maximum degree 3. We show here that such drawings exist for all planar partial 3-trees, i.e., subgraphs of a triangulated planar graph obtained by repeatedly inserting a vertex in one triangle and connecting it to all vertices of the triangle. Moreover, vertices have rational coordinates if the face areas are rational, and we can bound the resolution. For orthogonal drawings, we give an algorithm to draw triconnected planar graphs with maximum degree 3. This algorithm produces a drawing with at most 8 bends per face and 4 bends per edge, which improves the previous known result of 34 bends per face. Both vertices and bends have rational coordinates if the face areas are rational

    Orthogonal Drawings of Plane Graphs without Bends

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    In an orthogonal drawing of a plane graph each vertex is drawn as a point and each edge is drawn as a sequence of vertical and horizontal line segments. A bend is a point at which the drawing of an edge changes its direction. Every plane graph of the maximum degree at most four has an orthogonal drawing, but may need bends. A simple necessary and sufficient condition has not been known for a plane graph to have an orthogonal drawing without bends. In this paper we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for a plane graph G of the maximum degree three to have an orthogonal drawing without bends. We also give a linear-time algorithm to find such a drawing of G if it exists