24,106 research outputs found

    Change and continuity: a morphological investigation of the creation of gated communities in post-reform Beijing

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    Alongside the socio-economic restructuring from a central planning system to a free market system, Beijing is being transformed into a “gated city of tomorrow” by building massive gated communities as a new form of private neighborhood planning and design. Although certain scholarly attentions have been received through the international debate over gated communities, there is a lack of systematic research on how these private urban landscapes are actually created at the micro-level and how their creation is related with historical development and social process. Therefore, this paper aims to contribute to an understanding of the origin and nature of the creation of gated communities in the setting of Beijing through a careful morphological investigation. More exactly, a set of private gated community schemes and a set of public produced neighborhood schemes of the early socialist period will be cross compared according to the major neighborhood morphological components in order to reveal the differences and similarities in their morphology, or in another sense the change and continuity in their planning and design. Meanwhile, the ideas and logics underpinning the changes will be accounted. Finally, design origins and the links between the morphological changes and the broad social process will be discussed in light of the research findings

    Standardisation of Provenance Systems in Service Oriented Architectures --- White Paper

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    This White Paper presents provenance in computer systems as a mechanism by which business and e-science can undertake compliance validation and analysis of their past processes. We discuss an open approach that can bring benefits to application owners, IT providers, auditors and reviewers. In order to capitalise on such benefits, we make specific recommendations to move forward a standardisation activity in this domain

    LPDT2: La plissure du texte 2

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    This paper will discuss the artistic processes involved in the creation of the three dimensional, virtual art installation La Plissure du Texte 2, which is the sequel to Roy Ascott’s ground breaking telematically networked art work La Plissure du Texte, created in 1983 and shown in Paris at the MusĂ©e de l’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris during that same year. While the underlying concepts of the original art work, as well as its capability of regenerating itself as an entirely novel manifestation based upon the concepts of distributed authorship, textual mobility, emergent semiosis, multiple identity, and participatory poesis will be underlined, the main focus of the text will be upon the creative strategies as well as the technological means through which the architecture was brought about in the contemporary creative environment of the metaverse. This paper will discuss the artistic processes involved in the creation of the three dimensional, virtual art installation La Plissure du Texte 2, which is the sequel to Roy Ascott’s La Plissure du Texte. While the underlying concepts of the original art work, as well as its capability of regenerating itself as a novel manifestation will be underlined, the main focus of the text will be upon the creative strategies of LPDT2

    Cooling NZ: institutional drivers behind the growth in air-conditioning

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    Cooling by air-conditioning in buildings has been claimed to be addictive to the occupants. But for every addict there is ‘pusher’ who has introduced and supplies the product. This paper examines the motives of the institutional pushers that promote air-conditioning in the built environment in New Zealand. Compared to many countries, New Zealand has lagged behind in the growth of air-conditioning in the built environment. This makes it an ideal place to observe how various institutions and organisations are either deliberately or unselfconsciously promoting cooling to a population that has, until recently, survived well without it. The paper does not address the air-conditioning industry, as it is self-evident that it will promote its own products. Instead it focuses on those institutions that may ultimately suffer from their own actions. Central government, local government, the electricity supply industry, the Green Building Council, the Property Council, the New Zealand Institute of Architects and others are all ‘pushing’ air-conditioning, even though some may not be aware of it. Behind this is the assumption that there is a never-ending supply of energy and that the narrow band of comfort resulting from air-conditioning is healthy, promotes productivity, reduces complaints, enhances architectural style and is energy efficient. This paper will review the role that each of these institutions plays in the promotion of air-conditioning and discusses the ultimate demise of any building that relies on an uninterrupted supply of grid supplied energy in order to remain habitable. This research into the understanding of how these institutions operate to promote air-conditioning may eventually assist in reversing the process

    Granadan reflections

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    This paper explores a practice of historical reflection grounded in the city of Granada’s aesthetic and architectural heritage. From the publication of Washington Irving’s Tales of Alhambra, in 1823, up through today, Granada has been a highly celebrated destination for travelers and tourists, drawn by the sublimity of its romantic oriental splendor. Yet, although the city is well known for the Orientalist fantasy it puts on display for touristic consumption, here I consider a form of reflection that cannot be encompassed within the protocols of discourse and experience mobilized by the tourist industry, and that indeed, may challenge those protocols and the assumptions about history and geography they entail. Specifically, drawing on the work of the late-nineteenth-century Spanish writer, Angel Ganivet, I trace a tradition of reflection that engages the city’s unique sensory and architectural configuration as the basis from which to reassess Spain’s relation to both Islam and Europe. I conclude with some general observations on the way the sensory and material infrastructure of Moorish Spain mediates and conditions the possibilities of finding a place for Islam in the country today

    The city as one thing

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    This paper summarises the latest theories in the field of space syntax. It opens with a discussion of the relationship between the form of urban grids and the process of how cities are formed by human activity; this is done by a comprehensive review of space syntax theory from its starting point in the1970s. The paper goes on to present research into how cities balance the micro-economic factors which shape the spatial structure of cities with the cultural factors that shape the underlying form of residential areas. It goes on to discuss the relationship between activity and space and how this relationship is formed by the way different activities make different demands on movement and co-presence. The paper ends with a discussion regarding the manner in which patterns of spatial integration influence the location of different classes and social groups in the city and contribute to the pathology of housing estates. The paper concludes that spatial form needs to be understood as a contributing factor in forming the patterns of integration and segregation in cities

    Rethinking Complexity: Vladimir Shukhov’s Steel Lattice Structures

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    This paper is a critical review on advantages and disadvantages of contemporary digital architecture, in retrospect to Vladimir Shukhov's design techniques, applied in the early 20th century. After investigating Shukhov's structural systems, this paper explores the relationship between performance and form, questioning the necessity of high-complexity structures. It will present unpublished archive material of his early work and stimulate a valuable discussion by comparing it with contemporary projects designed by renowned architects. The study on Shukhov focuses on his tessellation method of double-curved surfaces using simple standardized elements. The study of present digital approaches revolves around leading architects using computational tools (e.g. Foster and Partners, Buro Happold and Arup), who have materialized high complexity structures composed by irregular units. Our findings highlight advantages and disadvantages of contemporary computational approaches

    Vimana: A Crisis of Translation

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    The architecture of the Hindu temple, as we know it today, has become a caricature of applied style and a theater for rituals rather than the symbolic representation of the core concepts of Hinduism. There is a disconnection between the beliefs and their translation into architecture, which has resulted in a dissolution and erosion of the temple as a vehicle for the ritual spiritual journey1. The temple is built on a literal and conceptual framework of core essential elements such as the sanctum sanctorum, the roof, the plinth, its orientation on earth, and its function to, metaphorically, transport people from earth to the sky. Lost in this apparent evocation is the ability for the architecture to transmit and provide a permanent built monument to the universe and a conduit for the individual’s soul to realize moksha (ultimate enlightenment). This thesis proposes to design a possible new evolution of the Hindu temple through the identification, extraction, and redefinition of Hindu mythology, cosmology, ritual, architectural tectonics of the temple, and the vimana as a machine. The word vimana first refers to an ancient aircraft extensively documented in ancient Indian scriptures that predate Hindu temples2, translated through history to mean mythological flying palace/chariot, and then phased into temple architectural vocabulary to mean the monumental roof structure over the sanctum. The injection of the vimana’s mechanistic origins back into the temple typology will result in what can be interpreted as a pre-historic future architecture. The ambition for the architecture is to create a meaningful translation of the core essential elements of the Hindu temple and the prehistory of the vimana that will set the groundwork for the temporal continuity of its typology. This thesis may or may not operate as a prototypical framework of the Hindu temple where the essential elements are often combined to communicate its place on earth regardless of context or site


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    [EN] This paper analyses the outstanding universal values, integrity, and authenticity of the city of Gracias (Honduras), as well as its protection and heritage management tools. The main objective is to demonstrate that Gracias meets the UNESCO requirements to qualify as a candidate for inclusion in the International List of the World Heritage Convention (1971). Gracias is a colonial Spanish city, founded in 1536, in the region of Lempira. It had great productive, strategic and administrative importance in Central America, demonstrated in part by its hosting of the Audiencia de los Confines. The Audiencia was the highest court of the Spanish Crown with jurisdiction over the current republics of Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the region of Chiapas. The aim of this court was to represent the interests of the indigenous people in these areas. An on-site analysis, diagnosis and assessment of the heritage elements was carried out from architectural, urban planning, historical, and intangible heritage perspectives. Additionally, other similar sites in Central America have been analysed for comparison. Results show that this city meets criterion iv of the World Heritage Convention: an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history. Furthermore, the city's heritage assets are well-preserved and most of them remain functional; the indigenous culture is alive; and planning, conservation and managing tools are in use. Currently, Gracias maintains its harmony and life and its respect for the natural environment, creating a cultural landscape that has been maintained for almost 500 years.Viñals Blasco, MJ.; Teruel Serrano, MD.; Alonso-Monasterio Fernandez, P. (2020). THE OUTSTANDING UNIVERSAL VALUE OF THE HISTORIC COLONIAL CENTRE OF THE CITY OF GRACIAS (HONDURAS). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Online). 44:565-572. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLIV-M-1-2020-565-2020S5655724
