44,047 research outputs found

    Mapping crime: Understanding Hotspots

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    Application of optimal data-based binning method to spatial analysis of ecological datasets

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    Investigation of highly structured data sets to unveil statistical regularities is of major importance in complex system research. The first step is to choose the scale at which to observe the process, the most informative scale being the one that includes the important features while disregarding noisy details in the data. In the investigation of spatial patterns, the optimal scale defines the optimal bin size of the histogram in which to visualize the empirical density of the pattern. In this paper we investigate a method proposed recently by K.~H.~Knuth to find the optimal bin size of an histogram as a tool for statistical analysis of spatial point processes. We test it through numerical simulations on various spatial processes which are of interest in ecology. We show that Knuth optimal bin size rule reducing noisy fluctuations performs better than standard kernel methods to infer the intensity of the underlying process. Moreover it can be used to highlight relevant spatial characteristics of the underlying distribution such as space anisotropy and clusterization. We apply these findings to analyse cluster-like structures in plants' arrangement of Barro Colorado Island rainforest.Comment: 49 pages, 25 figure

    Unmasking Clever Hans Predictors and Assessing What Machines Really Learn

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    Current learning machines have successfully solved hard application problems, reaching high accuracy and displaying seemingly "intelligent" behavior. Here we apply recent techniques for explaining decisions of state-of-the-art learning machines and analyze various tasks from computer vision and arcade games. This showcases a spectrum of problem-solving behaviors ranging from naive and short-sighted, to well-informed and strategic. We observe that standard performance evaluation metrics can be oblivious to distinguishing these diverse problem solving behaviors. Furthermore, we propose our semi-automated Spectral Relevance Analysis that provides a practically effective way of characterizing and validating the behavior of nonlinear learning machines. This helps to assess whether a learned model indeed delivers reliably for the problem that it was conceived for. Furthermore, our work intends to add a voice of caution to the ongoing excitement about machine intelligence and pledges to evaluate and judge some of these recent successes in a more nuanced manner.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Communication

    Extracting user spatio-temporal profiles from location based social networks

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    Report de RecercaLocation Based Social Networks (LBSN) like Twitter or Instagram are a good source for user spatio-temporal behavior. These social network provide a low rate sampling of user's location information during large intervals of time that can be used to discover complex behaviors, including mobility profiles, points of interest or unusual events. This information is important for different domains like mobility route planning, touristic recommendation systems or city planning. Other approaches have used the data from LSBN to categorize areas of a city depending on the categories of the places that people visit or to discover user behavioral patterns from their visits. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the spatio-temporal behavior of a large number of users in a well limited geographical area can be segmented in different profiles. These behavioral profiles are obtained by means of clustering algorithms that show the different behaviors that people have when living and visiting a city. The data analyzed was obtained from the public data feeds of Twitter and Instagram inside the area of the city of Barcelona for a period of several months. The analysis of these data shows that these kind of algorithms can be successfully applied to data from any city (or any general area) to discover useful profiles that can be described on terms of the city singular places and areas and their temporal relationships. These profiles can be used as a basis for making decisions in different application domains, specially those related with mobility inside and outside a city.Preprin

    Astrometry with the MCAO instrument MAD - An analysis of single-epoch data obtained in the layer-oriented mode

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    Context: Current instrument developments at the largest telescopes worldwide have provisions for Multi-Conjugated Adaptive Optics (MCAO) modules. The large field of view and more uniform correction provided by these systems is not only highly beneficial for photometric studies but also for astrometric analysis of, e.g., large dense clusters and exoplanet detection and characterization. The Multi-conjugated Adaptive optics Demonstrator (MAD) is the first such instrument and was temporarily installed and tested at the ESO/VLT in 2007. We analyzed two globular cluster data sets in terms of achievable astrometric precision. Data were obtained in the layer-oriented correction mode, one in full MCAO correction mode with two layers corrected (NGC 6388) and the other applying ground-layer correction only (47 Tuc). Aims: We aim at analyzing the first available MCAO imaging data in the layer-oriented mode obtained with the MAD instrument in terms of astrometric precision and stability. Methods: We calculated Strehl maps for each frame in both data sets. Distortion corrections were performed and the astrometric precision was analyzed by calculating mean stellar positions over all frames and by investigation of the positional residuals present in each frame after transformation to a master-coordinate-frame. Results: The mean positional precision for stars between K = 14-18 mag is ~1.2 mas in the full MCAO correction mode data of the cluster NGC 6388. The precision measured in the GLAO data (47 Tuc) reaches ~1.0 mas for stars corresponding to 2MASS K magnitudes between 9 and 12. The observations were such that stars in these magnitude ranges correspond to the same detector flux range. The jitter movement used to scan a larger field of view introduced additional distortions in the frames, leading to a degradation of the achievable precision.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Commensurate 4a04a_0 period Charge Density Modulations throughout the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+xBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} Pseudogap Regime

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    Theories based upon strong real space (r-space) electron electron interactions have long predicted that unidirectional charge density modulations (CDM) with four unit cell (4a0a_0) periodicity should occur in the hole doped cuprate Mott insulator (MI). Experimentally, however, increasing the hole density p is reported to cause the conventionally defined wavevector QAQ_A of the CDM to evolve continuously as if driven primarily by momentum space (k-space) effects. Here we introduce phase resolved electronic structure visualization for determination of the cuprate CDM wavevector. Remarkably, this new technique reveals a virtually doping independent locking of the local CDM wavevector at Q0=2π/4a0|Q_0|=2\pi/4a_0 throughout the underdoped phase diagram of the canonical cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8. These observations have significant fundamental consequences because they are orthogonal to a k-space (Fermi surface) based picture of the cuprate CDM but are consistent with strong coupling r-space based theories. Our findings imply that it is the latter that provide the intrinsic organizational principle for the cuprate CDM state

    Fractals and implications for mineral favorability maps: the example of iron oxide-copper-gold deposits from Carajás (PA)

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    Orientadores: Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho, Emmanuel John Muico CarranzaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeociênciasResumo: Desde a definição do conceito da geometria fractal na segunda metade do século XX, a importância dos fractais para a descrição e entendimento de feições geológicas gradualmente ganhou importância. Mais recentemente, diversos trabalhos têm sugerido que a distribuição espacial de depósitos minerais apresenta geometria fractal, a qual representaria a complexa interação de processos geológicos necessários para a gênese de uma mineralização. A manifestação da geometria fractal se dá através da invariância escalar, ou seja, a propriedade de uma feição conservar suas características geométricas independente da escala espacial. Esta característica é promissora para o estudo de depósitos minerais, pois sugere a possibilidade de que informações sobre a geometria da mineralização em uma escala possa ser usada para inferir aspectos da geometria em outras escalas. Uma vez que a geometria das mineralizações é consequência dos controles que atuaram durante e após sua formação, a possibilidade de estudos com uma abordagem fractal tem aplicações teóricas e práticas. Considerando o exposto, a presente pesquisa dedicou-se a investigar se de fato a geometria de depósitos minerais apresenta invariância escalar, e em caso positivo, que informações ela permite inferir sobre os controles de mineralização. Para esta investigação foi escolhida como área de estudo a região do depósito Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) de Sossego, na Província Mineral de Carajás (PA). Depósitos IOCG apresentam forte controle estrutural, que somados a farta disponibilidade de dados nas escalas regional, local e microscópica tornam a área da mina de Sossego ideal para a pesquisa proposta. Assim, os dados já disponíveis na literatura foram integrados com novas medidas estruturais e novas lâminas orientadas de amostras coletadas nas cavas da mina. A geometria da mineralização foi avaliada em três diferentes escalas: na escala regional examinou-se a distribuição espacial dos depósitos IOCG conhecidos; na escala local examinou-se a geometria das estruturas e corpos mineralizados no depósito de Sossego; na escala microscópica foi avaliada a geometria da distribuição espacial e da forma dos grãos de minerais de minério. O conjunto de resultados indica que os depósitos IOCG da região de Carajás, e em particular o depósito de Sossego, apresentam geometria fractal, conservando a orientação e anisotropia nas diferentes escalas. A orientação e anisotropia das mineralizações são aspectos geométricos que resultam diretamente do controle exercido pela trama estrutural subjacente. Desta forma, os resultados indicam que o controle estrutural gera a invariância escalar devido à influência que exerce sobre a permeabilidade das rochas, um fator essencial para a geração de depósitos hidrotermais. A permeabilidade é definida em escala microscópica através de planos de foliação, microfraturas e vênulas, as quais se relacionam diretamente com estruturas de escalas maiores, tais como zonas de cisalhamento, falhas e veios, criando uma rede permeável consistente através das escalas. No caso de Carajás, a geometria destas áreas permeáveis reflete a interação entre uma trama dúctil anterior, de permeabilidade difusa, e uma trama rúptil posterior, com permeabilidade focada. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que a abordagem fractal para o estudo da gênese de depósitos minerais tem potencial concreto para gerar resultados relevantes, inclusive para a avaliação da favorabilidade mineral de áreas em exploraçãoAbstract: Since the concept of fractal geometry was defined in the second half of the twentieth century, the importance of fractals for the description and understanding of geological features has gradually gained importance. More recent work has suggested that the spatial distribution of mineral deposits presents fractal geometry, which represents the complex interaction of geological processes necessary for the genesis of a mineralization. The manifestation of fractal geometry occurs through scale invariance, i.e. the property of a feature that conserves its geometrical characteristics independent of the spatial scale. This property is promising for the study of mineral deposits because it suggests the possibility that information about the geometry of a mineralization at one scale can be used to infer aspects of its geometry at other scales. Since mineralization geometry is a consequence of controls that acted during and after its formation, studies with a fractal approach have theoretical and practical applications. Considering the above, the present research investigated if the geometry of mineral deposits presents scale invariance, and if so, what information it permits to infer about the mineralization controls. For this investigation the study area chosen was the iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) Sossego deposit, in the Carajás Mineral Province (PA). IOCG deposits present strong structural control, which taken in conjunction with data availability at the regional, local and microscopic scales make the Sossego deposit area ideal for the proposed research. Thus, data already available in the literature were integrated with new structural measurements and new oriented thin sections of samples collected in the mine pits. Mineralization geometry was evaluated at three different scales: in the regional scale the spatial distribution of the known IOCG deposits was examined; in the local scale the geometry of the mineralized structures and orebodies at the Sossego deposit was examined; in the microscale the geometry of the spatial distribution and the shape of ore mineral grains were evaluated. The bulk of results indicate that the IOCG deposits of Carajás province, and in particular the Sossego deposit, present fractal geometry, conserving the orientation and anisotropy at the different scales. The orientation and anisotropy of the mineralization are geometric aspects that result directly from the control exerted by the underlying structural framework. As a consequence, the results indicate that the structural control generates the scale invariance due to its influence on rock permeability, an essential factor for the genesis of hydrothermal deposits. Permeability is defined at the microscale through foliation planes, microfractures and veinlets, which are directly related to structures of larger scales, such as shear zones, faults and veins, creating a consistent permeable network throughout the scales. In the case of Carajás, the geometry of these permeable areas reflects the interaction between an older ductile framework with diffuse permeability, and a posterior brittle network with focused permeability. The results of this work suggest that the fractal approach to the study of the genesis of mineral deposits has concrete potential to generate relevant results, including for the evaluation of the mineral favorability on exploration areasMestradoGeologia e Recursos NaturaisMestre em Geociências2015/11186-3401316/2014-9CAPESFAPESPCNP