24 research outputs found

    AER Building Blocks for Multi-Layer Multi-Chip Neuromorphic Vision Systems

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    A 5-layer neuromorphic vision processor whose components communicate spike events asychronously using the address-eventrepresentation (AER) is demonstrated. The system includes a retina chip, two convolution chips, a 2D winner-take-all chip, a delay line chip, a learning classifier chip, and a set of PCBs for computer interfacing and address space remappings. The components use a mixture of analog and digital computation and will learn to classify trajectories of a moving object. A complete experimental setup and measurements results are shown.Unión Europea IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C0

    A multi-chip implementation of cortical orientation hypercolumns

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    This paper describes a neuromorphic implementation of the orientation hypercolumns found in the mammalian primary visual cortex. A hypercolumn contains a group of neurons that respond to the same retinal location, but with different orientation preferences. The system consists of a single silicon retina feeding multiple orientation selective chips, each of which contains neurons tuned to the same orientation, but with different receptive field centers and spatial phases. All chips operate in continuous time, and communicate with each other using spikes transmitted by the asynchronous digital Address Event Representation communication protocol. This enables us to implement recurrent interactions between neurons within one hypercolumn, even though they are located on different chips. We demonstrate this by measuring shifts in orientation selectivity due to changes in the feedback

    Burst synchronization in two pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire neuron circuits

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    The present paper addresses burst synchronization in out of phase observed in two pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire neuron (RFN) circuits. The RFN circuit is a silicon spiking neuron that has second-order membrane dynamics and exhibits fast subthreshold oscillation of membrane potential. Due to such dynamics, the behavior of the RFN circuit is sensitive to the timing of stimuli. We investigated the effects of the sensitivity and the mutual interaction on the dynamic behavior of two pulse-coupled RFN circuits, and will demonstrate out of phase burst synchronization and bifurcation phenomena through circuit simulations.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - ApplicationsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Burst synchronization in two pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire neuron circuits

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    The present paper addresses burst synchronization in out of phase observed in two pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire neuron (RFN) circuits. The RFN circuit is a silicon spiking neuron that has second-order membrane dynamics and exhibits fast subthreshold oscillation of membrane potential. Due to such dynamics, the behavior of the RFN circuit is sensitive to the timing of stimuli. We investigated the effects of the sensitivity and the mutual interaction on the dynamic behavior of two pulse-coupled RFN circuits, and will demonstrate out of phase burst synchronization and bifurcation phenomena through circuit simulations.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - ApplicationsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Emergent Auditory Feature Tuning in a Real-Time Neuromorphic VLSI System

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    Many sounds of ecological importance, such as communication calls, are characterized by time-varying spectra. However, most neuromorphic auditory models to date have focused on distinguishing mainly static patterns, under the assumption that dynamic patterns can be learned as sequences of static ones. In contrast, the emergence of dynamic feature sensitivity through exposure to formative stimuli has been recently modeled in a network of spiking neurons based on the thalamo-cortical architecture. The proposed network models the effect of lateral and recurrent connections between cortical layers, distance-dependent axonal transmission delays, and learning in the form of Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), which effects stimulus-driven changes in the pattern of network connectivity. In this paper we demonstrate how these principles can be efficiently implemented in neuromorphic hardware. In doing so we address two principle problems in the design of neuromorphic systems: real-time event-based asynchronous communication in multi-chip systems, and the realization in hybrid analog/digital VLSI technology of neural computational principles that we propose underlie plasticity in neural processing of dynamic stimuli. The result is a hardware neural network that learns in real-time and shows preferential responses, after exposure, to stimuli exhibiting particular spectro-temporal patterns. The availability of hardware on which the model can be implemented, makes this a significant step toward the development of adaptive, neurobiologically plausible, spike-based, artificial sensory systems

    Neuromorphic Implementation of Orientation Hypercolumns

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    Neurons in the mammalian primary visual cortex are selective along multiple stimulus dimensions, including retinal position, spatial frequency, and orientation. Neurons tuned to different stimulus features but the same retinal position are grouped into retinotopic arrays of hypercolumns. This paper describes a neuromorphic implementation of orientation hypercolumns, which consists of a single silicon retina feeding multiple chips, each of which contains an array of neurons tuned to the same orientation and spatial frequency, but different retinal locations. All chips operate in continuous time, and communicate with each other using spikes transmitted by the address-event representation protocol. This system is modular in the sense that orientation coverage can be increased simply by adding more chips, and expandable in the sense that its output can be used to construct neurons tuned to other stimulus dimensions. We present measured results from the system, demonstrating neuronal selectivity along position, spatial frequency and orientation. We also demonstrate that the system supports recurrent feedback between neurons within one hypercolumn, even though they reside on different chips. The measured results from the system are in excellent concordance with theoretical predictions

    Hardware-Amenable Structural Learning for Spike-based Pattern Classification using a Simple Model of Active Dendrites

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    This paper presents a spike-based model which employs neurons with functionally distinct dendritic compartments for classifying high dimensional binary patterns. The synaptic inputs arriving on each dendritic subunit are nonlinearly processed before being linearly integrated at the soma, giving the neuron a capacity to perform a large number of input-output mappings. The model utilizes sparse synaptic connectivity; where each synapse takes a binary value. The optimal connection pattern of a neuron is learned by using a simple hardware-friendly, margin enhancing learning algorithm inspired by the mechanism of structural plasticity in biological neurons. The learning algorithm groups correlated synaptic inputs on the same dendritic branch. Since the learning results in modified connection patterns, it can be incorporated into current event-based neuromorphic systems with little overhead. This work also presents a branch-specific spike-based version of this structural plasticity rule. The proposed model is evaluated on benchmark binary classification problems and its performance is compared against that achieved using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) techniques. Our proposed method attains comparable performance while utilizing 10 to 50% less computational resources than the other reported techniques.Comment: Accepted for publication in Neural Computatio

    Neuromorphic silicon neuron circuits

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    23 páginas, 21 figuras, 2 tablas.-- et al.Hardware implementations of spiking neurons can be extremely useful for a large variety of applications, ranging from high-speed modeling of large-scale neural systems to real-time behaving systems, to bidirectional brain–machine interfaces. The specific circuit solutions used to implement silicon neurons depend on the application requirements. In this paper we describe the most common building blocks and techniques used to implement these circuits, and present an overview of a wide range of neuromorphic silicon neurons, which implement different computational models, ranging from biophysically realistic and conductance-based Hodgkin–Huxley models to bi-dimensional generalized adaptive integrate and fire models. We compare the different design methodologies used for each silicon neuron design described, and demonstrate their features with experimental results, measured from a wide range of fabricated VLSI chips.This work was supported by the EU ERC grant 257219 (neuroP), the EU ICT FP7 grants 231467 (eMorph), 216777 (NABAB), 231168 (SCANDLE), 15879 (FACETS), by the Swiss National Science Foundation grant 119973 (SoundRec), by the UK EPSRC grant no. EP/C010841/1, by the Spanish grants (with support from the European Regional Development Fund) TEC2006-11730-C03-01 (SAMANTA2), TEC2009-10639-C04-01 (VULCANO) Andalusian grant num. P06TIC01417 (Brain System), and by the Australian Research Council grants num. DP0343654 and num. DP0881219.Peer Reviewe