6 research outputs found

    Improving communication between client and contractor during construction project in Nigerian construction industry

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    Communication today has become the crucial element of every organisation. In construction industry, during construction project, information need to be accurately and timely communicating among project stakeholders in order to realized the project objectives. Poor communication between client and contractor during construction project is one of the major factors that affect project delivery. Therefore the objectives of this research are to investigate the causes and effects of poor communication between client and contractor and the suitable methods to improve communication between the client and contractor. The objectives where achieved by identifying the causes and effects of poor communication between client and contractor, and the methods to improve communication between the client and contractor in the Nigerian construction industry through a statistical analyses. Structured questionnaire was used to 120 combinations of clients and contractors in the construction industry with 80% of response rate. Several analyses such as frequency, mean, ranking and Regression were used to analyze the data. The results shows that, lack of corporation and selfish interest were the most causes of poor communication between the client and contractor. Contrastingly, maintaining integrity and sufficient trust were the most significant ways to improve communication between the client and contractor. The hypothesis reveals that, poor communication between the client and contractor has significant effects on construction projects. This research will profit the client and contractor, and the various project stakeholders in the construction industry, by providing adequate knowledge regarding the causes and effects of poor communication between the client and contractor, so that necessary steps to be taken for prevention. Also it will provide knowledge about the appropriate strategies (method) to employ in order to improve communication between the two parties

    Divide and Conquer: Political Decentralization and Secessionist Suppression in Indonesia and the Philippines

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    This paper examines the roles of identity-based conflict and secessionist sentiment in motivating and affecting political decentralization in middle-income democracies. The literature on decentralization largely assumes a link between the process and increased political accountability and service delivery effectiveness; however, these theories do not take into account cases in which national crisis and regional instability are the primary motives to decentralize. This paper hypothesizes that when decentralization occurs in direct response to threats of secession, the quality of its political accountability and service delivery mechanisms will be lower than would otherwise be predicted. Two cases are considered: the Philippines, whose decentralization occurred under a stable and well-institutionalized democratic regime, and Indonesia, which radically and rapidly decentralized in the face of high-intensity conflicts in Aceh, Maluku, and Papua. Ultimately, the careful construction and implementation of a moderate devolution program in the Philippines led to success in the areas of political accountability and service delivery, while the more extreme Indonesian program faced long-term challenges and shortcomings in those same areas. Neither country, however, can be said to have successfully eliminated regional separatism or otherwise incorporated discontented groups into their devolved systems, suggesting that this process represents a particular challenge to newly decentralized regimes


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    NÄR WILLYS MÖTE WILLMA, En fallstudie i samspelet mellan butikskoncept och mĂ€nniska

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    Titel: NÄR WILLYS MÖTTE WILLMA, en fallstudie i samspelet mellan butikskoncept och mĂ€nniska Seminariedatum: 2008-06-05 Ämne: FEKK01, Kandidatuppsats, Företagsekonomi 15 poĂ€ng Författare: Sebastian Andersson, MĂ„rten MĂ„rtensson, Natally Netterby Handledare: HĂ„kan Lagerquist Nyckelord: Dagligvaruhandel, butikskoncept, innovation, kulturutvidgning, organisationens livscykel Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att beskriva och analysera den förĂ€ndringsproblematik som kan uppstĂ„ dĂ„ nya sĂ€tt att arbeta och tĂ€nka introduceras frĂ„n ledningshĂ„ll i en organisation samt hur dessa bör hanteras för att nĂ„ konkurrenskraftiga lösningar. Metod: Studien Ă€r en fallstudie med i huvudsak abduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom personliga, kvalitativa intervjuer som varit semistrukturerade till sin karaktĂ€r. Den kvalitativa ansatsen Ă€r vald för att kunna ge en djup och nyansrik bild av det valda fallet. Teori: Den organisatoriska livscykeln anvĂ€nds för att klargöra förĂ€ndringsproblematiken. Teorier om kulturell förĂ€ndring syftar till att utröna hur en förĂ€ndring bör ske. Styrning och motivation kan hĂ€r ses som verktyg i förĂ€ndringsarbetet. Lean production och relations-modellen anvĂ€nds för diskussion kring lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbara lösningar. Empiri: Studieobjektet Ă€r Willys organisation och omfattar Willys huvudkontor i Göteborg, pilotbutiken för Willmakonceptet i Söndrum, Halmstad samt Ă€ven Willys i Ystad. Intervjuerna har omfattat bĂ„de personer pĂ„ ledningsnivĂ„ och i butik, butikschefer och personal. Resultat: Genom studien har vi kommit fram till att det finns ett glapp i hur ledning och butiksmedarbetar ser pĂ„ organisationen och dess arbete. De befinner sig i olika faser i den organisatoriska livscykeln vilket vi förklarar genom att en förĂ€ndring av detta slag tar tid att fĂ„ genomslag i en sĂ„ stor organisation. För att lyckas med den förĂ€ndring företaget stĂ„r inför anser vi att en kulturell utvidgning Ă€r nödvĂ€ndig dĂ€r fokus ligger pĂ„ andra styrformer och motivatorer Ă€n tidigare. FörĂ€ndringen bör gĂ„ mer mot klanstyrning och interaktiv motivation. Dessutom menar vi att ett utvecklat lean- och relationstĂ€nkande kan hjĂ€lpa organisationen med att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för en framgĂ„ngsrik nĂ€sta fas