619,619 research outputs found

    Organizational Memory: an Approach from Knowledge Management and Quality Management of Organizational Learning Perspectives

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    The recognition of the fact that, as of late, knowledge represents one of the most important assets of an organization, decisively influencing its competitiveness, has led to some comprehensive approaches of organizational memory. The organizational memory and the organizational learning capacity are the main sources for a competitive edge, so the main challenge is to effectively manage knowledge while maintaining the quality of formation services. The scientific investigation of literature (Crosby, 1979; Deming, 1982; Juran, 1990; Barcet and Bonamy, 1994; Barnabé, 1997; Bouchard and Plante, 2002; Demeuse and Strauven, 2006) specific to the area of management of services related to organizational learning, reveals the orientation of research, based on: (a) conformity between delivered services and the demanded characteristics or specifications; (b) meeting client’s needs; (c) studying the existing adequacy between result and what had been announced, foreseen or promised; (d) improving overall functioning of the organization by defining and implementing of a quality project, one that will involve the whole necessary staff for satisfying the needs of the learners. This paper will present: (1) contributions to a coherent point of view regarding the organizational memory from the perspective of the principles of quality management of services associated to organizational learning and based upon Knowledge Management; (2) the analysis of the main quality models that may be employed in organizational learning related services; (3) a study regarding the perception of successful organizational factors in the field of Knowledge Management-based training services amongst Romanian companies and institutions.organizational learning services quality management, organizational learning success model, cognitive acquis, organizational memory, knowledge management methods

    Mapping knowledge management and organizational learning in support of organizational memory

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    The normative literature within the field of Knowledge Management has concentrated on techniques and methodologies for allowing knowledge to be codified and made available to individuals and groups within organizations. The literature on Organizational Learning however, has tended to focus on aspects of knowledge that are pertinent at the macro-organizational level (i.e. the overall business). The authors attempt in this paper to address a relative void in the literature, aiming to demonstrate the inter-locking factors within an enterprise information system that relate knowledge management and organizational learning, via a model that highlights key factors within such an inter-relationship. This is achieved by extrapolating data from a manufacturing organization using a case study, with these data then modeled using a cognitive mapping technique (Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping, FCM). The empirical enquiry explores an interpretivist view of knowledge, within an Information Systems Evaluation (ISE) process, through the associated classification of structural, interpretive and evaluative knowledge. This is achieved by visualizng inter-relationships within the ISE decision-making approach in the case organization. A number of decision paths within the cognitive map are then identified such that a greater understanding of ISE can be sought. The authors therefore present a model that defines a relationship between Knowledge Management (KM) and Organisational Learning (OL), and highlights factors that can lead a firm to develop itself towards a learning organization

    Strategic Impact of Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning on the Percieved Performance of Selected Banks in Oyo State of Nigeria.

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    This study investigated the impact of  knowledge management and organizational learning on the perceived performance of selected banks in Oyo State of Nigeria. The study aimed at determining the main and interactive effect of knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, knowledge interpretation, organizational memory, system orientation strategy and human orientation strategy on organizational performance. It also looked at the nexus between knowledge management variables as well as organizational learning variables and organizational performance.  Four hypotheses were formulated and tested using Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Canonical Correlation and Multiple Regression. The findings showed that the independent variables (knowledge acquisition, knowledge distribution, knowledge interpretation, organizational memory, system orientation strategy and human orientation strategy) were predictors of organizational performance. The study also established a significant positive relationship between knowledge management variables as well as organizational learning variables and organizational performance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that  there  is a  need  for organizations  especially  banks  to efficiently and effectively manage knowledge and embrace individual and group learning in order to improve organizational performance and gain sustainable  competitive  advantage. Keywords: Knowledge management, organizational learning, strategic management , resource based view , organizational performance

    Creating Knowledge in a High-Tech French SME.

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    This paper deals with organizational learning and knowledge creation in Allcapt, a high-tech French SME, through two different experiences : A technological innovation, dealing with the design of temperature sensors for Ariane V launcher, and an organizational innovation, dealing with human resource management. The paper results from a field research conducted in Allcapt’s plant between 1996-2000. The various stages and steps of the technological and organizational dimensions of problem solving are presented in order to add to existing case studies on organizational learning and knowledge creation, as they are useful to make comparative studies. The same data is also used to propose a deconstruction of the concept of organizational learning and knowledge creation in its different components according to the case in hand. For Allcapt, the proposed relevant deconstruction is the “technological” and the “organizational” aspects of learning and knowledge creation. Allcapt succeeded in the technological innovation challenge, but has been less successful in the organizational aspects, as demonstrated by attempts at innovative experiences in human resource management. This supports the notion that the success in one aspect will not guarantee success in the second aspect, and some of the reasons explaining this divergence are presented in the paper.organizational learning, knowledge creation

    Knowledge management and organizational learning: Strategies and practices for innovation

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    In a globalised competitive world, organisations are looking for ways to gain or maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Of the important challenges facing firms and organizations three are of prime importance: (1) for organizations to know what they know and maximise the transfer of this knowledge throughout their organisation; (2) finding ways of working which assist in maintaining their competitive advantage and finding new ways of gaining competitive advantage often through innovation, and (3) continuously learning through the exploitation of existing resources and capabilities and the exploration of new resources and capabilities to improve their performance. These challenges are interrelated. This paper investigates some of the extensive literature on innovation and knowledge management and suggests propositions for future research

    Organizational Learning-knowledge Management Integration and Individual Performance

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    Utilization of qualified human resources will provide benefits for an organization. One way to create qualified human resources is to increase their knowledge. Knowledge management is, therefore, needed to improve organizational performance. Understanding the organization as an attempt at improving the performance of individuals is not limited only to the implementation of knowledge management but also to the needs of other components that can complement the knowledge of individuals with the aim of enhancing organizational performance. One component that can help improve knowledge management is organizational learning. The integration of organizational learning and knowledge management is expected to enhance the individual knowledge in the existing business for the purpose of improving individual performance. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of organizational learning-knowledge management integration on individual performance. The result shows that organizational learning-knowledge management integration has a positive effect on individual performance.     Keywords: organizational learning, knowledge management, organizational learningknowledge management integration, individual performanc

    The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning within Middle and Senior Managers of Iranian Public Organizations

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning. The sample for the study is consisted of 270 middle and senior managers from the 28 public organizations in Iran. The study utilized both quantitative data (questionnaire) and qualitative data (interview). Amah (2013) KM questionnaires and Watkins and Marsiek (2003) organizational learning were used. The reliability of the questionnaires in Iran renew determined. The pearson rank correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Model using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 were utilized for the analysis of data. Our finding revealed a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning. Specifically, knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization were revealed to have a positive and significant influence on organizational learning. Based on this finding, it was concluded that knowledge management enhances organizational learning. It is recommended that organizations should continue to strengthen their knowledge management practices especially knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization in their everyday activities as this is a sure guarantee for their learning. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Organizational learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Storage, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge utilization


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    The goal of our study is to examine, how the logic of change management implementation and analysing raster of success factors helps to lay the foundation of building up knowledge management system. We led our research first of all along theoretical basis building upon technical literature. We present a generally utilized changing logic extracting those essential elements that get similar importance in the course of building up a learning organizational culture. As a result of our work we established that the utilization of change management logic is indispensable for the successful formation of corporate knowledge management system. Accordingly with the appearance of the demand on continuous learning and putting the individual in the centre both on individual- group- and organizational level simplify work. Comparing the two logics confirms our hypothesis.organization, change management, knowledge, learning organization, knowledge management.

    The relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning within middle and senior managers of Iranian public organizations

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning. The sample for the study is consisted of 270 middle and senior managers from the 28 public organizations in Iran. The study utilized both quantitative data (questionnaire) and qualitative data (interview). Amah (2013) KM questionnaires and Watkins and Marsiek (2003) organizational learning were used. The reliability of the questionnaires in Iran renew determined. The pearson rank correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Model using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 were utilized for the analysis of data. Our finding revealed a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational learning. Specifically, knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization were revealed to have a positive and significant influence on organizational learning. Based on this finding, it was concluded that knowledge management enhances organizational learning. It is recommended that organizations should continue to strengthen their knowledge management practices especially knowledge acquisition, knowledge storage, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization in their everyday activities as this is a sure guarantee for their learning. Keywords: Knowledge Management, Organizational learning, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Storage, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge utilization