1,910 research outputs found

    Specifying and Placing Chains of Virtual Network Functions

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    Network appliances perform different functions on network flows and constitute an important part of an operator's network. Normally, a set of chained network functions process network flows. Following the trend of virtualization of networks, virtualization of the network functions has also become a topic of interest. We define a model for formalizing the chaining of network functions using a context-free language. We process deployment requests and construct virtual network function graphs that can be mapped to the network. We describe the mapping as a Mixed Integer Quadratically Constrained Program (MIQCP) for finding the placement of the network functions and chaining them together considering the limited network resources and requirements of the functions. We have performed a Pareto set analysis to investigate the possible trade-offs between different optimization objectives

    Network service chaining with efficient network function mapping based on service decompositions

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    Network Service Chaining (NSC) is a service concept which promises increased flexibility and cost-efficiency for future carrier networks. The two recent developments, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), are opportunities for service providers to simplify the service chaining and provisioning process and reduce the cost (in CAPEX and OPEX) while introducing new services as well. One of the challenging tasks regarding NFV-based services is to efficiently map them to the components of a physical network based on the services specifications/constraints. In this paper, we propose an efficient cost-effective algorithm to map NSCs composed of Network Functions (NF) to the network infrastructure while taking possible decompositions of NFs into account. NF decomposition refers to converting an abstract NF to more refined NFs interconnected in form of a graph with the same external interfaces as the higher-level NF. The proposed algorithm tries to minimize the cost of the mapping based on the NSCs requirements and infrastructure capabilities by making a reasonable selection of the NFs decompositions. Our experimental evaluations show that the proposed scheme increases the acceptance ratio significantly while decreasing the mapping cost in the long run, compared to schemes in which NF decompositions are selected randomly

    Impact of Processing-Resource Sharing on the Placement of Chained Virtual Network Functions

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) provides higher flexibility for network operators and reduces the complexity in network service deployment. Using NFV, Virtual Network Functions (VNF) can be located in various network nodes and chained together in a Service Function Chain (SFC) to provide a specific service. Consolidating multiple VNFs in a smaller number of locations would allow decreasing capital expenditures. However, excessive consolidation of VNFs might cause additional latency penalties due to processing-resource sharing, and this is undesirable, as SFCs are bounded by service-specific latency requirements. In this paper, we identify two different types of penalties (referred as "costs") related to the processingresource sharing among multiple VNFs: the context switching costs and the upscaling costs. Context switching costs arise when multiple CPU processes (e.g., supporting different VNFs) share the same CPU and thus repeated loading/saving of their context is required. Upscaling costs are incurred by VNFs requiring multi-core implementations, since they suffer a penalty due to the load-balancing needs among CPU cores. These costs affect how the chained VNFs are placed in the network to meet the performance requirement of the SFCs. We evaluate their impact while considering SFCs with different bandwidth and latency requirements in a scenario of VNF consolidation.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computin

    Traffic-Aware Deployment of Interdependent NFV Middleboxes in Software-Defined Networks

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    Middleboxes, such as firewalls, Network Address Translators (NATs), Wide Area Network (WAN) optimizers, or Deep Packet Inspector (DPIs), are widely deployed in modern networks to improve network security and performance. Traditional middleboxes are typically hardware based, which are expensive and closed systems with little extensibility. Furthermore, they are developed by different vendors and deployed as standalone devices with little scalability. As the development of networks in scale, the limitations of traditional middleboxes bring great challenges in middlebox deployments. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technology provides a promising alternative, which enables flexible deployment of middleboxes, as virtual machines (VMs) running on standard servers. However, the flexibility also creates a challenge for efficiently placing such middleboxes, due to the availability of multiple hosting servers, capabilities of middleboxes to change traffic volumes, and dependency between middleboxes. In our first two work, we addressed the optimal placement challenge of NFV middleboxes by considering middlebox traffic changing effects and dependency relations. Since each VM has only a limited processing capacity restricted by its available resources, multiple instances of the same function are necessary in an NFV network. Thus, routing in an NFV network is also a challenge to determine not only via a path from the source to destination but also the service (middlebox) locations. Furthermore, the challenge is complicated by the traffic changing effects of NFV services and dependency relations between them. In our third work, we studied how to efficiently route a flow to receive services in an NFV network. We conducted large-scale simulations to evaluate our proposed solutions, and also implemented a Software-Defined Networking (SDN) based prototype to validate the solutions in realistic environments. Extensive simulation and experiment results have been fully demonstrated the effectiveness of our design

    Service Function Graph Design And Embedding In Next Generation Internet

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Defined Networking (SDN) are viewed as the techniques to design, deploy and manage future Internet services. NFV provides an effective way to decouple network functions from the proprietary hardware, allowing the network providers to implement network functions as virtual machines running on standard servers. In the NFV environment, an NFV service request is provisioned in the form of a Service Function Graph (SFG). The SFG defines the exact set of actions or Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) that the data stream from the service request is subjected to. These actions or VNFs need to be embedded onto specific physical (substrate) networks to provide network services for end users. Similarly, SDN decouples the control plane from network devices such as routers and switches. The network control management is performed via an open interface and the underlying infrastructure turned into simple programmable forwarding devices. NFV and SDN are complementary to each other. Specifically, similar to running network functions on general purpose servers, SDN control plane can be implemented as pure software running on industry standard hardware. Moreover, automation and virtualization provide both NFV and SDN the tools to achieve their respective goals. In this dissertation, we motivate the importance of service function graph design, and we focus our attention on the problem of embedding network service requests. Throughout the dissertation, we highlight the unique properties of the service requests and investigate how to efficiently design and embed an SFG for a service request onto substrate network. We address variations of the embedding service requests such as dependence awareness and branch awareness in service function graph design and embedding. We propose novel algorithms to design and embed service requests with dependence and branch awareness. We also provide the intuition behind our proposed schemes and analyze our suggested approaches over multiple metrics against other embedding techniques

    Towards cloud-aware policy enforcement with universal cloud classification as a service (UCCaaS) in software defined networks

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    Network services are a critical component of today's networks. They apply critical functions (e.g. security, routing or quality of service) to traffic to enhance the network operators and application consumers experience. Today these services are inserted physically on the data-forwarding plane without providing much flexibility to deal with different traffic types or affiliations. Cloud Computing, however, demands policy enforcement on a per-Provider, per-Service and/or per-Tenant basis. In addition, there is an increasing need for dynamic transparent network chaining independent of the underlying transport infrastructure. We first introduce the concept of Universal Cloud Classification as a Service (UCCaaS). Followed by highlighting how it can be leveraged in conjunction with Network Service Headers (NSH) to address above challenges. UCC provides an addressing scheme to isolate traffic streams on a per-provider, per-service and/or per-tenant basis. To enable bi-directional policy enforcement in network functions we extend the UCC proposal by adding source and destination support. NSH is a way to steer network traffic dynamically across a set of network functions. We demonstrate the feasibility and advantages of our UCCaaS + NSH proposal with an example application, where a service chain defines Access Control Lists and traffic rate limiting on a per-Service and per-Tenant basis. Our proposal opens a door for a wide range of cloud-aware network services and functions