30,989 research outputs found

    Deployable Payloads with Starbug

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    We explore the range of wide field multi-object instrument concepts taking advantage of the unique capabilities of the Starbug focal plane positioning concept. Advances to familiar instrument concepts, such as fiber positioners and deployable fiber-fed IFUs, are discussed along with image relays and deployable active sensors. We conceive deployable payloads as components of systems more traditionally regarded as part of telescope systems rather than instruments - such as adaptive optics and ADCs. Also presented are some of the opportunities offered by the truly unique capabilities of Starbug, such as microtracking to apply intra-field distortion correction during the course of an observation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Proc. SPIE 6273 "Opto-Mechanical Technologies for Astronomy

    Computer aided processing using laser measurements

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    The challenge exists of processing the STS and its cargo through KSC facilities in the most timely and cost effective manner possible. To do this a 3-D computer graphics data base was established into which was entered the STS, payloads, and KSC facilities. The facility drawing data are enhanced by laser theodolite measurements into an as-built configuration. Elements of the data base were combined to study orbiter/facility interfaces payload/facility access problems and design/arrangement of various GSE to support processing requirements. With timely analysis/design utilizing the 3-D computer graphics system, costly delays can be avoided. Better methodology can be analyzed to determine procedures for cost avoidance

    Discharge from critical care into the community for end-of-life care

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    This article discusses the considerations and actions taken to facilitate the discharge of a ventilated end-of-life patient called Michael, whose name has been changed for confidentiality, from a critical care unit (CCU) to his expressed preferred place of care. It focuses on how the district nurse (DN) and the single point of access (SPA) for end-of-life care teams by working between primary and secondary care services and across organisational service units were able to facilitate this discharge and achieve the wishes of Michael to die peacefully at home. For all services involved, this proved to be a complex discharge and following completion of the care episode a root cause analysis was undertaken to capture the lessons learnt and advise the CCU at a services debrief how discharges to the community from the CCU could be improved

    Electromagnetic containerless processing requirements and recommended facility concept and capabilities for space lab

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    Containerless melting, reaction, and solidification experiments and processes which potentially can lead to new understanding of material science and production of new or improved materials in the weightless space environment are reviewed in terms of planning for spacelab. Most of the experiments and processes discussed are amenable to the employment of electromagnetic position control and electromagnetic induction or electron beam heating and melting. The spectrum of relevant properties of materials, which determine requirements for a space laboratory electromagnetic containerless processing facility are reviewed. Appropriate distributions and associated coil structures are analyzed and compared on the basis of efficiency, for providing the functions of position sensing, control, and induction heating. Several coil systems are found capable of providing these functions. Exchangeable modular coils in appropriate sizes are recommended to achieve the maximum power efficiencies, for a wide range of specimen sizes and resistivities, in order to conserve total facility power

    Characteristics and capacities of the NASA Lewis Research Center high precision 6.7- by 6.7-m planar near-field scanner

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    A very precise 6.7- by 6.7-m planar near-field scanner has recently become operational at the NASA Lewis Research Center. The scanner acquires amplitude and phase data at discrete points over a vertical rectangular grid. During the design phase for this scanner, special emphasis was given to the dimensional stability of the structures and the ease of adjustment of the rails that determine the accuracy of the scan plane. A laser measurement system is used for rail alignment and probe positioning. This has resulted in very repeatable horizontal and vertical motion of the probe cart and hence precise positioning in the plane described by the probe tip. The resulting accuracy will support near-field measurements at 60 GHz without corrections. Subsystem design including laser, electronic and mechanical and their performance is described. Summary data are presented on the scan plane flatness and environmental temperature stability. Representative near-field data and calculated far-field test results are presented. Prospective scanner improvements to increase test capability are also discussed

    NASA/MSFC Large Stretch Press Study

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    The purpose of this study was to: A. assess and document the advantages/disadvantages of a government agency investment in a large stretch form press on the order of 5000 tons capacity (per jaw); B. develop a procurement specification for the press; and C. provide trade study data that will permit an optimum site location. Tasks were separated into four major elements: cost study, user survey, site selection, and press design/procurement specification

    Optimal path of a moving service vehicle on network with probabilistic demands

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    In this paper, I examine twofold problem. The first one is concerned with finding the optimal location of a single facility in a network with demands randomly distributed over the edges. The second problem is about determining the optimal path between two specified nodes of the network of a moving vehicle that continuously interacts with randomly distributed requests for service over the edges. The problems are investigated using different performance measures and probability distributions of the demands

    A feasibility study: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection utilization of infrared technologies for wildland fire suppression and management

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    NASA's JPL has completed a feasibility study using infrared technologies for wildland fire suppression and management. The study surveyed user needs, examined available technologies, matched the user needs with technologies, and defined an integrated infrared wildland fire mapping concept system configuration. System component trade-offs were presented for evaluation in the concept system configuration. The economic benefits of using infrared technologies in fire suppression and management were examined. Follow-on concept system configuration development and implementation were proposed

    Parametric study of ion heating in a burnout device (HIP-1)

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    Results of further studies on the Lewis Research Center hot-ion plasma source (HIP-1) are reported. Changes have been made in both the electrode geometry and materials to produce higher ion temperatures. Ion temperature increased significantly with increased vacuum pumping speed. The best ion temperatures achieved, so far, for H(+), D(+), and He(+) plasmas are estimated to be equal to, or greater than 0.6, equal to, or greater than 0.9, and equal to, greater than 2.0 keV, respectively. Electrode pairs produced high ion temperatures whether on the magnetic axis or off it by 5.5 cm. Multiple sources, one on-axis and one off-axis, were run simultaneously from a single power supply by using independent gas feed rates. A momentum analyzer has been added to the charge-exchange neutral particle analyzer to identify particles according to mass, as well as energy. Under any given plasma condition, the higher mass ions have higher average energies but not by as much as the ratio of their respective masses