689 research outputs found

    Multilayered Heterogeneous Parallelism Applied to Atmospheric Constituent Transport Simulation

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    Heterogeneous multicore chipsets with many levels of parallelism are becoming increasingly common in high-performance computing systems. Effective use of parallelism in these new chipsets constitutes the challenge facing a new generation of large scale scientific computing applications. This study examines methods for improving the performance of two-dimensional and three-dimensional atmospheric constituent transport simulation on the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (CBEA). A function offloading approach is used in a 2D transport module, and a vector stream processing approach is used in a 3D transport module. Two methods for transferring incontiguous data between main memory and accelerator local storage are compared. By leveraging the heterogeneous parallelism of the CBEA, the 3D transport module achieves performance comparable to two nodes of an IBM BlueGene/P, or eight Intel Xeon cores, on a single PowerXCell 8i chip. Module performance on two CBEA systems, an IBM BlueGene/P, and an eight-core shared-memory Intel Xeon workstation are given

    A Paradigm Shift: Supply Chain Collaboration and Competition in and between Europe’s Chemical Clusters

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    With the attention of the chemical industry focused on exploiting the low cost feedstocks in the Middle East and the growth markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South East Asia, this report provides a timely reminder to policy makers, chemical companies and logistics service providers of the significant opportunities for improving business potential in Europe’s chemical clusters. Europe is still the largest, most sophisticated global market for chemical products, with a well developed, efficient, highly productive asset base, sound infrastructure, leading edge research and development and significant purchasing power. Provided these advantages are sustained, including continued attention to asset maintenance and operational and supply chain improvements, Europe can remain a competitive force in the global market place, despite what the doom-mongers may say to the contrary. ..

    The role of seaports in green supply chain management : initiatives, attitudes, and perspectives in Rotterdam, Antwerp, North Sea Port, and Zeebrugge

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    Green supply chain management (GSCM) can be defined as the integration of environmental concerns into the inter-organizational practices of supply chain management (SCM). This paper analyzes the role of seaports in the greening of supply chains in two ways. First, the fields of action to pursue GSCM objectives in ports are identified and grouped. The proposed typology includes five groups of actions, i.e., green shipping; green port development and operations; green inland logistics; seaports and the circular economy; and, actions in the field of knowledge development and information sharing. In the empirical part of the paper, this typology is used to analyze green actions and initiatives developed by market players and port authorities in the Rhine-Scheldt Delta, the leading European port region in cargo throughput terms. This structured overview of green actions and initiatives shows that these ports are hotbeds for GSCM initiatives, but progress in some areas remains slows. The second part of the analysis focuses on the attitudes and perceptions of port-related actors towards the greening of port-related supply chains. A large-scale survey conducted in the Belgian and Dutch logistics and port industry reveals that greening has been put massively on the agenda by the firms between 2010 and now. The results give a clear view on the diverse drivers and impediments towards the greening of supply chains. In addition, one can still see a gap between words and actions. The survey further points to the role of governments as catalysts or soft enforcers for change, and calls for continuity and coherence in government policy. This paper is the first study providing a comprehensive analysis on initiatives, approaches, and perspectives of port-related actors in a specific multi-port region

    Roadmap on multimode photonics

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    Multimode devices and components have attracted considerable attention in the last years, and different research topics and themes have emerged very recently. The multimodality can be seen as an additional degree of freedom in designing devices, thus allowing for the development of more complex and sophisticated components. The propagation of different modes can be used to increase the fiber optic capacity, but also to introduce novel intermodal interactions, as well as allowing for complex manipulation of optical modes for a variety of applications. In this roadmap we would like to give to the readers a comprehensive overview of the most recent developments in the field, presenting contributions coming from different research topics, including optical fiber technologies, integrated optics, basic physics and telecommunications
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